12. —It is reported in the local newspaper that the murderer was caught in a small town.
A.Justice has long arms | B.One false move may lose the game |
C.Lies have short legs | D.Kings go mad, and the people suffer from it |
试题【12. —It is reported in the local newspaper that the murderer was caught in a sma】;主要考察你对句式等知识点的理解。[详细]
13. The struggle against the bird flu and the suffering _________ brought about have become a big concern across the world.
A.which has | B.it is | C.it has | D.what is |
二. 单项选择:(15分)
21. _____ to become a film star.
A.No every child wants | B.No every child want |
C.Not every child wants | D.Not every child want |
28.Finding her car stolen,__________.
A.a policeman was asked to help. | B.the area was searched thoroughly |
C.it was looked for everywhere | D.Mrs Green reported it to the police |
28. A heavy snow promises a good harvest, _____ is often the case.
A.where | B.as | C.that | D.What |
34. By no means _____ of our students to drop out of school.
A.will we allow | B.we will allow | C.we allow | D.must we allow |
- 1如图,已知二次函数的图象经过A(2,0)、B(0,﹣6)两点.(1)求这个二次函数的解析式.(2)设该二次函数的对称轴与
- 2如图所示,电源的电压为U,A为理想电流表,V1和V2为理想电压表,R1为定值电阻,R2为滑动变阻器,那么,当闭合开关S后
- 3标志着抗日民族统一战线初步形成的事件是[ ]A、皇姑屯事件 B、西安事变的和平解决C、重庆谈判 D、九一八事变
- 4请在下面横线处填入合适的内容。(7分,每空0.5分)①贾雨村出任金陵应天知府,遇到的第一个案子就是 抢夺
- 5 —_______ do you have a sports meet at your school?—Once a y
- 6今年是公元2014年,公元纪年是现在通行的纪年方式,它的产生与下列哪一宗教有关A.基督教B.道教C.伊斯兰教 D.佛教
- 7如图,它需再添一个面,折叠后才能围成一个正方体,下图中的黑色小正方形分别由四位同学补画,其中正确的是[ ]A.B
- 8They____to settle in the countryside after they retired in
- 9为适应火车提高速度的需要,许多铁路的短轨需连接为长轨.工程技术人员常用点燃铝粉和氧化铁粉末的混合物,生成熔融状态的铁(反
- 10阅读材料,回答问题二十年来,我国的货币政策进行过多次调整,上个世纪八十年代末至九十年代初,国民经济运行出现了较为严重的通
- 1住在非洲沙漠的居民,由于没有电,夏天无法用电冰箱保鲜食物,当地人发明了一种简易“沙漠冰箱”,如图所示。它由内罐和外罐组成
- 2【题文】若集合,,且,则的值为( )A.B.C.或D.或或
- 3对任意的x∈R,定义在R上的奇函数f(x)满足:f(x+3)=-f(x+4),则f(1000)=( )A.-1B.1C
- 4(8分)用图(a)所示的实验装置验证牛顿第二定律.(1)某同学通过实验得到如图(b)所示的图象,造成这一结果的原因是:在
- 5一只笼子中装有若干只蜘蛛和3只甲虫,共42条腿,每只蜘蛛8条腿,每条甲虫6条腿,则笼子中蜘蛛有[ ]A.1只 B
- 6天然水需经净化才能饮用。下面是自来水厂净水流程示意图:天然水沉降→过滤→吸附自来水,其中常用的絮凝剂是[ ]A.
- 7抛物线的顶点坐标是( )A.(0,1)B.(0,一1)C.(1,0)D.(一1,0)
- 8阅读下面的文言文,完成后面题目。(9分,每小题3分) 古砚说[明]许獬余家有古砚,往年得之友人所遗者,受而置之,当一砚之
- 9生物多样性对人类的贡献是巨大的,保护生物多样性匹夫有则,从现实角度讲我们应该采取哪些有利措施?
- 10在,则的值是( )A.B.1C.D.2