B. what did Alice end the Red Queen"s reign of terror
C. how Alice ended the Red Queen"s reign of terror
D. what Alice ended the Red Queen"s reign of terror
B. what will he do
C. what he did
D. what did he do
B. what the spaceship looks like
C. how the spaceship looks 1ike
D. how does the spaceship 1ook like
B. why Peter didn"t come to school yesterday
C. when will the dolphin show begin
D. how long I usually spend on my homework
B. where could she get this kind of book
C. that he would show her around the farm
D. if they will have fish for lunch
When would the meeting start?
→He wanted to know when the meeting would start.
How long will it take to get there?
When will you visit the Bamboo Garden?
What should we do next, Mr Wang?
How excited were they when they received these nice Christmas presents?
Will you come back at 8:00 tomorrow?
What did he say at the meeting?
What were you doing last night?
Were they interested in dinosaurs?
Have they had their temperature taken?
How will you go there, by air or by road?
- 1已知集合A={x|a2-2a≤x≤a+4},B={x|x2≤8x-7}。 (1)若a=1,求集合(CRA)∩B; (2)
- 2有人说:“雅典的学生已成为他人的老师;雅典已使‘希腊人’一词不再表示一个种族,而表示一种精神面貌。”下列能代表当时雅典人
- 3量取液体体积时,量筒应放______,视线与______相平,然后读数,若仰视,读数会______;若俯视,读数会___
- 4物块A质量为m,置于光滑水平地面上,其上表面固定一根轻弹簧,弹簧原长为L0,劲度系数为k,如图所示。现将弹簧上端B缓慢的
- 5短文改错One cold day an elder lady sent by
- 6下列对《记念刘和珍君》选段的理解与分析,恰当的一项是[ ] 我已经说过:我向来是不惮以最坏的恶意来推测中国人的
- 7如图所示,物体Q静止在光滑的水平面上,其左边固定有轻质弹簧,与Q质量相等的物体P以速度v向Q运动并与弹簧发生碰撞,且始终
- 8真空中有一半径为r0的带电金属球壳,若取无穷远处为零电势,通过其球心的一直线上各点的电势φ分布规律可用图中曲线表示,r表
- 9The company is famous ______ selling lots of cheap books ove
- 10发现煤气中毒病人后,应迅速将病人转移到______的地方.如果病人停止呼吸,要立即进行______.
- 1若△ABC三边分别是a、b、,则该三角形的最大角与最小角的和为( )。
- 2用石墨作电极,电解质溶液中各离子浓度之比如下:c(Cu2+):c(Na+):c(Cl—)=1:2:4。在任何情况下,阴阳
- 3设、是双曲线的左、右两个焦点,在双曲线右支上取一点P, 使(O为坐标原点)且,则实数的值为 ( )A.B.C
- 4---- _____ do you play football? ---- Once a week.A.How lon
- 5将正奇数按下表排成5列 第1列第2列第3列第4列第5列第1行 1357第2行1513119 第3行 17192123 那
- 6已知△ABC两边长a,b满足,则△ABC周长的取值范围是( )。
- 7车间有甲、乙两个小组,甲组的工作效率比乙组高25%,甲组加工2000个零件所用的时间比乙组加工1800个零件所用的时间少
- 8(1)已知椭圆的焦点在x轴上,且a=4,b=1,求椭圆的标准方程;(2)已知双曲线的顶点在x轴上,两顶点间的距离是8,e
- 9在平面镜中成的像跟物体比较( )A.一定不一样大B.不一定一样大C.一定一样大D.因为近大远小,所以离得近时,像跟物一
- 102011年9月15日我国第二颗月球探测卫星嫦娥二号在172万公里外传回数据。此前嫦娥二号最远的传输距离是38万公里。这一