B. to study, received
C. studying, received
D. studied, receiving
试题【I spent all my life ______about the history of China and finally I ______ such a】;主要考察你对动名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
2. Did you remember the great ______? He often takes part in ______ competition (skate).
3. September is the ______ (nine) month of a year. I was born in September and I had ______a
(nine, year) memory (记忆) of my life.
4. The teacher spent a whole day ______ (look) for the lost student yesterday.
5. ______ (win) the first prize in the Olympic Games is an excellent honor.
6. The old man is too weak (弱的) ______ (carry) the box of apples. Let"s ______ (help) him.
7. The policeman stopped the driver______ (drive) the car because its speed (速度) is too fast.
8. Last year, he ______ (enter) the university and now she ______ (major) in English Education.
9. Miss Zhao is a ______ (love) teacher, she is friendly to her students.
10. Have you watched the movie ______ (call) the Hero (英雄)?
B. wrote, scientist
C. to write, musician
D. write, painter
B. to talk
C. saying
D. to say
2. Listen, who ____ (sing) an Swedish song?
3. They ____ (move) to Sydney last month?
4. Do you enjoy _____ (live) in the country?
5. You"d better ____ (not tell) him about it.
6. I ____ (be) more careful next time.
7. Summer ____ (come) after spring, do you know?
8. What ____ you ____ (do) an hour ago?
9. The best time ____ (visit) the farm is in autumn.
10. Thank you for ____ (teach) us so much.
- 1【题文】下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是
- 2“此日漫挥天下泪,有公足壮海军威。”这副挽联沉痛悼念的是( )A.林则徐B.丁汝昌C.邓世昌D.李鸿章
- 3Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo won the gold medal for China so we"
- 4下列词语中加点字的读音,完全相同的一组是 ( )A.供不应求 供认不讳 仅供参考B.毫无禁忌 令行禁止 弱不禁风C.分崩
- 5已知{an}是递增的等差数列,a1=2,a22=a4+8(Ⅰ)求数列{an}的通项公式;(Ⅱ)若bn=an+2an,求数
- 6下列有关声的说法中正确的是( )A.只要物体振动,我们就能听到声音B.考场周围禁鸣喇叭是在人耳处减弱噪音C.“听诊器”
- 7下列式子是完全平方式的是( )A.x2–x+B.1+x2C.x+xy+lD.x2+2a–l
- 8Our teacher is coming, please stop __________and keep ______
- 9看图,选择相应的单词。 A. dictionary B. ruler C. pencil sharpen
- 10克隆羊“多莉”的出生与甲、乙、丙三只母羊有关,其中甲提供细胞核,乙提供去核卵细胞,丙是代孕母羊,那么“多莉”长得像谁?A
- 1“建设生态文明”给我们的主要哲学启示有哪些?
- 2小刘不经意间手指被针刺,手迅速缩回并感觉疼痛。在此过程中[ ]A.先感到疼痛,然后手迅速缩回B.反应速度快是因为
- 3在下面一段文字横线出补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密。每处不超过15个字(6分)儒家幸福观主要
- 4为了统计在奥运会上各国奖牌数所占的百分比,应选用______统计图.
- 5下图是黏虫发育过程不同时期的形态图,请据图分析作答:(1)黏虫的发育顺序为________A.①→②→③→④ B.①→③
- 6 ( )A.B.C.D.
- 7如图,已知线段BC=13AB=14CD,线段AB、CD的中点分别为P、Q,且PQ=270,求AB和CD的长.
- 8请根据你所掌握的汉字知识,完成下面题目。(1)请根据图形,选择一个角度对“水”字进行解说。_______________
- 9某市交巡警与“的哥”开展换位体验活动。“的哥”们一边劝导行人一边挥动小红旗,民警们开始了“出租车司机”的体验。双方都体会
- 10已知双曲线一条渐近线与直线平行,且离心率为,则的最小值为( )A.B.C.D.