A.deserved | B.negotiated | C.persuaded | D.demanded |
试题分析: A. deserved值得,B. negotiated谈判达成,成功越过,议价出售,C. persuaded说服,D. demanded要求,句意:经过几轮的谈话,工会的***成功的对减少一周的工作时间达成协议。根据句意选B。
Problem: On the scale of problems, “pictures of food on the Internet” is firmly first-world. And that is almost certainly a too-generous definition of “problem.” When it comes to photographing and putting your dinner on line, I say live and let live, you know? Maybe your salad was particularly inviting and pleasing that night, and I, too, have spent many an hour clicking “random” on Smitten Kitchen and salivating(流口水).
But I assume if you’re making the effort to arrange your food artfully and preserve its memory in a digital archive, you must... like food. And want it to taste good. A recent study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology suggests that spending time focusing on images of food makes the food itself less satisfying.
Methodology: The researchers assumed that imagining enjoying something might lead to satiation -- the feeling that makes the second piece of cake taste not-quite-as-good as the first. To test this, they had some people participate in two experiments that they were told were separate -- one in which they rated how appetizing different photos of food looked, and one in which they ate some peanuts and rated how much they enjoyed them.
A separate group of people did the same experiment again, but in the photo-rating portion, some were asked to rate how appetizing the food was or to choose a preference between two foods, and some were asked to rate the brightness of the photo itself.
Results: The more photos of food people looked at, the less they enjoyed the peanuts -- if they were looking at photos of salty food. People who looked carefully at images of sweets enjoyed the peanuts more, suggesting that imagination causes satiation only if you’re imagining a similar food. In the second experiment, participants who focused on the brightness of the photos were able to enjoy the peanuts more than those who were thinking about the deliciousness of foods while they looked at the images.
Implications: You’ll probably enjoy your food more if you don’t take a picture of it, or scroll through images of cookies at work and then eat one when you get home. This also has potential implications for advertisers, who may unknowingly be giving away satiation for free when they show images of chicken wings or whatever in front of us all day long. But luckily the study provides a hint: Try not to think about the food’s taste while you take a photo -- just focus on your composition.
A.talent | B.party | C.concert | D.interest |
A.mix | B.cover | C.add | D.match |
A. give them up | B. put them up |
C. set them up. | D. take them up |
A.hurt | B.injured | C.destroyed | D.affected |
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- 9实验室制取氧气,用排水法收集完氧气后,下一步应采取的操作及原因是( )A.撤去酒精灯,以节约原料B.做氧气的性质实验,
- 10阅读下面这首宋词,完成后面题目。南柯子忆旧 仲殊十里青山远,潮平路带沙。数声啼鸟怨年华。又是凄凉时候在天涯。白露收残月
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- 2化简,=( ),当x=时,分式的值是( )
- 3阅读短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 My sister always 1_______(like) ha
- 4请你仿照下面的示例再写一个句子,要求所写句子与示例句修辞相同,句式一致。(6分)语文是那巍巍昆仑,是那草叶上久久不肯滴落
- 5如图为一个几何体的三视图,正视图和侧视图均为矩形,俯视图中曲线部分为半圆,尺寸如图,则该几何体的体积为( )A.π+2
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