当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读理解。     We always celebrated Dad"s birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he...
阅读理解。     We always celebrated Dad"s birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he entered a nursing home. When
we knew it might be his last birthday, the whole family decided to come together for a huge birthday
celebration at the nursing home.
     Dad was a good storyteller. But this time I told Dad that it was now his turn to listen to some stories for
a change. One after another, people told stories from their hearts, while Dad listened with tears in eyes. People
recalled kinds of stories ----stories about when they were little, stories about when Dad was young, and stories
that shared family treasures.
     Everyone seemed to have more than one story. Even the little grandchildren couldn"t wait to tell Dad why
they loved him. For a man who had been kind to so many hundreds of people in his life, here was a change
to tell him how much we love him. A few months later, at Dad"s memorial service, we more fully realized
what we had given to Dad that night. Those are the stories people normally tell at a funeral (葬礼) after a
loved one is no longer alive to hear the words. They tell stories, full of tears. But we had given those memories
to Dad in his life, and we had told them through laughter, together with hugs and joy. He had them to hold and
enjoyed them from time to time in his mind during his last days and months.
     That"s the ways to give back love and that"s our chance to celebrate a person in his or her life. 1. The whole family decided to have a huge birthday celebration because _______.A. Dad was to leave the hospital
B. it might be Dad"s last birthday
C. they would celebrate Thanksgiving Day
D. Dad was at the nursing home 2. They celebrated Dad"s birthday by _______.A. listening to Dad about his story
B. singing and dancing at the party
C. telling stories about Dad from hearts
D. sharing family present with Dad 3. The writer fully realized what they had given to his father that night _______.A. when Dad was still alive
B. at Dad"s memorial service
C. from time to time in his life
D. after Dad entered a nursing home 4. Father enjoyed the memories of love and held them in his last days, didn"t he? A. Yes, he did
B. No, he didn"t
C. Yes, he didn"t
D. No, he did 5. We can know from the passage that _______.A. We can tell stories to celebrate Thanksgiving Day
B. We should show our love to those people we love in his or her life
C. We should tell our love to those people we love when they are dying
D. We should give back love to those people we love after their death
1-5      BCBAB
试题【阅读理解。     We always celebrated Dad"s birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood
and life. Red is used for signs of  1 , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color
of leaves in autumn. People say orange is a  2  color. Yellow is the color of sunlight. People say it is a cheerful
color. Green is the cool color grass in spring. In general, people  3  two groups of colors: warm colors and
cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and yellow. Where there are warm colors and a lot of light,
people usually want to be active. Those who like to be with  4  like red. The cool colors are black and blue.
Where are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to go by  5  in a room
with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good way for a living room or a  6 . People who are
having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. Cool colors are better for some offices if the
people working there want time to pass quickly.
题型:上海期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:上海期末题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. roads      
(     )2. A. lively     
(     )3. A. speak      
(     )4. A. the other  
(     )5. A. very quickly
(     )6. A. factory    
B. ways       
B. dark       
B. say        
B. another    
B. more slowly
B. classroom  
C. danger    
C. noisy     
C. talk about
C. much slower
C. much slower
C. restaurant
D. places      
D. frightening 
D. tell about  
D. others                 
D. very quicker
D. hospital    
     Nobody is happy all the time, but we should try to be happy as often as possible. We cannot change the
(1) p______, but we can enjoy the present, and look to the future. Learn to accept that things aren"t going to
be good all the time, and you will find your days much easier to get through. If you always think why you"re
not good at (2) a ______, your life well become more and more boring. Change the way you think about and
your life will change. Looking (3) a______ carefully, you will realize how lucky you are to have the things
you have already had ---- a loving family, great friends, or a (4) s______ job. Many people don"t know they
are angry with themselves, not with others. So, you should be open up completely to yourself and learn to
be your own best friend. Be honest with yourself. What do you want out of life? What makes you (6) r______
happy? Who do you want to be? Don"t hold yourself back. The happiest days of our lives are the days when
we see a smile on the face of a person whom we (7) c______ about. Even helping a stranger can make you
realize how much you really have, because of how much you can give.
Dear Sir,
      I have to travel every day from Souk Road to the airport. Two buses travel along the line: the number 49
and number 16. But by the time the number 16 bus gets to Souk Road, it is always full, so I can"t get on it. I
have to wait for the number 49, because sometimes there are empty seats on it.
     The timetable says that there are buses from Souk Road to the airport every ten minutes. If this is so, why
do I have to wait half an hour for a bus every day?
     The regulations (规章) say that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where
people are waiting. Why do the half-empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop?
     The regulations say that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers (乘客) and 20 standing
passengers. Yesterday I was the first to get off the bus when it reached the airport. I counted (数) the other
passengers as they got off. There were 129 of them.
     It is clear that our bus companies break the regulations and think little of their passengers. Can nothing be
done to make your service (服务) better?
1. This passage is ________.
A. a message
B. a talk
C. a story
D. a letter
2. The writer has to take Bus No. 49 because _________.
A. it arrives on time
B. it is not always full
C. it travels faster
D. it has fewer seats on it
3. How long does the writer usually have to wait for a bus?
A. Ten minutes.
B. One hour.
C. Half an hour.
D. Nearly a day.
4. The regulations say that each bus may carry ______ passengers at most.
A. 20
B. 40
C. 60
D. 129
5. From the passage we can see that __________.
A. the bus service was bad
B. no passengers took their buses
C. no bus passed Souk Road
D. the writer was always the first to get on the bus
     There is a big park near my home. It is big and beautiful. In the park, there are many   1   and trees. In
spring, when flowers come out (开放), the park looks very beautiful. People all like to   2   there. In the
morning, many people take exercise there. Students like to   3   books there. After   4   , people like to take a
walk there with their friends or families. There are many benches (长椅) for people to sit on when they   5 
     Today is Sunday. There are many   6   in the park. Jim and his friends chat   7   the big tree. Lucy and Lily
walk and talk about   8   interesting film. There is a lake   9   the park. Some children swim in the lake, and
others fish there. They all have a   10   time.
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
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(   ) 1. A. books       
(   ) 2. A. eat        
(   ) 3. A. read          
(   ) 4. A. breakfast    
(   ) 5. A. am          
(   ) 6. A. child       
(   ) 7. A. to          
(   ) 8. A. a              
(   ) 9. A. in the middle of
(   ) 10. A. well          
B. flowers   
B. work        
B. say        
B. the lunch   
B. are       
B. childs        
B. on            
B. an         
B. in middle of  
B. bad      
C. food     
C. play     
C. tell     
C. a supper  
C. is         
C. childrens  
C. under      
C. the        
C. at the front
C. good       
D. water     
D. sleep     
D. talk      
D. supper    
D. be       
D. children    
D. from     
D. any        
D. over       
D. sad      
     People like to say "Thank you" when others help them or say something kind for them. It is a very good
     You should say "Thank you" when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when
someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is beautiful. We
can use "Thank you" not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters.
     "Excuse me" is another short sentence we often use. When you hear someone say so behind you, you
know that somebody wants to walk pass you without touching you. When others are talking, if you want to
speak to one of them, say "Excuse me" first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you begin to
cough or make any noise before others.
     Let"s learn to say"Thank you" and "Excuse me".
1. You should say "Thank you" when _______.
A. you say something kind to others
B. you help others
C. someone helps you
D. you are in trouble
2. When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say "_______".
A. Thank you
B. That"s very kind of you
C. Excuse me
D. The same to you
3. The passage mainly tells us the way________.
A. to be happy
B. to be polite
C. to help others
D. to be healthy