B. ours
C. we
D. us
B. of her honesty
C. him to her honesty
D. to her honesty
adequate substitutes for the use of animals.
B. it
C. what
D. this
It was my 18th birthday yesterday. As the age is special for our teenagers, so my parents held a
birthday party for me at home. With my parents and some of my good friends attend my birthday party,
I really had unforgettable experience. We sang songs, dancing and played games together. We all
enjoyed ourselves very much. During the party, my parent told me that from then on I was no longer a
child and an adult. They also said I should be more independent and responsibly. Hearing their words, I
was greatly encouraged. It was just in that moment when I felt I was a grown-up.
—Well, maybe _____ is not how much you read but what you read that counts.
B. that
C. there
D. it
B. against him about
C. him into doing
D. him to do
- 1材料:某地区为尽快摆脱贫困,积极发展食用菌生产,使一部分人脱贫致富。但由于食用菌需要木材培养,村民便乱砍滥伐森林资源,导
- 2不等式ax2+bx+c>0的解集为{x|2<x<3},则不等式ax2-bx+c>0的解集为______
- 3New comer as you are, if you spend a little more time on you
- 4如图,在菱形ABCD中,AC=6,BD=8,则这个菱形的周长为______.
- 5默写填空。 我们沙地上,下了雪,我____出一块空地来,用短棒____起一个大竹匾,____下秕谷,看鸟雀来吃时,我远
- 6计算:(1)(+14)-(-34);(2)(-13)-(+23);(3)0-(-2)-(+7).
- 7[选修4——科学思维常识]身处中国第七大沙漠——库布其沙漠腹地的内蒙古亿利资源集团,转变传统思路看沙漠,积极实施治理荒漠
- 8阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。When my brother and l we
- 9t ℃时,向10 g水中逐渐加入硝酸钾晶体至饱和,则此过程中该溶液满足如图a、b两个变量的变化关系的是( )A.a—
- 1027.—Oh, how depressed! I am bound to lose to him in tomorrow
- 1When people first walked across the Bering Land Bridge thous
- 2— I"m afraid I couldn"t go to your birthday party. I have a
- 3三大改造的完成在我国探索社会主义道路过程中最突出的意义在于:[ ]A、彻底摧毁了封建土地制度B、极大解放了农村生
- 4解释下列词语。①不省人事:_______________________
- 5下图为“某国家四地区一企业分布示意图”。读图完成题。该企业从事A.电子产品生产B.汽车生产C.钢铁生产D.啤酒生产
- 6设f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,且f(x+3)·f(x)=-1,f(-1)=2,则f(2008)=( )。
- 7若(1+)5=a+b(a,b为有理数),则a+b=[ ]A.45 B.55C.70D.80
- 8下列历史人物中,不属于洋务运动代表人物的是 [ ]A.奕 B.曾国藩 C.方举赞 D.左宗棠
- 9如果用下图表示各种概念间的关系,下列选项中与图示相符的是( )。选项1234A动物无脊椎动物节肢动物昆虫B生物圈生态
- 10有M、N两种溶液,M溶液中加入过量氨水或过量NaOH溶液都能生成沉淀;N溶液加入BaCl2溶液时无沉淀生成,再向此液体中