In modern civilization, mankind is destroying the planet, all __________ progress.
A.as a result of | B.in the name of | C.in a state of | D.by the side of |
试题【In modern civilization, mankind is destroying the planet, all __________ progres】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]
We must set a limit __________ the expense of the trip.
A.to | B.on | C.for | D.with |
--- Shall we go for a walk _________ watch TV?
---That’s a good idea.
A.instead of | B.rather than | C.in place of | D.in the place of |
Tony had prevented Claire _____harming herself through her own sense of failure.
A.from | B.for | C.of | D.to |
He stood last but one among the twenty interviewees, _________, he failed the interview.
A.in other words | B.in this way | C.in general | D.in detail |
I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else - ________, I was wasting my time.
A.in a word | B.in all | C.in other words | D.in words |
- 1关于x的一元二次方程、(1)求p的取值范围; (2)若,求的值.
- 2下列物质不属于合金的是[ ]A.水银 B.黄铜 C.不锈钢
- 3已知函数f(x)在(-∞,+∞)上是增函数,a,b∈R,且a+b>0,则有[ ]A.f(a)+f(b)>-f(a
- 4甲、乙两人同时参加奥运志愿者的选拔赛,已知在备选的10道题中,甲能答对其中的6题,乙能答对其中的8题,规定每次考试都从备
- 5如图,在梯形ABCD中,AB∥CD,E,F是线段AB上的两点,且DE⊥AB,CF⊥AB,AB=12,AD=5,BC=4,
- 6如图,MN为⊙O的直径,A、B是⊙O上的两点,过A作AC⊥MN于点C,过B作BD⊥MN于点D,P为DC上的任意一点,若M
- 7﹣的倒数是[ ]A.B.﹣2C.2D.
- 8(2013年广东梅州3分)“节约光荣,浪费可耻”,据统计我国每年浪费粮食约8000000吨,这个数据用科学记数法可表示为
- 9下面是一份家长会邀请函,在表达上有五处不妥当,请指出并改正。(5分)邀请函尊敬的家长:时光如梭,转眼间您的孩子已进入生死
- 10如下图,在长方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中, AA1=3,AD=4,AB=5,沿长方体的表面从 A到C1的最短距离为[
- 1下面文字中画线部分的词语,有的使用不当,请指出并改正,使修改后的这段文字衔接自然,语意连贯,逻辑严密。 三仙姑对女儿小
- 2若点P(x,y)的坐标满足于x+y=xy,则称P点是“和谐点”,下面各点,符合这个要求的是( )A.(1,1)B.(-
- 3已知双曲线的离心率="2" ,则双曲线的焦距为 .
- 4鸦片战争后,在西方经济侵略下,中国自然经济开始解体,下列说法最能说明其含义的是A.清政府被迫放弃闭关政策与西方开埠通商B
- 5藻类植物的结构都比较________,大都生活在_____中。
- 6I want to improve my learning efficiency(效率) _____ have more
- 7请从下面提供的名著情节中,任选两个按要求填表。名著情节:A.母亲死后与外祖母相依为命,童年经历痛苦与磨难B.全身瘫痪,双
- 8设阿伏加德罗常数为NA,则下列说法中正确的是( )A.标准状况下,NA个SO3分子的体积约为22.4LB.水的摩尔质量
- 9The accident was _________his careless driving.[ ]A. due
- 10已知集合A={0,1},B={-1,0,a+3},且A⊆B,则a=______.