当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 教育文化类 > 阅读表达。        How can you think in English?(1)I think the best way is to practice...
阅读表达。        How can you think in English?(1)I think the best way is to practice as what a             player            every day. During the practice the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again. So he won"t
have to think about passing the ball in the game, he will just do it.
        (2)You can train yourself to think in English in this way. The first step is to think of the words that you use
daily, simple everyday words like book, shoe or tree. For example, whenever you see a "book", you should think
of it in English instead of in your mother language.
        After you have learned to think of several words in English, then move on to the next step —think of
sentences in English. (3) 听是学英语的一个非常有用的方法。Listen first and don"t care too much about
whether you fully understand what you"re hearing. Try to repeat (重复) what you hear. The more you listen,
the more you learn. After you reach a higher level, start having conversations with yourself in English. This
will lead you to think in English. 
1、在(1)句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:                ,                   
4、在文中找出与下面句子意思相近的句子,并写在横线上:No matter when you see a "book", you
     shouldn"t think in your native language except in English.
3.Listening is a very useful way to learn English.(in learning English)
4.Whenever you see a "book", you should think of it in English instead of in your mother language.
5. How can you think in English ?
试题【阅读表达。        How can you think in English?(1)I think the best way is to practice】;主要考察你对教育文化类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。        To take good notes, you need to be able to do two things very quickly: first, you must understand main
topic; second, your hand must work as fast as your ears so that you can write down as much information as
        You don"t have to learn how to write down what you hear. But you do need to practice a few simple skills
to help you to be good at note-taking. Also, you should learn how to write only the most important words in
short forms from each sentence without taking notice of the rest. 
        In the old days, people sent telegrams to each other. When they did it, they had to pay by the word, and it
was expensive. That is why they sent very short telegrams which included only the most important words.         Let"s compare these two examples:
☆"I will be arriving tomorrow, Monday, April 15,on TWA flight number 222, at JFK airport."
☆"Arrive 15th TWA 222 JFK"
         Which would be more expensive? 
         When you take notes, you have a similar problem. In this case it is not money, but time. For that reason,
it is a good idea to practice listening for only the most important sentences, and only the most important words
in those sentences.
1. To take good notes, first, you must understand main ______.
2. second, your hand must work ______enough.
3. so you can write down much ______.
4. you do need to practice a few simple skills ______ they can help you to be good at note-taking.
5. The writer"s purpose is ______.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。A: Recently, the word "clone" has appeared very often in the newspapers. Do you know its meaning?
B: Not exactly. I read a report in yesterday"s newspaper. It said a Scottish scientist had successfully cloned
    a lamb named Dolly. It was the first time that a cloned lamb had been made from an adult sheep.
A: Actually, the word "clone" means to produce the "same" animal by taking cells (细胞) from an adult one. 
    I think, if we know how to do cloning, we need only keep a small number of sheep, cows and horses.
B: (A) It"s said that recently there have been some people who ever wanted to clone humans.
A: It seems interesting. (B)但你觉得那样做可能吗?
B: No, I don"t think so. First, I think we can"t clone a dead person because the cells in his body have been
    dead already.
A: Then can we clone a living person?
B: Again no. You might clone yourself one after another, but it is only a copy, not a real you. It is only
     something, not a human.
A: Well, you mean that a real human can speak, think and create, and these abilities(能力) can"t be cloned?
B: That"s right! I think the main purpose of  Dr. Ian Wilmut, the "father" of Dolly, is to make better animals,
     and it has nothing to do with human cloning.
1. Which kind of animal did a Scottish scientist clone? _____________________________________
2. 把文中画线的(B)句翻译成英语。 _____________________________________
3. Why can"t we clone a dead person? _____________________________________
4. What"s the purpose of clone? _____________________________________
5. 把文中画线的(A)句译成汉语。 _____________________________________
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。        A new school term begins. Is anything new at your school? Sichuan students are getting an extra (额外的) hour to sleep in the morning.
        This year, Sichuan schools decided that students should start classes later. This should help them feel less
tired, For Junior high schools, the first classes will begin no earlier than 8:30 am.
        The changes have made students happy.
        Liu Xian, 15, said his class was excited by the news on the first day of school.
       "It"s so good we can get up later!" said Liu.
        Liu studies in Chengdu No.4 Middle School. He used to get up at 6:40 am. Now he can get up at 7:40 am
because class doesn"t start until 8:40 am.
        Wu Hongli, 15, said the new timetable is good for her health. "I used to drink coffee every night or I would
feel too sleepy to finish my homework, "said Wu. "Now I can finish it without coffee." She used to get up at 6:30
am. Now she can get up at 7:30 am.
        Wu Hongli"s mother was happy, too. She thought more sleep would help her daughter grow taller.
        But some parents worried that more sleep would mean less learning. There used to be five classes in the
morning. Now there are only four.
        Many teachers, though, say the changes will help students learn better. 
       "Students used to doze (瞌睡) for the first two classes in the morning," said Wu Zongping, an English
teacher at Chengdu No.12 Middle School. "But now they look fine and they learn much better than before."
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。        Man has done much research in our universe. Man has even invented four kinds of satellites. The first
kind of satellite studies the geography of     1    , our home. It is used to make maps and also help countries
to see where they may     2    oil and gold.
        The second kind of satellite is used to guide ships and planes. A ship or a plane can     3    a message to
the satellite, and can find out where it is.
        The third kind studies the weather. These satellites watch clouds and strong wind     4    across the earth.
They warn countries to be ready when the     5    weather is coming. They    6    of the earth from thousands
of miles above it and send the photos to weather stations on the ground. 
            7    kind is used for communication. Telephone calls     8   countries can be sent by these satellites.
Some can carry hundreds of calls at one time. A call is sent to the satellite, then the     9    sends it to a station
in the country. These satellites also carry pictures. They can    10    and send about eight pictures at a time.
People can send pictures to each other by mobile phones.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
        The colour systems (系统) used by scientists and artists are completely different. An artist will mix blue
and yellow paint to get a shade of green; a scientist will mix green and red light to create yellow. The printed
page in a magazine is yet another system.
        Scientists recognize the light primaries (原色) are red, green and blue. When mixed, red and green light
rays produce yellow, blue and green produce cyan, red and blue produce magenta. Red, green and blue mix to
create white (light). This colour model is used in computer monitors, television sets and theater.
         Most artists recognize red, yellow and blue as the three basic primary colours. These primaries are the
pure colours which can not be created by mixing any other colours.
         In the print industry, cyan, magenta, yellow and black are used as the primary colours. When you mix all
the colours, the result is gray. 1. __________ on the colour systems.[     ]
A. Scientists and artists have the same idea
B. Scientists agree with artists
C. Scientists and artists have different ideas
D. Some of their ideas are the same 2. How many colour systems are mentioned in the passage?[     ]
A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Only one.
D. Four.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
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