(1) (2) (3)
1. There are many ______ in the old house.
2. I often go to Beijing by ______ with my father.
3. Before you go online, you must connect the ______ to the computer.
4. Our teacher often ______ (检查) our homework in class.
5. The doctor ______ (挽救) many people"s lives every year.
—Sorry, I haven"t. Why _____ you ask Mary? Perhaps she has one.
B. don"t
C. did
D. didn"t
2. She_____ (read) English now.
3. They are _____ (go) to Hawaii for vacation.
4. Does your father_____ (speak) English?
5. _____ (send) me a postcard frrom Hong Kong,please.
2. ______ (not be) late for school!
3. I have so many things ______ (do).
4. Look, the dog ______ (cross) the street.
5. Do you want ______ (tell) me anything about your school?
6. Look, the children are on ______ (they) way home.
7. That"s______ (Li Lei) favourite store.
8. The girl ______ (pass) the shop every day.
B. shops
C. shopping
D. is shopping
- 1根据句意填词。1. Who do you want to go _______ to Yunnan?2. I don"t
- 2维新变法失败后,壮烈牺牲的维新人士有 等人。
- 3已知函数f(x)=3x x≤1-x x>1则f(f(1))=______.
- 4下列事例是压强知识在我们的生活中的应用,其中属于增大压强的是( )A.注射器的针头很尖B.书包背带做得很宽C.铁轨铺在
- 5请阅读下面这首小诗,然后回答问题。诗宗白华啊,诗从何处寻?在细雨下,点碎落花声!在微风里,飘来流水音!在蓝空天末,摇摇欲
- 6下列各项与免疫功能有关的是[ ]A.抵抗病原体侵袭,防御感染B.维持内环境平衡稳定,清除体内衰老或受损细胞C.监
- 7已知,平面上三个向量的模均为1,它们之间的夹角均为120°,求:(1)证明;(2),求k的取值范围。
- 8植物细胞的最外层是____,具有____和__________作用。紧贴在细胞壁上的是__________。细胞质中有一
- 9设函数,若对任意都有恒成立,则实数的取值范围为( )A.B.C.D.
- 10太阳直射点上 ( ) A.昼最长夜最短B.太阳高度最大C.昼夜等长D.夜长昼短
- 1两种气态烃组成的混合气体0.1mol,完全燃烧得0.15mol CO2和3.6g H2,下列关于该混合气体的说法正确的是
- 2我国历史上最早管理对外贸易的官署的设置地点是[ ]A.长安B.广州C.扬州D.登州
- 3如图,用与底面成30°角的平面截圆柱得一椭圆截线,则该椭圆的离心率为 ( ) A.B.C.D.
- 4下列各组词语中,划线的注音全部正确的一项是[ ]A、汲(jí)取前仆(pù)后继埋(mái)怨文采藻(zǎo)饰
- 5The southwest of Australia has been named as one of 25”hot s
- 6(5分)某实验小组利用废硫酸液制备K2SO4的流程如下:⑴ 将CaCO3研成粉末的目的是
- 7草木灰是一种钾肥,主要成分是K2CO3,其中K2CO3中碳元素的化合价为( )A.0B.+2C.+4D.-4
- 8用适当的方法解下列一元二次方程:(1)3x2=4x;(2)2x(x﹣1)+3(x﹣1)=0;(3)2(x﹣3)2﹣72=
- 9假如没有大气层,以下想象不合理的是( )A.可用温度计测量液体温度B.夏天,可以用伞挡住阳光C.可以看到日食、月食现象
- 10A new regulation has passed forbidding supermarkets and stor