当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 第一节:阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示;2)首字母提示;3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单...
For many of today’s advertisers,_____(重复)old       
ideas is not a successful a_____(方法).They realise     
that it does not matter how____(吸引的)the idea         
l____with the product is—most people know that the     
main p______of the advertisement is making               
c_____spend money.Instead,these advertisers look for     
other ways to  make people n______their products.      
The top advertisers of today believe that using___(幽默) 
as well as new and____(不寻常)ideas to surprise people   
is important in modern advertisements.Their aim is to   
_____(创造)something that has never been seen before and is
fanscinating for peopleto look at.By doing this,they
hope to make people forget that someone is trying to
sell them something.  


4.考查过去分词做定语:linked with和…有关,修饰the idea
10.     考查动词:create创造
If you have decided to study abroad, you might be looking for effective ways to prepare your language skills before you depart. Some students attend ESL (English as a Second Language) classes at local schools while others practice with   1  conversational partner. However, for those in situations   2  these two options are not available, studying ESL online might be the next alternative.
During the past decade, many websites have sprung up on the Internet,   3  (provide) ESL activities to help people practice the major language skills  4  grammar, reading, and vocabulary. Perhaps the  5  (great) interests for students are websites that focus on listening and speaking skills. In the past, listening to audio online was a very slow process, but since high-speed connections appeared, things  6  (change) greatly. A simple Internet search using the term “ESL” will bring up thousands of relevant websites out there, but not all the sites are the same. you want to find a site that is suitable for you, you should look among those that combine good contents with a user-friendly interface and style.
Finally, no matter which site you end up visiting, you should set some goals  8  your study.   9  might include the number of vocabulary you want to learn, specific grammar structures you want to review,  10  even how many minutes you want to read aloud from a newspaper in English.
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阅读下列应用文及相关信息, 并按照要求匹配信息。选项中有一项是多余的。把选项的编号填写在答题纸对应位置上。
A.Career Services (Room 113)
The staff of the Career Services center advise students on career choices and applications of for higher education. They also help students and graduates apply their academic and life experiences to achieving career fulfillment, provide them with the services and resources necessary to make better informed career decisions and help them develop the skills necessary to progress their career plans.
Opening Hours: Monday through Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: (412) 396-6644 Fax: (412) 396-6644
B.The Accommodation Office ( Room 114)
The Accommodation Office is the place to find every thing concerning accommodation during your studying at this university. It offers a free advisory service and a wide range of handbooks and checklists covering the full range of housing available. In addition to this, the office also offers other services, such as the allocation of places in local residences and the provision of information regarding privately owned accommodation.
Opening Hours: Monday through Friday: 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Phone : (412) 396-6754 Fax: (412) 396-6752
C.Medical Center (Room 115)
The staff of the Medical Center aim to provide convenient and comprehensive medical care to students and staff of the university. The center is well equipped and the staff here are trained to deal with a broad range of medical problems. Both female and male doctors as well as nursing staff are available for consultation. Also, all kinds of medicines are sold here and are cheaper for students than other drugstores.
Opening Hours: 24 hours from Monday to Sunday
Phone : (412) 396-6649 Fax: (412) 396-6648
D.The Sports Office (Room 207)
Sport and recreation play an important role in the lives of students. The university has lots of indoor and outdoor sports facilities and all students are encouraged to participate in some form of sport and recreation. This office can provide information about sporting and activities to keep you fit.
Opening Hours: Monday through Friday: 7:00am - 10:00pm
Phone : (412) 396-6877  Fax: (412) 396-6876
E. Food Service (Room 127)
Tasty, nutritious meals and a wide variety of snacks are available from the cafeterias on campus. Maybe you are not familiar with different cafeterias here and find it difficult to get a good meal. Don’t worry! The Food Service can provide you with specific information on the food available here and offers meal plans based on your individual needs.
Opening Hours: Monday through Friday: 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Phone: (412) 396-6899  Fax: (412) 396-6890
F. Library (Room 215)
There are various books and reference materials in every subject here including literature, art and math. Besides books, there are also photo-copying, video, audio-visual and computing facilities. Our collection is big and our main task is to help you solve problems on making use of the library.
Opening Hours: Monday through Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Phone: (412) 396-6312  Fax: (412) 396-6706
1. Richard is a foreign student majoring in medicine. He can adjust himself to the weather but he is having a lot of difficulties in getting used to the diet at the college cafeterias.
2. John is fond of sports. He plays football every day.  Unfortunately, he injured his leg while he was playing this morning. He urgently needs some medical help.
3. Lucy is new student from Washington, and she often arrives at the college late since she lives far away from the university, so she desperately needs to find a new place to live in.
4. Alice is going to leave university next year. She is preparing her papers and has to do a lot of research. She would like to find books on literature and learn how to use the audio-visual facilities.
5. Rosemary studies in the department of computer science. She is really interested in this field, so she plans to be engaged in this booming industry after her graduation, but before she makes a final decision, she wants to consult experienced teachers.
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For centuries people dreamed of going into space. This dream began to seem possible when high-flying rockets were built in the early 1900s.
In 1903 a Russian teacher named Konstantin Tsiolkovsky figured out how to use rockets for space travel. His plan was the first one in rocket science to use correct scientific calculation. About 30 years later, a U.S. scientist named Robert Goddard built the first rockets that could reach high altitudes. During World War II, German scientists built large rockets that could travel very far and carry dangerous explosives. After the war, scientists from Germany went to the United States and the Soviet Union to help those countries build space rockets.
These two countries were soon racing to get to space first. Each of these countries wanted to prove that it was stronger and more advanced than the other one. Both countries also had powerful bombs. People in the United States were worried when the Soviets were first to launch a space satellite, which was called Sputnik. The Soviets were also first to send a person into space. Yury Gagarin orbited the earth in the Vostok I spaceship in 1961.
The US government set a goal for its space program to be the first country to put a person on the Moon. The U.S. space program built a series of Apollo spaceship. These vehicles were powered by huge Saturn 5 rockets. In 1969 Apollo II took three men to the moon successfully. Nell Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon.
The Soviets may have lost the race to fly people to the Moon, but they built the first space station in 1971. The United States also built a space station. The space stations allowed people to live and work in space. Then the Soviet Union and the United States cooperated to hook two spaceships together in space. This action ended the "space race". Today a much larger space station, built by several countries together, orbits Earth.
Another new way to go to space is by space shuttle. A space shuttle, first made in the United States in 1981, looks like an airplane. Astronauts who fly spaceships have used shuttles to help put satellites into space.
The (1) of Space Travel
Information concerned
Early 1900s
High-flying rockets were built.
It made the ancient dream of going to space possible to come(2)   
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (3)
a way to use rockets for space travel.
He planned to put correct scientific calculation to use in rocket science.
Around 1933
Robert Goddard built new
The rockets could fly very(3)in the sky.
During and after World War II
German scientists built large rockets that could travel very far and carry dangerous explosives.
Germany was ahead of all the other countries in building space rockets and later it even offered5)  to the Soviet Union and the United States
The Soviet Union and the United States competed to get to space first.
The Soviet Union became the6▲  
of the race when it launched the first satellite and sent  the  first  astronaut into space.
The United States (7in putting a person on the moon.
In one way, it 8) ▲ the Soviet Union by becoming the first country to fly people to the moon.
The Soviets built the first space station and was soon followed by Americans. And they finally ended the  "space race" by
(9) ▲ 
Astronauts can live and work in space stations.
Space shuttles are used as new vehicles for space (10) ▲  .
Shuttles are also used to help put satellites into space.

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It is the job hunting season again. The job fairs(交易会) flood with hundreds and thousands of 2011 graduate students. Owing ___小题1:__ the global financial crisis, most graduate students admit that job hunting isn’t that easy any longer.
It is always a __小题2:___ (pain) process for college students to find jobs. With many colleges enlarged in recent years, large numbers of graduates need to hunt for jobs; ___小题3:___, job positions are quite limited. In order to get a job, the candidates should be more ___小题4:___ (competition) than ever before.
A Chinese expert predicted the job hunting pressure in China, with a rocketing increase in the active labor force, ___小题5:___ (reach) its climax in 2009. Yet, this situation continues in 2011. The Chinese government has provided financial support to encourage the college students to start ___小题6:__ own career.
To go on with further education or to find ___小题7:___ job is the hardest decision for the graduate students __小题8:___ (make) now. “I was preparing for my postgraduate exam ___小题9:___ I received my offer from a Japanese company. I was so excited ___小题10:___ I decided to quit the exam next year.” LiNing, a senior from school of mechanical science and technology in Huazhong University of Science and Technology said.
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It was a winter morning, just before Christmas, while most people were warming up their cars, my husband, Trevor, had to ride his bike 4 kilometers away from home to work. On his   小题1:  (arrive), he parked his bike outside the back door   小题2:  usual. After 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone,  小题3:   was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, and also the bike was used   小题4:  (get) groceries, saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live. I was so sad   小题5:  I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, and then called my husband to fetch  小题6: . Once again my husband had a way to get to and   小题7:  his job. It really is   小题8: honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before. People say that a smile can   小题9: (pass) from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect on our lives because it  小题10:(strong) our faith in humanity. And it has influenced us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others.
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