当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1 分,共计10分)小题1: The people who witnessed the accident gave a very c...
单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1 分,共计10分)
小题1: The people who witnessed the accident gave a very clear a       of what happened, which helped the police a lot. 1. ___________
小题2:We are free to have our own beliefs, but it’s very important to learn to respect other people’s r      . 2. ___________
小题3:He didn’t say anything about the idea. O       , he doesn’t agree to it.      3. ___________
小题4:It can help us to reduce our pressure from study if we can b       ourselveswell between study and play. 4. ___________
小题5: In order to cooperate well, we should know each other’s s     and weaknesses. 5. ___________
小题6: Christopher, u      his brother who is shy and quiet, likes parties and adventures. 6. ___________
小题7: These kind of movies are not meant for children because they are far too     (暴力) and bloody. 7. ___________
小题8: He was luck enough to be _______ (授予) a scholarship to study in Harvard. 8. ___________
小题9: This classroom is just ________(稍微) larger than that. 9. ___________
小题10: The visitors to our school were deeply ________(留下印象)by the students’wonderful performance in the activity. 10. __________


小题5:考查名词。因为前面有each other’s 修饰,也为了和weaknesses 一致,所以用名词strengths.
小题7:考查形容词。因为and 后用的是形容词,前后形式一致,故用形容词violent.
小题8:考查固定短语。Sb  be awarded sth某人被授予……这是固定短语。
小题10:考查动词。impress sb给某人留下印象,这里是被动形式 impressed.
试题【单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1 分,共计10分)小题1: The people who witnessed the accident gave a very c】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:A ________  (平衡的)diet should contain some fat, some fiber, a little salt and so on.
小题2:Children have a natural _________ (好奇心)about the world around them.
小题3:I have ________(受益) a lot from reading aloud every morning.
小题4:Just at that moment they found a young man ________ (徘徊)in the street outside their house.
小题5:I don’t support the plan; on the ________(正相反), I’m strongly against it.
小题6:He doesn’t like to be v       , instead, he prefers to solve problems in a peaceful way.
小题7:Pollution should be p        in our daily life.
小题8:It is known to that smoking is h        to our health.
小题9:Take care of the environment, or you’ll find yourself s        by rubbish.
小题10:Success isn’t m        by how much money you earned, but what you do for others.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer________(软件)when I grow up.
小题2:In addition, sometimes I am very ___________(笨拙的) and drop things or bump into furniture.
小题3: What a sweet victory to be _________(羡慕) by those women!
小题4: Bill felt great____________(满意) when he tried his new fax machine and it worked.
小题5: I am sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and ___________(反思) on the day.
小题6:It was my first visit to a _________(偏远的) village.
小题7: To sniff means to breathe air into your nose____________(吵闹地).
小题8:During the Second World War, many____________(德国人) were still killed by Nazis.
小题9:They destroyed several _________(坟墓) for the treasures within nights.
小题10:If you cannot go to the meeting yourself tomorrow, please find someone to ________(代替)you.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1: ______________(明显地) this key is the wrong one. It didn’t work.
小题2:It is ____________ (不礼貌) to keep silent when asked.
小题3:He did all he could to rescue the ______(溺水的) boy, and his effort was not in vain.
小题4:It is a long ________ (距离)from New York to Hongkong.
小题5: What a surprise! It is his ________(九十) birthday.
小题6:I have kept the photos where I can see it every day as they always __________(使……想起)me of my university days in London.
小题7:We should know our own strengths and________(弱点) and think what could be done about them.
小题8: The school was   ____   (包围)   by green trees
小题9:Her parents don’t   ____  (允许)her to go out alone at night.
小题10: We have established socialist  ____  (制度)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:On the evening of Mid-Autumn Festival, I usually sit in the open air with my family,      (欣赏)the full moon.
小题2:I used to live in a beautiful house       (包围)by many kinds of trees.
小题3:There is a big underground railway      (系统)in London.
小题4:Eating       (胡萝卜)can help you see better.
小题5:We know that Canada’s population is only     (稍微)over thirty million.
小题6:It is important to know your own      (长处)and weaknesses.
小题7:Each       (宗教)activity has it’s own belief.
小题8:Dinosaurs laid eggs and       (存在)on the earth for morn than 140 million years.
小题9:He wandered around Tibet for a month. His experience is      (难以置信).
小题10:We visited the in our ________(宇宙飞船) many years ago.
小题11:On his________(到达)he went straight to the counter and spoke to the clerk.
小题12:She usually_____(结合)creative imagination with intelligence to create some wonders.
小题13:A saying goes,“A friend  in need is a friend ____(真正地,确实).”
小题14:It’s bad______(礼貌)to talk with your mouth full.
小题15:With trembling hands Mr. Jackson opened the ___  (信封) and read the letter.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:I hope we will have the strength to bear the difficulties and disappointments and bear them with _____ (尊严) and without self-pity.
小题2:He is a well-educated man and behaves _____  (高雅).
小题3:---I heard that your brother got _____ (离婚)Is that true?
小题4:The poor old couple began to regret the ___ (购买) of such a large house at so high a price.
小题5:Who will in charge of the  _____  (分发、运送) of food and clothing to the flood victims?
小题6:My new boss used to be a travel _____  (代理人)in a famous city.
小题7:The Minister           (辞职)from office.
小题8:Her           (抱负) is to become a doctor.
小题9:Many people          (捐赠)blood to the blood bank voluntarily
小题10:The essay is not             (与……有关)to the topic.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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