—Is there a bank near here?
B. No, there isn"t.
C. Yes, there isn"t.
D. No, there aren"t.
B. Yes, you can.
C. No, you can"t.
D. Sorry, you can.
1. We have to clean the blackboard.
_______ you _______ to clean the blackboard?
Yes, I _______.
No, I _______.
2. He likes to wear black shorts.
______ he ______ to wear black shorts?
Yes, he _______.
No, he _______.
3. The bank is next to the shop.
______ the bank next to the shop?
Yes, _______ _______.
No, ______ _______.
4. He did his homework at home.
_______ he _______ his homework at home?
Yes, ________ ________.
No, ________ ________.
5. They can play basketball after school.
_______ they _______ basketball after school?
Yes, _______ _______.
No, _______ _______.
______ ______like a medium bowl?
Yes, he ______.
No, he ______.
2. There are some boys in the classroom.
______ ______ ______ boys in the classroom?
Yes, ______ ______.
No, ______ ______.
3. They"re playing football on the playground.
______ they _______ football on the playground?
No, _______ _______.
Yes, _______ _______.
4. The weather is nice and cool.
______ the weather nice and cool?
Yes, ______ _______.
No, ______ _______.
5. They were busy yesterday afternoon.
______ they busy yesterday afternoon?
Yes, ______ _______.
No, ______ _______.
1. That"s a yellow cat.
2. They"re our father and mother.
3. I can say that again.
4. It will fit you soon.
5. Her mother buys her a pink dress.
6. We come from Canada.
7. I have a small mouth.
8. Those are their clothes.
9. My jacket is blue and white.
10. They like playing soccer.
B. Yes, there is.
C. Yes, there is one.
D. No, there are.
- 1我国国土面积约为9596960平方千米,按四舍五入精确到万位,则我国国土面积约为[ ]A.9597万平方千米
- 2把动脉血送回心脏的血管是( )A.主动脉B.上、下腔静脉C.肺静脉D.肺动脉
- 3已知集合M={x
- 4关于速度,下列说法正确的是( )A.瞬时速率始终不变的运动,一定是匀速直线运动B.物体做匀速直线运动,一定有平均速度等
- 5句型转换。1. They make these watches in Shanghai. (改为被动语态) The
- 6我国少数民族主要分布的地区是[ ]A.西南、西北和东南 B.中部、西北和东南 C.西南、西北和东北 D.华南、西
- 710. Legend has ______ Sun Wu was buried here.A.whatB.thatC.i
- 8“有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。”此对联中涉及的春秋时期的一个事件是
- 9在今年5月份助残活动中,某校初三同学为伤残军人买了一辆电动轮椅。同学们对这辆车的工作原理产生了兴趣。他们对照说明书的电路
- 10【题文】.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )(1)最近,一种备受家装消费者
- 1|-13|的相反数是( )A.13B.-13C.3D.-3
- 2 函数与的图像关于原点对称,且,则A.B.C.D.的大小关系不确定
- 3如图为我国某年夏季等温线和盛行风向图(图中打点部分分为我国暴雨洪水严重地区)。回答问题:小题1:图中最低温的成因主要是(
- 4种植树木、花卉能美化环境是因为( )A.生物适应环境B.生物影响环境C.环境影响生物D.生物和环境相互影响
- 5科学探究常要进行对照实验,实验中应注意( )A.除实验变量外,其他变量都相同B.所有变量都相同C.所有变量都不相同D.
- 6迎远方归来轮船的人们总是先看到归来轮船的桅杆,后才看到轮船本身,原因是[ ]A、地球的海洋太大,陆地太小 B、陆
- 7我们说学习是一个主动提出问题、探索问题和解决问题的过程,同时也是一个[ ]A、苦乐交织的过程 B、探究和发现问
- 8如图中两灯能亮,甲乙丙分别是电压表或电流表,下列关于它们的说法正确的是( )A.甲乙丙不可能都是电流表或电压表B.甲乙
- 9在温度不变的情况下,向一瓶硝酸钾溶液中加入少量的硝酸钾晶体,晶体仍能全部溶解,对此,下列结论正确的是( )A.原硝酸钾
- 10在做《研究匀变速直线运动》的实验时,某同学得到一条用打点计时器打下的纸带如图所示,并在其上取了A、B、C、D、E、F、G