When the little monk reached __小题2:__ lake, a cart drawn by an ox started crossing the lake, 小题3:__ made the water very muddy. The little monk thought, “How can I give this muddy water to my master to drink!” So he came back without any water, saying, “The water is very muddy. I don’t think 小题4: is suitable to drink.”
After a while, the same monk ___小题5:___ (ask)to get water again. When he went back to the lake, he found that the mud had settled down already, _小题6:___ he collected back a pot of water. Wisdom looked at the water 小题7: (happy) and then up at the monk, “To make the water clean,小题8: you need to do is just to let it be and the mud would settle down _小题9:__ its own.”
It is also the same with your mind. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time and it will settle down _小题10:___.
小题5:was asked
小题7:修饰动词“look at” 用副词
小题9:on one’s own 固定搭配,自己。
试题【One day, an old monk named Wisdom, followed by two young monks, was walking from】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
During the Warring States Period ,in the Wei State there lived a famous archer named Geng Lei. One day, Geng Lei and the King of Wei 小题1:________ on a high terrace saw some birds flying past.小题2:_______ this ,Geng Lei said to the King:"I"ll shoot a flying bird down for Your Majesty by drawing a bow with no arrow." The King asked, "Is it possible 小题3:_______ one"s archery can attain such a level?" A little later, 小题4:______ wild goose was flying from the east. Geng Lei just drew 小题5:________ bow but didn"t shoot an arrow. As expected, the wild goose fell to the ground with the twang.
The King asked in surprise, "How can your archery reach such a high level?"
Geng Lei replied ,"This wild goose 小题6:__________."
The King got 小题7:_________(much) surprised, asking, "How do you know it, sir?"
Geng Lei explained, "This wild goose flew slowly and cried 小题8:_______. Its flying slowly suggested that it was still aching with the old wound; its crying sadly suggested that it had strayed long from its flock. 小题9:_______ it heard the twang the wild goose had to flutter hard to fly high for its life. So it is evitably fell down with its old wound burst."
This set phrase figuratively denotes those 小题10:________ have suffered disasters and so have a lingering fear when anything happen.
The 小题4:________ picture had mountains, too. Above 小题5:_________ (be) an angry sky, form which rain fell and in which lightning played. A waterfall fell quickly down the side of the mountain. This did not look peaceful at all. But when the king looked 小题6:_______(close), behind the waterfll he sww a small bush 小题7:_________ (grow) in the rock. In the bush, a bird had built a nest. There, among the rush of angry water, sat 小题8:________bird on her nest-in perfect peace.
The king was abosorbed in the second picture, chose it and explained the reason 小题9:_______ he preferred the latter, “Real peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is 小题10:_______ real peace is.
A.considerate | B.considerable | C.considering | D.considered |
A.owed | B.contributed | C.devoted | D.related |
- 1I admired my classmate Lisa very much.________ her prettines
- 2人的作用消失后,下列生态系统中会很快消退的是( )A.草原生态系统B.农田生态系统C.湿地生态系统D.森林生态系统
- 3读图,完成下列各题。(9分)(1)A线是____________________分界线,此线以西为__________,
- 4下列各句中,没有错别字的一组是( )(3分)A.上海世博会于10月31日在美丽的黄浦江畔落下了帷幕,它创造了世博会历
- 5魏晋南北朝时,汉字发展成为自觉的书法艺术,对其原因理解不准确的是A.社会动荡不安B.士人群体形成C.笔、墨、纸张等文具的
- 6苹果只有在北方才能生长良好,而香蕉适宜在南方栽种。影响苹果、香蕉分布的主要生态因素是A.空气B.光C.水分D.温度
- 7若实数a,b满足ab-4a-b+1=0 (a>1),则(a+1)(b+2)的最小值为______.
- 8平面上以机器人在行进中始终保持与点的距离和到直线的距离相等.若机器人接触不到过点且斜率为的直线,则的取值范围是_____
- 92008年春节期间,某百货大楼实行电器、服装类打折销售,使得电器卖场挤得水泄不通,服装及超市百货销量较平时成倍增长。上述
- 10左图为“地壳物质循环简图”,右图为“某地地质剖面示意图”。图中的地质作用与甲、乙、丙、丁四处岩石的形成,相对应的是A.①
- 1在二项式的展开式中,x的系数是-10,则实数a的值为( )。
- 2(9分)近代以来,世界科学技术得到突飞猛进的发展,极大地推动了世界和人类历史发展的进程。材料一 第一次工业革命发展和第二
- 3一辆汽车4s内作匀加速直线运动,初速度为2m/s,末速度为10m/s,在这段时间内( )A.汽车的加速度为2m/s2B
- 4下列有关植物细胞分裂的叙述,不正确的是A.细胞核首先分裂成两个B.细胞分裂使细胞数目增多C.细胞质分成两份,每份各含一个
- 5 下面是某年级《思想政治》教材中榜样人物统计表,请用一句话说明下面统计表反映的情况,并简要谈谈你对这种情况的看法。 合
- 6等差数列{an}的公差不为零,首项a1=1,a2是a1和a5的等比中项,则数列的前10项之和是( )A.90B.100
- 7如图所示,一物块位于光滑水平桌面上,用一大小为F、方向如图所示的力去推它,使它以加速度a右运动。若保持力的方向不变而增大
- 8已知3x-4(x-1)(x-2)=Ax-1+Bx-2,求实数A和B的值.
- 9下列两种气体的分子数一定相等的是( )A.质量相等、密度不等的O2和COB.等体积等密度的CO和N2C.等温等体积的O
- 10如图,△ABC内接于⊙O,D为线段AB的中点,延长OD交⊙O于点E,连接AE,BE,则下列五个结论①AB⊥DE,②AE=