With too many construction projects______ all the strength out of the economy , people of the small country complained a lot .
试题【With too many construction projects______ all the strength out of the economy , 】;主要考察你对现在分词等知识点的理解。[详细]
The White Horse Temple in Luoyang is one of the first historic buildings________ to receive special state protection.
A.listed | B.having been listed | C.being listed | D.listing |
. With the whole village _______, the villagers had to move to higher land, waiting for help.
A.flooding | B.having flooded |
C.flooded | D.to be flooded |
I have never seen the word ______ that way before.
A.to use | B.used | C.using | D.to be used |
She looked up and nodded for me ______..
A.to come in | B.coming in | C.came in | D.come in |
. He was late again ! We won’t let him_________ the same excuse this time .
A.break away from | B.get away with | C.get away from | D. get rid of |
- 1计算:+(711﹣2010)0+|﹣2|﹣
- 2对待过错我们应当持什么样的态度?____________________________________________
- 3有体积相同、相等pH的烧碱溶液和氨水,下列叙述中正确的是( )A.两溶液物质的量浓度相同B.用同浓度的盐酸中和时,消耗
- 4按课文原文填空。(1) 君问归期未有期, 。(李商隐《夜雨寄北》)(2)
- 5某汽车运输公司购买了一批新型大客车投入客运,据市场分析,每辆客车营运的总利润y(单位:10万元)与营运年数x(x∈N*)
- 6-- Are you happy with this laboratory? -- Not a little. We c
- 7莱布尼兹说过:“世界上没有两片完全相同的叶子,也没有性格完全相同人。”这告诉我们 [ ]A.树叶的种类多种多样B
- 8At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing Ri
- 9某溶液中可能含有7种离子:H+、NH4+、Fe3+、Al3+、SO42-、CO32-、HCO3-中的某几种,下列说法不正
- 10如图,E是▱ABCD的边AD的中点,CE与BA的延长线交于点F,若∠FCD=∠D,则下列结论不成立的是( )A.AD=
- 1已知函数f(x)的定义域为[-1,5],部分对应值如下表,f(x)的导函数y=f′(x)的图象如下图所示,下列关于函数f
- 2它是最早成为中国被迫开放的通商口岸之一,无产阶级在这里首先登上历史舞台,中国共产党也从这里开始踏上革命征程。今天,它已经
- 3They arrive_____Beijing _____nine_____the evening.[ ]A.
- 4【题文】设函数是(-,+)上的减函数,若,则( )A.B.C.
- 5若集合,则A∩B等于
- 6Your money could _______ better use instead of _____ idle in
- 7【选修3-3选做题】液晶既具有液体的性质,又具有晶体的性质.液晶表面层的分子势能__________(选填“大于”、“等
- 8设椭圆M:(a>b>0)的离心率与双曲线x2﹣y2=1的离心率互为倒数,且内切于圆x2+y2=4.(1)求椭圆M的方程;
- 9如图1是我国古代著名的“赵爽弦图”的示意图,它是由四个全等的直角三角形围成的.若AC=12,BC=10,将四个直角三角形
- 10,则 ( )A.B.C.D.