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In my living room,there is a plaque (匾) that advises me to“Bloom (开花) where you are planted.” It reminds me of Dorothy.I got to know Dorothy in the early 1980s,when I was teaching Early Childhood Development through a program with Union College in Barbourville,Kentucky.The job responsibilities required occasional visits to the classroom of each teacher in the program.Dorothy stands out in my memory as one who“bloomed”in her remote area.
Dorothy taught in a school in Harlan County,Kentucky,Appalachian Mountain area.To get to her school from the town of Harlan,I followed a road winding around the mountain.In the eight­mile journey,I crossed the same railroad track five times,giving the possibility of getting caught by the same train five times.Rather than feeling excited by this drive through the mountains,I found it depressing.The poverty level was shocking and the small shabby houses gave me the greatest feeling of hopelessness.
From the moment of my arrival at the little school,all gloom (忧郁) disappeared.Upon arriving at Dorothy’s classroom.I was greeted with smiling faces and treated like a queen.The children had been prepared to show me their latest projects.Dorothy told me with a big smile that they were serving poke greens salad and cornbread for“dinner”(lunch).In case you don’t know,poke greens are a weed­type plant that grows wild,especially on poor ground.
Dorothy never ran out of reports of exciting activities of her students.Her enthusiasm never cooled down.When it came time to sit for the testing and interviewing required to receive her Child Development Associate Certification,Dorothy was ready.She came to the assessment and passed in all areas.Afterward,she invited me to the one­and­only steak house in the area to celebrate her victory,as if she had received her Ph.D.degree.After the meal,she placed a little box containing an old pen in my hand.She said it was a family heirloom (传家宝),but to me it is a treasured symbol of appreciation and pride that cannot be matched with things.
小题1:“Early Childhood Development”in Paragraph 1 refers to________.
A.a program directed by Dorothy
B.a course given by the author
C.an activity held by the students
D.an organization sponsored by Union college
小题2:In the journey,the author was most disappointed at seeing________.
A.the long track
B.the poor houses
C.the same train
D.the winding road
小题3:Upon arriving at the classroom,the author was cheered up by________.
A.a warm welcome
B.the sight of poke greens
C.Dorothy’s latest projects
D.a big dinner made for her
小题4:What can we know about Dorothy from the last paragraph?
A.She was invited to a celebration at a restaurant.
B.She got a pen as a gift from the author.
C.She passed the required assessment.
D.She received her Ph.D.degree.
小题5:What does the author mainly intend to tell us?
A.Whatever you do,you must do it carefully.
B.Whoever you are,you deserve equal treatment.
C.However poor you are,you have the right to education.
D.Wherever you are,you can accomplish your achievement.


小题1:解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段的第三句“...when I was teaching Early Childhood Development through a program with Union College in Barbourville,Kentucky.”可知,Early Childhood Development是由作者任教的一门课程,故B项正确。Early Childhood Development不是Dorothy指导的项目,她只是参与作者从事的项目的一位教师,A项错误;Early Childhood Development也不是学生举办的一次活动,C项错误;Early Childhood Development是一门课程,而不是由Union College发起的一个组织,D项错误。
小题2:解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句:“...the small shabby houses gave me the greatest feeling of hopelessness.”可知,看到破旧的小屋时作者感到最失望,而不是看见“长长的轨道”“同一列火车”或“蜿蜒的道路”时,所以正确答案是B。
小题3:解析:选A。推理判断题。推理判断就是根据已知的材料内容、已有的经验和知识结构,进行合乎上下文情景的推断。因此,不能只看语言文字堆积成的表象材料,而应读懂语言背后的意思。根据第三段第二句“Upon arriving at Dorothy’s classroom,I was greeted with smiling faces and treated like a queen.”可知作者一到Dorothy的教室,就受到了“女王”般的待遇,即受到了热烈欢迎,所以正确答案是A。
小题4:解析:选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段第四句“She came to the assessment and passed in all areas.”可知她通过了所需的评估,所以正确答案是C。A、B两项的描述与原文相反,应该是她请作者去吃饭庆祝,并送给作者一支钢笔;原文中说她像得到博士学位一样高兴,而不是真的得到了博士学位,故D项错误。
小题5:解析:选D。主旨归纳题。作者在文章开头提到了那块有着不寻常意义的匾上的字,“Bloom where you are planted.”,即“在你被播种的地方开花”,并通过一个真实的故事告诉我们,不管我们在哪里,都可以实现自己的梦想,取得成就,所以正确答案是D。
试题【In my living room,there is a plaque (匾) that advises me to“Bloom (开花) where you 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Argentina in the late nineteenth century was an exciting place.Around 1870,it was experiencing an economic(经济的)boom,and the capital,Buenos Aires,attracted many people.Farmers,as well as a flood of foreigners from Spain and Italy,came to Buenos Aires seeking jobs.These jobs didn’t pay well,and the people felt lonely and disappointed with their new life in the city.As the unhappy newcomers mixed together in the poor parts of the city,the dance known as the tango(探戈舞)came into being.
At the beginning the tango was a dance of the lower classes.It was danced in the bars and streets.At that time there were many fewer women than men,so if a man didn’t want to be left out,his only choice was to dance with another man so that he could attract the attention of the few available women.Gradually,the dance spread into the upper classes of Argentinean society and became more respectable.
In Europe at this time,strong interest in dance from around the world was beginning.This interest in international dance was especially evident in Paris.Every kind of dance from ballet(芭蕾舞)to belly dancing could be found on the stages of the Paris theaters.After tango dancers from Argentina arrived in Europe,they began to draw the interest of the public as they performed their exciting dance in cafes.Though not everyone approved of the new dance,saying it was a little too shocking,the dance did find enough supporters to make it popular.
The popularity(流行)of the tango continued to grow in many other parts of the world.Soldiers who returned to the United States from World War I brought the tango to North America.It reached Japan in 1926,and in 2003 the Argentinean embassy in Seoul hired a local tango dancer to act as a kind of dance ambassador,and promote tango dancing throughout South Korea.
小题1:The origin of the tango is associated with________.
A.belly dancers
B.American soldiers
C.a Spanish city
D.the capital of Argentina
小题2:Which of the following is true about the tango?
A.It was created by foreigners from Spain and Italy.
B.People of the upper classes loved the tango most.
C.It was often danced by two males in the beginning.
D.A dancer in Seoul became the Argentinean ambassador.
小题3:Before World War I,the tango spread to________.
C.FranceD.South Korea
小题4:What can be the best title for the text?
A.How to Dance the Tango
B.The History of the Tango
C.How to Promote the Tango
D.The Modern Tango Boom

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Mark Twain has been called the inventor of the American novel.And he surely deserves additional praise:the man who popularized the clever literary attack on racism.
I say clever because anti­slavery fiction had been the important part of the literature in the years before the Civil War.H.B.Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin is only the most famous example.These early stories dealt directly with slavery.With minor exceptions,Twain planted his attacks on slavery and prejudice into tales that were on the surface about something else entirely.He drew his readers into the argument by drawing them into the story.
Again and again,in the postwar years,Twain seemed forced to deal with the challenge of race.Consider the most controversial,at least today,of Twain’s novels,Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.Only a few books have been kicked off the shelves as often as Huckleberry Finn,Twain’s most widely read tale.Once upon a time,people hated the book because it struck them as rude.Twain himself wrote that those who banned the book considered the novel“trash and suitable only for the slums(贫民窟).”More recently the book has been attacked because of the character Jim,the escaped slave,and many occurrences of the word nigger.(The term Nigger Jim,for which the novel is often severely criticized,never appears in it.)
But the attacks were and are silly—and miss the point.The novel is strongly anti­slavery.Jim’s search through the slave states for the family from whom he has been forcibly parted is heroic.As J.Chadwick has pointed out,the character of Jim was a first in American fiction—a recognition that the slave had two personalities,“the voice of survival within a white slave culture and the voice of the individual:Jim,the father and the man.”
There is much more.Twain’s mystery novel Pudd’nhead Wilson stood as a challenge to the racial beliefs of even many of the liberals of his day.Written at a time when the accepted wisdom held Negroes to be inferior (低等的) to whites,especially in intelligence,Twain’s tale centered in part around two babies switched at birth.A slave gave birth to her master’s baby and,for fear that the child should be sold South,switched him for the master’s baby by his wife.The slave’s light­skinned child was taken to be white and grew up with both the attitudes and the education of the slave­holding class.The master’s wife’s baby was taken for black and grew up with the attitudes and intonations of the slave.
The point was difficult to miss:nurture (养育),not nature,was the key to social status.The features of the black man that provided the stuff of prejudice—manner of speech,for example—were,to Twain,indicative of nothing other than the conditioning that slavery forced on its victims.
Twain’s racial tone was not perfect.One is left uneasy,for example,by the lengthy passage in his autobiography (自传) about how much he loved what were called“nigger shows”in his youth—mostly with white men performing in black­face—and his delight in getting his mother to laugh at them.Yet there is no reason to think Twain saw the shows as representing reality.His frequent attacks on slavery and prejudice suggest his keen awareness that they did not.
Was Twain a racist? Asking the questioning the 21st century is as wise as asking the same of Lincoln.If we read the words and attitudes of the past through the“wisdom”of the considered moral judgments of the present,we will find nothing but error.Lincoln,who believed the black man the inferior of the white,fought and won a war to free him.And Twain,raised in a slave state,briefly a soldier,and inventor of Jim,may have done more to anger the nation over racial injustice and awaken its collective conscience than any other novelist in the past century.
小题1:How do Twain’s novels on slavery differ from Stowe’s?
A.Twain was more willing to deal with racism.
B.Twain’s attack on racism was much less open.
C.Twain’s themes seemed to agree with plots.
D.Twain was openly concerned with racism.
小题2:Recent criticism of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn arose partly from its________.
A.target readers at the bottom
B.anti­slavery attitude
C.rather impolite language
D.frequent use of“nigger”
小题3:What best proves Twain’s anti­slavery stand according to the author?
A.Jim’s search for his family was described in detail.
B.The slave’s voice was first heard in American novels.
C.Jim grew up into a man and a father in the white culture.
D.Twain suspected that the slaves were less intelligent.
小题4:The story of two babies switched mainly indicates that________.
A.slaves were forced to give up their babies to their masters
B.slaves’ babies could pick up slave­holders’ way of speaking
C.blacks’social position was shaped by how they were brought up
D.blacks were born with certain features of prejudice
小题5:What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 7 refer to?
A.The attacks.
B.Slavery and prejudice.
C.White men.
D.The shows.
小题6:What does the author mainly argue for?
A.Twain had done more than his contemporary writers to attack racism.
B.Twain was an admirable figure comparable to Abraham Lincoln.
C.Twain’s works had been banned on unreasonable grounds.
D.Twain’s works should be read from a historical point of view.

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A little boy was learning to play the piano in a musical school.One day,Paderewski,who was a very famous ____in Poland,was holding a piano concert in his city.Wishing to encourage her young son"s ____ on the piano,his mother took the boy to the Paderewski concert.After they were seated,the mother ____a friend in the audience,who she hadn"t met for a long time.So she walked down the aisle(过道)to ____her.The mother and her friend stood ____happily for a while before the ____.Seizing the opportunity,the little boy rose and eventually made his way through a door ____“No Admittance”to explore the wonders of the concert hall.
When the house lights became ____and the concert was about to begin,the mother returned to her ___.And she discovered that her child was ____.She looked around,but her son was nowhere to be seen.Suddenly,the ____parted and spotlights ____on the impressive piano on the stage.To her ___,the mother saw her little boy sitting at the ___,innocently playing Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star on the piano.
At that moment,the great piano master made his entrance.He____moved to the piano in a hurry,and ___in the boy"s ear,“Don"t ____.Keep playing.”Then leaning over,Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass(低音的)part.Soon his____arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato(伴奏).Together,the old master and the young beginner transformed a frightening situation into a (n) ____experience.
The audience had never seen such a performance form.They listened curiously and attentively,____in the wonderful music world.
A.violinist B.scientist
A.progress B.curiosity
C.made D.treated
A.congratulate B.welcome
C.greet D.help
A.chatting B.quarreling
A.class B.lecture
C.meeting D.performance
A.decorated B.equipped
A.dim B.bright
C.shiny D.colorful
A.home B.table
C.seat D.piano
A.missing B.sick
A.friends B.door
C.stage D.curtain
A.insisted B.took
C.focused D.agreed
A.horror B.delight
C.shame D.pride
C.spotlight D.entrance
A.quickly B.angrily
A.shouted B.cried
A.wait B.quit
C.speak D.play
C.right D.left
A.creative B.attractive
C.embarrassing D.puzzling
A.engaged B.caught
C.involved D.lost

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A mouse looked through a crack(裂缝) in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package. “What food might this contain?”The mouse____.He was alarmed to discover that it was a mousetrap(捕鼠夹子).
Going back to the farmyard the mouse gave a(n)____:“There is a mousetrap!” The chicken raised her head and said: “Mr Mouse, I can tell this is a big____to you, but it is of no consequence to me.I cannot be____by it.”
The mouse  turned  to  the  pig. “I  am  so  sorry,”sympathized the pig, “but there is____I can do about it but____.I will make sure that you are in my prayers.”
The mouse turned to the cow.“Mr Mouse, I"m sorry for you,____it"s no skin off my nose,” said she.
So he returned to the house, head down and___, to face the farmer"s mousetrap alone.
That very night a sound was heard throughout the house,like the sound of a mousetrap____its prey.The farmer"s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she didn"t see that it was a____ snake whose tail the trap had caught.The snake bit her.
The farmer rushed her to the hospital.She returned home with a fever.Now everyone knows you____a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took a knife to the____for the chicken.
His wife"s sickness___so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock.To feed them the farmer killed the pig.
The farmer"s wife didn"t get____and died.So many people came for her____that the farmer had the____ killed so as to____meat for all of them to eat.
The mouse looked upon it all from his____in the wall with great____.
So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn"t concern you, remember—when one of us is threatened, we are all at____.
A.whispered B.shouted
C.wondered D.hesitated
A.warning B.message
A.surprise B.concern
A.bothered B.cheated
C.murdered D.exchanged
A.anything B.something
A.wait B.pray
C.avoid D.prevent
C.but D.for
C.depressed D.satisfied
A.catching B.protecting
C.gathering D.collecting
A.poisonous B.nervous
C.fat D.big
C.abandon D.examine
A.room B.farmyard
C.kitchen D.wall
A.appeared B.reduced
C.disappeared D.continued
A.good B.safe
C.quiet D.well
A.funeral B.event
C.farm D.death
A.chicken B.cow
C.snake D.pig
C.provide D.supply
C.crack D.expression
C.tiredness D.carelessness
C.sight D.work

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
One cold afternoon a postman was slowly pushing his mail cart (邮车)____the hill that led out of the small town of lane.He was walking very____because there was a lot of ice on the____.He had only one more letter to deliver(传递), and this was for an old lady who lived at the____.Everybody____her “grandma”.
She had lived alone____her daughter had____to Hawaii many years before.She used to invite the postman____for coffee whenever he____her letter, and she would tell him about her two grandchildren in Hawaii,whom she had____seen.However, she had lots of____of them, which she used to____him.
Just as the____came near her gate,a small boy came____down the hill.Suddenly the boy slipped on the ice and fell.The postman stopped his mail cart and hurried____the street to help the boy.After a quick____,he saw that he had hurt his leg very badly.In fact, he was____that the boy"s leg had been broken. He knew that “grandma” did not have a____,so he stopped a____driver and asked him to____the boy to Lance Hospital.
A.down B.up
C.along D.around
A.bravely B.carefully
C.fast D.slowly
A.cart B.ground
C.field D.road
A.gate B.bottom
C.end D.top
A.named B.shouted
A.ever sinceB.just as
C.ever afterD.until
A.left B.came
C.moved D.been
A.carried B.sent
C.wrote D.brought
A.already B.often
C.never D.hardly
A.pictures B.letters
C.news D.things
A.tell B.show
C.give D.send
A.postman B.lady
C.children D.boy
A.and ran B.to run
C.ran D.running
A.in B.on
A.search B.look
C.hurry D.test
A.sad B.angry
A.driver B.TV set
C.telephone D.radio
A.passing B.careful
C.good D.walking
A.send B.bring
C.get D.take

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