当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 社会现象类 > 综合填空。Dear Dick,      How time flies! I have been back to school 1          two w...
综合填空。Dear Dick,
     How time flies! I have been back to school 1          two weeks. These days, I have 2           a lot about
the population in China.
     China has a population of 1.3 billion. It has 3          about one fifth of the world"s population. About 80
percent of the people live in the 4          . It causes many difficulties. In less 5          areas, some parents
6          boys to girls. Not all the families can offer their children a good 7          . Some children can"t go
to school.
     China has taken measures to 8          the population. China"s economy grows 9          faster and their
living conditions have changed a lot. Most of us have lived in bright and tall buildings. We have had ring
roads and they are wide enough. We have had more comfortable life.
     However, the large population problem is still 10           in China.
     How about the population of your country? Can you tell me about it?
1.for  2.known  3.reached  4.countryside  5.developed 
6.prefer  7.education  8.control  9.much  10.serious
试题【综合填空。Dear Dick,      How time flies! I have been back to school 1          two w】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读短文,回答问题。    In the time it takes you to read this sentence, the population of the world will have grown by ten people. That
may not sound much, but it is 9,000 people in an hour, 1.5 million a week, or 79 million a year. That is the same
as adding most of the population of Germany to the world every year.
    Most of these new people were born in developing countries. These countries are found in much of Africa,
South America and parts of Asia. In the developed countries of Europe and North America, the population is
growing very slowly. This is because women in these countries have, on average, only one or two children. In
the developing countries, many women have five or more children. In 1950, around one quarter of the world"s
population lived in the developed countries. By 2050, these countries will be home to only around one tenth of
the world"s people.
     In the developing countries, more than one billion people already live below the poverty (贫困) line. These
people do not have enough food to eat and they live in poor housing; children get little or no time at school and
people suffer (遭受痛苦) from many kinds of diseases.
    At the beginning of the 21st century, the world"s population was around six billion people. The UN has said
that the world"s population will level off at 12.5 billion people by the year 2100. Other groups think the world"s
population will continue to grow, reaching 14 billion people before it becomes stable (稳定的), or even falls.
1. How many people are added to the world"s population an hour? 
2. Developing countries can be found in what areas of the world?
3. In 1950, what percentage (百分率) of the world"s population lived in developing countries?
4. What are examples that show people are living below the poverty line?
5. There will be twelve and a half billion people on the earth in 2100 according to the UN, won"t there?
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案

    Are you carrying too much on your back to school? I"m sure lots of your age will say "Yes". Not only the
students in China have this problem, but children in the United States also have heavy school bags.
    Doctors are starting to worry about that younger and younger students are having problems as a result of
school bags being too heavy for them. 
    "It"s hard for me to go upstairs with my bag because it"s so heavy," said Rich Hammond, an 11-year-old
student in the US.
    Rich is among students who have common school bags with two straps to carry them, but many other
choose rolling (转动的) bags.
    But even with rolling bags, getting up stairs and houses is still a problem for children. Many of them have
hurt backs and necks because of the heavy school bags.
    But how much is too much? Doctors say students should carry no more than 10% to 15% of their own
body weight.
    Scott Bautch, a black doctor, said children under Grade 4 should stay with 10%. But it is also important that
older children don"t stay with over 15%, because their bodies are still growing. "Children are losing their balance
and falling down with their school bags," he said.
    Parents and teachers are starting to tell children to only take home library books that they will be reading at
night. Some teachers are using pieces of paper or thin workbooks for students to take home.
    One of the best answer is , as some children said ,to have no homework at all.

1. From the passage we can learn that ______. [     ]
A. only children in China carry too heavy school bags
B. children in other countries don"t carry too heavy school bags
C. both children in China and the US carry too heavy school bags
D. only children in the US carry too heavy school bags 2. Children feel it hard for them to go upstairs because ______. [     ]
A. they are too young
B. their school bags are too heavy
C. they don"t know how to go upstairs
D. their parents don"t always go upstairs with them 3. If a child carries a heavy school bag, ______. [     ]
A. his back and neck will be hurt
B. his head and arms will be hurt
C. his hands will be hurt
D. his feed will be hurt 4. According to the doctor, Scott Bautch, if a child in Grade 5 weigh about 30 kilos, the school bag he carries
    should not be over ______. [     ]
A. 5 kilos
B. 3 kilos
C. 5.5kilos
D. 4.5 kilos 5. Some students thinks the best answer to this problem is that ______. [     ]
A .they should have a little homework to do after they got home
B. their teacher had better not ask them to do any homework
C. they should only take home library books they will read at night
D. they should use thin workbooks instead of thick books
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Do you know more and more Chinese artists have made regular donations to charity or put their efforts
into charity work in China? Here let"s know some of them.
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
     Faye Wong and her husband Li Yapeng started the Yan Ran Angel Foundation (基金会) for
harelipped (兔唇的) children three years ago. It was named after their daughter. Its purpose is to help
children under 14 to cure their harelips. The couple donated one million yuan (about $ 133,000) to start
the organization.
     Cong Fei was born in a poor family. He became a successful singer in Shenzhen. He helped 178
poor students and disabled people for more than 10 years. Before he died of an illness at the age of 37
in 2006, he decided to donate his cornea (角膜) to people with eye diseases. He helped six people see
the world.
     Guan Mucun has donated money to Project Hope to help poor students finish primary education.
Thirty of these poor students have already finished high school with her support. Guan has also helped
with charity work for environment protection, HIV/AIDS prevention, blood donation and "Mother
     Guan had an unlucky childhood: her mother died when she was only 10. years old. With the help
of the government and her neighbours, she grew up and was successful as a famous singer.
     Action star Jackie Chan is a wholehearted supporter of charities including UNICEF, Operation Smile
and his own Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation. In 2007, he used much of his spare time to visit the
farthest parts of China on his Dragon"s Heart Charity Missions. 
    The Dragon"s Heart Foundation aims to meet the needs of poor children and the elderly in the
hardest-to-reach areas of the country. Chan has made several trips to these poor villages, bringing
warm clothing, wheelchairs and school supplies, and helping to build schools.
题型:湖南省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
ProblemsCauses Advice
Feel stressed Too much homework. Don"t
have enough time for their
Make a plan for study and
hobbies. Find time to relax.
Get short sighted (近视) Too much homework. Bad
study habits.
Do homework or read in a
correct way.
Fight with each other Don"t know how to get on
well with classmates.
Make more friends and
understand each other.
Don"t like to study The bad influence of computer
Play computer games just for
a short time.
Get fat Have more pocket money to
buy snacks. Don"t like to do
Use your pocket money to do
something meaningful (有意义
的). Do exercise every day.
题型:河南省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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