当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线...
注意:    1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
I have many friends, and I have only one good friend. Her name is Zhou Fang. Fang is my closed friend in our school. After class, we always take walk in the garden and talk about a lot of thing. We talk to the topics in the newspaper, some difficulty math problems and so on. Fang can even be my teacher because of she often offers me good advice. We are very happy when they get together. Friendship helps me grow and enjoying my life. We all need friends because friendship are wealth!

1. and I have… and改为 but
2. my closed friend… closed改为close
3. take walk… walk 前加a
4. a lot of thing… thing 改为 things
5. we talk to… to 改为 about
6. difficulty math problems… difficulty改为difficult
7. because of she … 去掉of
8. they get together… they 改为 we
9. enjoying my life… enjoying改为enjoy
10. friendship are wealth … are 改为is

Making new friends means _小题1:______(put) yourself out on a limb and asking others not only to accept you, but to like you and want to be around you as well. ____小题2:____(fortunate), there is no magical solution ___小题3:___ this part of the process, so if you want to make friends, take a deep breath and jump right in!
_小题4:____ first step to making new friends is figuring out what is holding you back. A lot of times people _小题5:____ are interested in making new friends don’t know why they don’t have them already. They can’t see that _小题6:____ own actions are working against them.
Once you can identify(确认,确定) what is keeping you from making new friends, you need to work through these concerns. This can be painful _小题7:_____ you will need to put yourself outside of your comfort zones to see any real differences.
The next step is to shine in these social settings so that others will leave with a positive ___小题8:____ (impress). If you find social situations hard, just rely on a few simple rules.
When you feel ___小题9:____ (confidence) that you’ve made some great new friends, get out there and celebrate with them! No matter ____小题10:____ you decide to do, the important thing is to celebrate your new friends and hopefully continue cultivating more.
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In that terrible earthquake, ______ who were killed was more than 60,000.
A.a number of peopleB.many peopleC.a large number peopleD.the number of people

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Believe it or not, he spends _____of his money helping those who are in need of help.
A.two-threesB. two- threeC.two-thirdD.two-thirds

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I am now a good student in my class. But you don’t know   小题1:  I started senior English in the beginning, I found it difficult and quite different   小题2: what we learned in junior school.  小题3: _ the help of my teacher, I realized the 小题4: (important) of English, so I was小题5: (determine) to learn English well. From then on, every morning I recited English words,  小题6: (listen) to English tapes and did a lot of  小题7: (exercise). My English teacher,  小题8:  is good at  小题9: (make) her class lively and interesting, is happy to see this.
Now I have made such great progress in my English study that I am  小题10:  (much) interested in learning it than before.
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阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。(注意:如选E,则同时填涂A 和B ;如选F,则同时填涂C 和D 。)
You and Me, Baby – for Baby-Grade 1, 40 pages; only 4 left in stock -order soon. Want it delivered Thursdays, September 27.
Ruff! Ruff! Where’s Scruff?—for baby-preschool; 16 pages; where is scruff hiding? It is hiding on every pop -up page!
The Giving Tree-for ages 4-8; 64 pages; once there was a tree, she loved a little boy. Every day the boy would come to the tree to eat her apples, …
Where the Wild Things Are-for ages 6-10; 62 pages. There is a tiger in the store. Someone calls her when she is at checkout.
Goodnight Moon(Board book)-for baby -preschool; 30pages;
Perhaps the perfect children’s bedtime book, goodnight moon is a short poem of goodnight wishes from a young rabbit.
F.   Guess How Much I Love You-for ages 9-12;
a young rabbit name Little Nutbrown Hare thinks
he’s found a way to measure the boundaries of love
小题1:Mrs. Green is a nurse. She has a lovely daughter in grade 1. She often says to her “Hey, baby! Look at you, looking at me, looking at you looking at me”She wants to buy a book with 40 pages for her.
小题2:Joe, a pupil in grade 3, enjoys reading picture books about animals. There is such a sentence on the first page: in a heartwarming twist on the “I can do anything you can do better” theme, Little Nutbrown Hare…”
小题3:Tong tong’s father bought him a book for his fifth birthday on July 2. Now he is reading” but as the boy grew older he began to want more apples from the tree…”
小题4:Mr. Smith has a four-year-old grandson, who likes to listen to some stores about animals and read picture books with a hide-and-seek adventure and lots of pop-up surprises on every page!
小题5:Susan’s mother bought her four-year-old daughter a new book today. It has many good bedtime activities. By the end of the little rabbit’s goodnight poem, it’s getting dark with nightfall.
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