当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 连词成句型 > A: Hello, Bill! This is Peter.B: Hello, Peter.A:    56              B: Yes.   57...

A: Hello, Bill! This is Peter.
B: Hello, Peter.
A:    56              
B: Yes.   57               
A: Would you like to have a picnic in the Forest Park?
B: Yes, I’d love to.  58                     
A: We can buy some food and drink. Please meet at 2 o’clock at the school gate.
B: OK.   59                          
A: Sure. I will call them right now.  60                     
B: All right. See you then.
A: See you.
A. Can I ask Tom and Michael to go with us?
B. Could you ask him to call me back this evening?
C. Do you have any time this Saturday afternoon?
D. Sorry, he isn’t in now.
E. What should we take for it?
F. Don’t forget to bring your camera?
G. What’s up?



小题56:C 根据上下文和此句句意,可知应该选C.(你这周星期六下午有空吗?)
小题57:G 根据回答Yes,可知下文应为:有什么事吗?故选G.
小题58:E 根据下文的回答,此处应选E.意为: 野炊我们应该带什么?
小题59:A 根据下文的回答,可知应选A.(我可以请Tom和Michael和我们一起去吗?)
小题60:F 根据选项句义可知,只有选项F符合对话的内容,故选F.
试题【A: Hello, Bill! This is Peter.B: Hello, Peter.A:    56              B: Yes.   57】;主要考察你对连词成句型等知识点的理解。[详细]

A. May I help you ?
B: Yes, please. I’d like the blue pants. Can I    1     them on?
A: Sure. Wow! They look very nice     2     you.
B: But I think     3    too small.
A: How do you like this    4   of pants?
B: Let me see. Oh, they are OK . How much are they?
A:They are 390 yuan.
B: 390 yuan ? Are you      5   ? I’ll think about them. Thank you all the same.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

     like    they      swim    also     child
Birds can fly in the air. Fishes can      1    in water. Tigers live on land. They are all animals. People like many interesting and beautiful animals but  2 dislike many of them. The Mickey and Mouse appears (出现) on a lot of toys and clothes for    3   . It is     4    favorite all over the world. But a real mouse isn’t cute. No one           it.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

小题1:我一点也不喜欢牛奶。(don’t, at all)
小题2:在我们学校有很多树。(There are, in )
小题3:早餐他通常吃米饭和蔬菜。(have, for )
小题4:她的叔叔今年寒假想要参观北京。(want, this winter vacation)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
This is a boy. His name is Tom. He has a nice cat. It is an English cat. His friends are Lucy and Mike. They have cats, too. Their names are Mimi and Maomao. They are Chinese cats. The English cat is five. The Chinese cats are three. They like their cats.
Today they can’t find the English cat and the Chinese cats. They ask an old man, “Where are our cats?”“I don’t know.” he says. “Are they in the tree?” Tom and Mike ask. “Listen, listen!” Lucy says. “Miaow, miaow...”“Oh, over there.” They go to the tree, and carry(抱) them down.
小题1:Lucy has a good English cat.
小题2:Tom has two friends.
小题3:The English cat is three and the Chinese cats are five.
小题4:Tom and his friends have three cats.
小题5:The cats are in the old man’s house.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

watch    learn     be    have      Chinese    
Dick and Ellen come from America. Now they 81_____________ in Tianjin. Every morning they get up very early. Then they go to work by car. They start their work at 8:30. They are very busy. They 82_____________ lunch at 12:30. After lunch they work again. They finish their work at 5:30 p.m. In the evening Dick takes Chinese lessons because he wants 83______________ Chinese. Ellen stays at home and 84____________ TV. They like to talk with Chinese people. They often say "Chinese people are very friendly". They like to stay in 85______________ and they like to work with Chinese people.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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