当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 完成句子。(每小题2分,共10分)小题1: ________________(从那天起), I never spoke to him again.小题2:He ...
小题1: ________________(从那天起), I never spoke to him again.
小题2:He managed to make himself understood ______________(在….的帮助下) body language.
小题3:Would you please_____________(看守,照看)my things when I am away?
小题4:The two companies are ____________(与….比赛;与….竞争)each other.
小题5:He made a big mistake, and , _____________ , (结果)lost his job.

小题1: From then on小题1: with the help of小题1:watch over(或take care of)小题1: competing against/with 小题1: as a result

试题【完成句子。(每小题2分,共10分)小题1: ________________(从那天起), I never spoke to him again.小题2:He 】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]

小题1:The laptop on the teacher’s desk is not yours. It b_____ to Harry.
小题2:While shopping, we always b______ with the shopkeeper in order to reduce the price.
小题3:The children waited until the policeman s_________ to them to cross the street.
小题4:I don’t know how to choose a mobile phone. Science and t________ is changing so fast!
小题5:I really a________________ it that you helped me so much when I was in need.
小题6:When people found the missing boy in the forest, they all smiled in r__________.
小题7:On hearing the funny story, the whole class burst into l___________________.
小题8:To be h______________, to start a business of my own is not as easy as I expected.
小题9:When I opened the letter, I found some photos a__________________ it.
小题10:The p_____ we saw last night was really wonderful. It was worth my time and effort.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:We should e_______ new ways to solve the problemss that we are facing.
小题2:I meant it to be a(n) i______(非正式的) discussion, but it didn’t turn out as I mentioned
小题3:Playing basketball is one form of p_______(身体的) exercise.
小题4:He caused his parents a great deal of s_____(痛苦).
小题5: That black suitcase on the floor b_________ to me..
小题6: She looks very _____(熟悉的),but I can’t remember where I met her.
小题7:She refused to answer questions about her personal f_____(财力)。
小题8:There are a lot of c____ relics in our country.
小题9:S____ this difficult problem to make it easier to be understood by everyone.
小题10:The a____(外观) of the old house completely changed.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据下列句子语境、所给单词首字母及中文提示, 在横线上写出正确的单词及形式。
小题1:He was asked to d____________ evening dresses for many movie stars.
小题2:The two tables are too close to each other. Would you please get them a_________.
小题3:My____________(以前的 ) English teacher has gone to the USA.
小题4:Have you seen the house which b___________ to Mr Green?
小题5:P_____________ health is more important than anything else.
小题6:There is something wrong with the old machine, so it must be r___________ at once.
小题7:A_____________ are training hard for the coming sports match.
小题8:The use of high science and t____________ leads to fast development of economy.
小题9:Anyone who wants to be a_____ to the famous company must take an intelligence test.
小题10:I have to hand it to him ______________( 亲自).
小题11:I need a friend to share my h___________ and sadness in my life.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
1. The Big House of Qiao Family (乔家大院) is a perfectly p__________________ old house.
2. It suddenly o_____________ to her that she had once seen the man somewhere before.
3. Bank cards are p________________ useful when travelling and there are often insurance benefits if you pay for your travel with them.
4. The police want those who have w____________ the accident to call them and provide them with enough evidence.
5. More often than not, it is difficult to c______________ the exact meaning of a Tang poem in English.
6. She wrote several letters to the government about the air pollution, but got no r_____________.
7. Today, the boss announced that smoking was f__________________ during office hour.
8. Akitt was u_______________ about the time of the recovery so he looked very depressed.
9. Though rich, she lives a simple life. She r____________ wears expensive jewellery.
10. I was very d_________________ by the failure, but I still hoped we could find a solution.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
单词拼写 (共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
1. When I saw her in the street, I stopped and smiled, but she i___________ me and walked on.
2. Judging from his accent, he is a n_________ of Ningbo.
3. Unexpected difficulties a_________ in the course of their experiment.
4. Many men were b__________ underground when the accident at the mine happened.
5. The hotel guests tried their best to e__________ from the burning building.
6. Of all the museum’s paintings, only one s___________ the fire.
7. The ship s__________ off the coast of Newfoundland during a storm.
8. They worked in their spare time as v_____________. In other words, they worked for free.
9. We decided to a___________ our new product (产品)in the local newspaper.
10. What t_________ of house would you prefer to live in?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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