当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 科普环保类 > 阅读理解。     Good afternoon, everyone! This is Rose Garden Middle School Radio. Joh...
阅读理解。     Good afternoon, everyone! This is Rose Garden Middle School Radio. John Smith speaking, with something new to share with you today. We all know that thinking green is sometimes the most difficult thing to do, but
not impossible! Bed ZED, a new eco-friendly village (生态村) in the south of London, has done a great job of
providing its villagers with a high level living while getting them to pay more attention to protecting the
     People in Bed ZED have done many things. They recycle their paper, plastic, glass and other daily things.
They build many houses whose windows face south in order to get as much sunlight as possible. The rainwater
is collected for use in the toilets. Also, the people there travel to work in shared cars or use public transportation if they work far away.
     Now, you may think it"s not easy to live such a life, but let me tell you. it"s not! It"s a way of life. We just
have to say no to what is bad for the environment, and begin working on ideas to protect it. Life would be
much more pleasant if villages like Bed ZED existed (存在) all over the world! Thank you for listening! 1. What people in Bed ZED often do is __________. A. to build a lot of houses
B. to go to work in their own cars
C. to recycle the paper, plastic and glass 2. In Bed ZED, the water used in the toilet may come from __________. A. river water
B. running water
C. collected rainwater 3. People in Bed ZED usually go to work __________ if they work far away. A. by bus
B. on foot
C. by bike 4. The expression "thinking green" might mean the same as __________. A. building a green house
B. keeping simple thoughts
C. protecting the environment 5. The writer"s opinion is that __________. A. people should be against building eco-friendly villages
B. Bed ZED is a good example in protecting the environment!
C. the idea of thinking green is hard to work on
1-5      CCACB
试题【阅读理解。     Good afternoon, everyone! This is Rose Garden Middle School Radio. Joh】;主要考察你对科普环保类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     A kind of little cars may be seen in the streets in the future. People will like this kind of small cars better
than the big ones. The car is as small as a bike. But it can carry two people in it. Everybody can drive it easily,
just like riding a bike. Even children and old people can drive them to schools or parks.
     If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will be more space
for all the cars in cities, and there will also be more space for people to walk in the streets.
     The little cars of the future will cost less money to buy and to drive. These little cars can go only 65
kilometers an hour, so driving will be safer. The cars of the future will be fine for going around the city, but
they will not be useful for a long trip.
     This kind of cars can save a lot of gas. They will go 450 kilometers, then they have to stop for more gas.
They are nice cars, aren"t they? 1. If you drive this kind of little cars for four hours, you can probably go ______ at most. A. 260 kilometers
B. 65 kilometers
C. 450 kilometers
D. 130 kilometers 2. Why do these little cars have to stop after going 450 kilometers? A. For more water.
B. For more gas.
C. To have a rest.
D. To charge (充电) 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Driving big cars can make the air dirtier. 
B. The little cars can make more space for other cars and people. 
C. These little cars will be useful for a long trip. 
D. This kind of cars can save much gas.
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                          Things You Can Do to Help the Environment
     Cars are getting bigger. Bigger cars burn more gas and increase problems with air pollution.
So try to walk, ride, or take buses or subways. And if you drive a car, keep it in a good state.
This can save gas and make less pollution.
     The biggest use of home energy is for heating and cooling. So turn up your air conditioned
and ,um down the heat, especially at night. Use energy-saving lights. And remember to turn
lights off.
     Each American throws away 10 kilograms of litter everyday. Try to make less waste. Ask
yourself before you buy something: Do I need it? Buy products that you can use over and over
     Showers use a lot of water. In one week, a common American family uses as much water
as a person drinks in three years! Take shorter showers or buy a special small showerhead.
This can cut water use in half.
    All living things on the earth need other living things to live. Nothing lives alone. Most animals must
live in a group, and even a plant grows close together with others of the same kind. Sometimes one
living thing kills another, one eats and the other is eaten. Each kind of life eats another kind of life in
order to live, and together they form a food chain (食物链). Some food chains are simple, while others
are not. But all food chains begin with the sun, and all food chains become broken up if one of the links
    All life needs sunlight to live on. But only plants can use sunlight directly. Plants are "factories". They
make food from sunlight, water and things in the soil and air. Plants feed all other living things. Animals
can only use the sun"s energy after it has been changed into food by plants. Some animals feed directly
on plants, others eat smaller animals. Meat-eating animals are only eating plants indirectly. 
    What about human beings? We are members of many food chains. We eat rice, vegetables, and fruits
and so on. We also eat meat and drink milk. But men often break up the food chains. They kill wild
animals. They also make rivers, lakes and seas polluted, when these rivers, lakes and seas are polluted,
the fish in them can not be eaten. If men eat the fish, they will get strange diseases.
    Each form of life is linked to all others. Breaking the links puts all life in danger.
1. How does every living thing on the earth live?
A. Each plant can live alone.
B. Each animal can live alone.
C. Every living thing on the earth cannot live without others.
2. Which living things can use the sun"s energy directly?
A. Animals
B. Plants
C. All living things
3. Who often break up the food chains?
A. Human beings
B. Animals
C. Plant and animals
4. Which of the following do you think is the best title of this passage?
A. Animals
B. Plants
C. Food Chains
5. Where can you probably find this passage?
A. In a news report.
B. In your textbook.
C. In a business magazine.
                                                       Breaking Bad Eating-Habits
     Have you heard the expression "You are what you eat"? Well, do you like who you are" If not, break
some bad eating habits and feel better about yourself.
     Bad habit 1: ______________
     Many packaged (= in small bags) foods, such as frozen (纤维) dumplings, rice rolls and instant noodles
(方便面) have lots of fat and calories (热量).
     The solution: Read the instructions to find the healthiest foods that are low in salt and nigh in fiber. Also
check to make sure they have ingredients such as vegetables and grains When possible, use packaged foods
as part of a "home-cooked" meal. For example frozen (纤维) dumplings with fresh vegetables are better than
dumplings alone.
     Bad habit 2: ______________ 
     People without breakfast don"t have enough energy they need to get through the morning. Eating breakfast
improves your concentration, memory (冰冻的) and mood.
     The solution: Always keep a kind of quick foods like yogurt. Or have a standing order a breakfast place.
     Bad habit 3: ______________ 
     It takes your body at least 20 minutes to "tell" your brain that you are full. So last eaters usually eat more
than people who eat slowly.
     The solution: Try to slow down. Try eating at least some of your meals without IV, hand phones or
computers. Use a plate or bowl when you eat.
     Bad habit 4: ______________ 
     Healthy snacks between meals are fine. But when you snack instead of having real meals, you will not eat
your meals regularly. Plus, snack foods such as chips and sweets aren"t very satisfying. That makes it easy to
     The solution: To get more energy, allow yourself two healthy snacks a day. Choose snacks that will make
you feel full. Try fruit, yogurt or nuts.
    As we all know, bad habits can be broken. Take the first step toward a healthier eating routine (常规)-star f
ollowing these tips today!
1. 给文中的横线处选择合适的标题,并将其字母代号填写在下面的横线上。
    a. You are a fast eater.
    b. You often don"t eat breakfast.
    c. All your meals come in packages.
    d. You snack too much.
    Bad habit 1:_______ Bad habit 2:_______ Bad habit 3:_______ Bad habit 4:_______
2. 列举出文中提到的三种packaged foods:
    _______________ _______________ ________________
3. 根据上下文,将文中划线句子译成汉语。
     It takes your baby at least 20 minutes to "tell" your brain that you are full. 
4. 根据文章内容完成句子。
     No eating breakfast is bad influence on your _______, _______, _______ and _______.
5. 回答问题。
    How can you eat snacks healthily? (至少答出两种方式)
6. 从文中找出与所给句子意思相同或相近的句子。
    Your health depends on the food you eat.
      I hate being overweight. My husband said he didn"t mind, but I knew he still hoped I had a beautiful body.
Everything from my waist (腰部) to my legs was overweight. Finally, just after Christmas last year, I decided
that something had to be done.
     I met Dr. Wallace, and she told me I had to stop eating fast foods. It was very hard for me because I was
eating them three of four times a week: pizza, hamburgers, whatever I could get. But I said to myself at the
start that I would try my best to do it-and I did. I even gave up the booze-something I used to have two glasses of it with dinner.
     My best friend, Rachel Waterman, said I had to walk 10,000 steps every day. That was very hard for me
at the beginning. I was used to driving everywhere, but I started to walk everywhere instead. I walked in the
morning before work, and I usually took a walk in the park with my husband after work. Now I never go to
bed until I"ve done my 10,000 steps.
     Six months has passed, and I made it. Last week, my husband bought me an MP4 as a gift. the weight is
wonderful-I feel like a different person now, and I can buy my favorite clothes in the shops. I am so proud
of myself because everyone thought I wouldn"t be able to make it including myself.
     I love my new body, and I"ll never let myself go back into my old ways.
1. When did the woman decide to lose her weight?
A. After she had a baby.
B. After Christmas last year.
C. Before Christmas last year.
D. When she got a gift from her husband.
2. The underlined word "booze" in Paragraph 2 means ________.
A. wine
B. meat
C. vegetables
D. fast foods
3. What can make the woman overweight according to this passage?
A. Pizza, vegetables and wine.
B. Pizza, hamburgers and wine.
C. Pizza, vegetables and water.
D. Pizza, hamburgers and tea.
4. Why did the woman"s husband get an MP4 for her?
A. Because it was Dr. Wallace"s suggestion.
B. Because her husband liked it.
C. Because it was a gift for her success in losing weight.
D. Because she asked her husband for it several times.
5. Who helped the woman lost her weight?
A. Dr. Wallace.
B. Her husband.
C. Rachel Waterman.
D. All of the above.