A warm - heart nurse on her first day’s work came to | 76.__________________ |
a patient. She asked him she could do anything for | 77.__________________ |
him, and he only waved his hands and said something | 78.__________________ |
she could hardly understand. She asked him again | 79.__________________ |
and he just kept saying the different words, but | 80.__________________ |
in a more lower voice, before closing his eyes. She | 81.__________________ |
felt his pulse and found him death. She rushed to | 82.__________________ |
repeat to the doctor sounds she had heard. “My | 83.__________________ |
dear girl,” said the doctor after listen carefully to | 84.__________________ |
what she repeats,“he was saying you’re standing on my oxygen pipe.” | 85.__________________ |
A few months after returning the U. S. from Germany, I took 76._____
part in a college course in French. Since I have learned 77.________
to say German well in Germany, I thought it might be 78.________
interested to begin studying another language. At the 79.________
first class, a teacher asked us to do a pronunciation 80._______
exercise, in it he would say a word or two in French, and 81.________
each student would do their best to copy( 模仿). When 82.________
my turn came, he kept having me to say more words, and I 83.________
finally asked him why.“I find it great fun,”he explained 84.________
it. “In 25 years of teaching at school, it"s the first time 85.________
I"ve heard an American speak French with a German accent.”
I was worried about him and went to see him after the school. 62.________
When I enter his room,he struggled up to welcome 63.________
me.I let him lay down again.Mr Wang looked pale. 64.________
I asked about his trouble.He said he was having 65.________
a bad cold.Then he had a bad cough.After take some 66.________
medicine he was getting better.He asked me that we 67.________
liked the teacher who took place.When he heard 68.________
everything was all right,I could see he was pleasing. 69.________
Finally I asked him don’t to worry about the work 70.________
and have a good rest.
A terrible storm took place in a summer night.The 61.______
wind was so strong that many trees brought down.It 62.______
was already eleven o’clock.Li Ming who had been to 63.______
night school,was still not back and her parents were 64.______
very anxious.Half an hour later the wind stopped,and it 65.______
was still raining,Li Ming’s parents were about to looking 66.______
for him when he returned.Li Ming explained the storm has 67.______
pushed over many big trees as well telephone lines,blocking 68.______
the roads and that the bridge had been washed away by 69.______
the floods.So they had been to find another way back. 70.______
- 1我们提倡“初中生应该逐渐提高自主学习能力”,这里的自主学习是指[ ]①逐步摆脱对父母、老师的依赖②遇到难题自己攻
- 2在下面句子的横线处填上最恰当的关联词语。 在众声喧哗中,尽可能打捞那些沉没的声音,是社会管理者应尽之责。以政府之力,维
- 3在探究“某固体熔化时温度的变化规律”实验中,小明将适量的某固体的粉末装在试管中,所用的实验装置如图所示.(1)将试管放在
- 4下列关于金属材料用途的说法中正确的是( )A.铅的密度比铁大,用铅做菜刀、锤子会比铁好B.银的导电性比铜好,所以通常
- 5目前高中毕业会考中,成绩在85~100为“A”,70~84为“B”,60~69为“C”,60分以下为“D”.编制程序,输
- 6读下面这段文字,根据拼音写出相应汉字。(3分)不淡不浓的银辉,在天地间酿造出一派婉柔馨郁、欲说还休的情yùn( ),远
- 7将某样本数据分析整理后分成8组,且组距为5,画频数分布折线图时,求得某组的组中值恰好为18.则该组是( )A.10.5
- 8在△ABC中,cos2B2=a+c2c,(a,b,c分别为角A,B,C的对边),则△ABC的形状为( )A.正三角形B
- 9下图是有关电磁现象实验的装置图,其中用来研究电磁感应现象的是( )A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁
- 10(本小题满分14分)已知定义域为[0, 1]的函数f(x)同时满足: ①对于任意的x[0, 1],总有f(x)≥0;
- 12011年5月22 凌晨,中国篮球巨星姚明妻子叶莉在美国休斯敦当地医院顺利产下一女。姚明女儿将是哪国公民,引起了广大球迷
- 2郭明义,在家庭生活并不富裕的情况下,累计为“希望工程”捐款10余万元,先后资助:180多名特困生。20多年来,他积极参加
- 3依据下面提供的上联,请联系生活拟写出下联。 昔日范仲淹忧乐关乎天下, 。
- 4阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 "Tell me what are you going t
- 5将26g不纯的氯化钡粉末(杂质不溶于水,也不参加反应)加入到一定量的硫酸钠溶液中恰好完全反应,得到23.3g沉淀和溶质质
- 6 小明全家准备第二天到郊外秋游,又担心天气状况,晚上收看天气预报后,全家人很高兴。他们看到的理想天气符号是 [
- 7在甲烧杯中放入盐酸,乙烧杯中放入醋酸,两种溶液的体积和pH都相等,向两烧杯中同时加入质量不等的锌粒,反应结束后得到等量的
- 8人的能卷舌(A)对不能卷舌(a)为显性。如果一对夫妇都是能卷舌(Aa),其子女是不能卷舌的百分比约为 [ ]A.
- 9一弹簧振子由平衡位置开始做简谐运动,周期为T.则在t1时刻(t1<T/4)与t2时刻(t2=t1+T/2),A.振子的速
- 10下图示意19902011年某城市人口自然增长率和净迁入率变动情况读图回答下列问题。小题1:该城市人口增长最快的年份是