当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读理解。     Here are some short messages. Please read them first carefully and fin...
阅读理解。     Here are some short messages. Please read them first carefully and find the best answers to the questions:
试题【阅读理解。     Here are some short messages. Please read them first carefully and fin】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
No.1 Joy:
      I"m going to have a Christmas party next weekend. Are you coming?
                                                                                                                  From Helen
No.2 Joy:
     The "Fugitive" is now at Present Theater. Want to see it?
No.3 Mrs. Wang:
      I found a new brand (牌) of dog food. My Loy just loves it. Would you get some for
your Luckey?
No.4 Joy:
      Ring me up, please.
No.5 Joy:
     Buy some bread on your way home. Thanks. 
No.6 Ms Joy:
     Mr. Brown said your car is OK. And now you can go and get it from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m..
1-5      CBADC
     Forests are large pieces of  land covered with big trees. They are found all over the world, especially in
places where there is enough sunshine and much rainfall. 1______  To build a house, we need wood for
doors and windows. Beautiful chairs and tables are also made of wood.
     Teak (柚木) wood is very useful for ship-building. It is used for all parts of a ship where wood and
metal come in contact (接触), for it has a kind of oil to keep metal away from rust (铁锈). 2______ For this,
teak wood is an important railway building material.
     Forests are no less important than useful. They are the home of wild animals. Without them, those animals
would run among the places where we live and work. 3______
     Forests are helpful to weather, too. When it is very hot, they can be a good place for people to stay away
from the sun. In winter, they can keep us from the cold. Forests can also stop the land from being washed
away by heavy rain for the trees hold the soil together. 4______
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
A. There would be no peace for man.
B. So it would be foolish to cut down trees freely.
C. Many kinds of materials (材料) come from forests.
D. It can also stop the attack (攻击) of white ants and other insects.
     Building a house is an operation which costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you plan to  1  a house, your
first step is to find a suitable piece of  2 , You will probably try to find a sunny place, in a  3  situation, near
stores and bus stops, not too far from your friends and the place where you work.
     Next you will find an  4  builder. And together with the builder you will make a  5 , The builder will draw
it. The builder will also  6  the cost of your house. He will estimate (估计) the cost of the wood, the glass,
and everything else that he must use in building the house. Later on, when he starts to build, this estimate
must  7 , because the prices may  8 , and many other thing may happen between the time when he makes the
estimate and the time when he builds the house.
       9  the builder gives you his estimate, you may wish to change your plan. You may find that some of the
things you wanted at first cost too much, or that you can  10  a little more and add something to your original
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. buy       
(     )2. A. floor     
(     )3. A. mysterious 
(     )4. A. excited   
(     )5. A. map       
(     )6. A. find out   
(     )7. A. be corrected
(     )8. A. swap       
(     )9. A. When       
(     )10. A. cost     
B. decorate  
B. place    
B. surprised 
B. experienced
B. plan      
B. carry on  
B. be copied 
B. change    
B. While    
B. spend    
C. build     
C. land     
C. pleased   
C. interesting
C. decision 
C. work out 
C. be read   
C. exist     
C. Until     
C. take     
D. find      
D. playground
D. pleasant  
D. extra     
D. discussion                                                
D. work on   
D. be written
D. influence 
D. Since     
D. pay for   
     Life gets noisier every day and very  1  people can be free from noise of some kind or another. Whether
you live  2  the center of a modern city or a village far away---the chances that you will  3  by planes, cars,
radios, etc, are almost everywhere. We seem  4  be used to noise, too. Some people feel quite lonely without
background music while they are working.
     Tests have shown that total silence can be very frightening experiences.  5 , some people enjoy  6  to pop
music which is very loud, and this can do harm to their ears. The noise level in some places is far above the
usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.
     One recent report about  7  said that although  8  people say that any noise disturbs their attention, only a
sudden change in the level of noise really affects people"s attention. It goes on to say that a background noise,
which doesn"t change too much. Music, for example, may even help people to pay attention.
     People are testing ways to make  9  noise. There are even laws controlling noise. We cannot return to the
"good old days" of peace and quiet. But we can make less noise---if we shout  10  about it.
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题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. few         
(     )2. A. at          
(     )3. A. disturb     
(     )4. A. for         
(     )5. A. Whenever    
(     )6. A. to listening
(     )7. A. noisy       
(     )8. A. a lot       
(     )9. A. much        
(     )10. A. enough loud
B. a few       
B. in          
B. disturbed   
B. at          
B. Whatever    
B. listening   
B. nose        
B. a lots of   
B. more        
B. enough loudly
C. little     
C. on         
C. disturbing 
C. to         
C. However    
C. to listen  
C. ears       
C. many       
C. many       
C. loud enough
D. a little     
D. with         
D. be disturbed 
D. with         
D. What else    
D. listening    
D. noise        
D. much                                                 
D. less         
D. loudly enough
     My little brother is six years old, in first grade. Yesterday, he gave mum a letter from his teacher. "I got a
red flag today. Could you please sign this note?" he said. The note showed that he had been talking during
reading time. He gets a "red flag" only once in a while. His real worry is that he never gets top scores in his
schoolwork. The best he gets is "OK", but often his score is "You can do better than this." My mum tells me
"You can do better than this" would mean "Very bad" in China.
      It"s interesting, though, because teachers for little kids in America never say anything too bad about their
students; even if the students are making trouble in class or not working hard enough. The worst they might
say is "Please be nicer tomorrow." Many parents are pleased with a B-grade for each subject.
      I"ve heard that things are different in Chinese schools. Expectations (期望) are very high for students.
Even from first grade, homework was quite a lot for my relatives in Nanjing. I sometimes felt that my
first-grade Chinese cousin spent more time on homework than I did when I was a 6th grader in the US ( this
is the same as the 6th grade in China )! Yet his parents and school thought he was a bad student. But to me,
he was smart, even though he didn"t meet his parents" expectations. My parents tell me that some students are
years earlier in math and science!
     Do you think it"s too strict in China? Or do you think that it"s not strict enough in America? Maybe both
are true!
1. The writer"s little brother got a red flag yesterday because he ________.
A. did something good
B. worked hard enough
C. got top scores
D. made trouble in class
2. When students get "OK", it means they get ________ scores in their schoolwork.
A. top
B. medium
C. the lower
D. the best
3. Many parents in America don"t get ________ when their kids get a B-grade in their school.
A. happy
B. glad
C. angry
D. pleased
4. From the passage we can clearly see the writer thinks ________.
A. American teachers are better than Chinese teachers
B. expectations in China are too high for students
C. teachers should be strict with their students
D. Chinese teachers are not kind enough to students
5. The story mainly tells us ________.
A. about the different expectations for students between China and America
B. Chinese kids spend less time on schoolwork than American kids do
C. it"s as strict in American schools as that in Chinese schools
D. Chinese teachers should treat students like American teachers
     I need friends who can share my emotions (情感). When I get very happy or excited, I need someone
to share with me. When I was full of sorrow or sadness, I need to talk about it with someone. I need friends
who can give me a hand when I come across difficulties or am in trouble. Of course, we take time to make
friends. We choose a friend and are chosen by a friend. We may get a lot from a friend but also need to give
much to a friend, and that is friendship. We know that it is very difficult to get help or to have a friend when
we are in trouble. So we take time to make friends so that we can have good friends to get help from if we
come across difficulties. I need friends to spend my spare time to avoid loneliness. A lot of activities require
a partner. For example, when we play table tennis or badminton, we need a partner. In this way, a friend can
make my life more exciting and meaningful.
      It seems that everyone needs a friend to live a happier life. Without friendship, life is not complete. We
need friendship for different purposes, and different purposes may need different friends. Life is made up of
friendship. Let us open our hearts and make more friends to live a happier life.
1. 根据短文内容判断正误(正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”):
    (     ) The best title of the passage is How to Make Friends. 
2. 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语:
3. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题:
   According to the passage, what is friendship?
4.   You need friends who will _____________ when you come across difficulties or get in trouble.
5.   Playing table tennis or badminton with your friend in your spare time is a great way to 
      make _____________.