He was not __________ __________ __________ get through the door.
2. She ran very fast so that she could get to school on time.
She ran very fast __________ __________ __________ get to school on time.
3. They used to be good friends, but they don"t like each other any more.
They used to be good friends, but they __________ __________ like each other.
4. My father no longer smokes.
My father __________ smoke __________ __________.
5. He watched TV instead of playing football.
He watched TV __________ __________ played football.
试题【完成下列句子的同义表达1. He was so fat that he couldn"t get through the door. He was no】;主要考察你对动词的固定搭配等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. No wonder
C. No trouble
D. No problem
B. as more interesting as
C. not so interesting as
D. not as interesting than
—Yes, I think so.
B. so important as
C. as important as
D. as more important as
B. too; not
C. very, to
D. too, to
B. between, and
C. too, to
D. such, that
- 1用一张矩形的纸片分别围成两个不同的圆柱形纸筒Ⅰ、Ⅱ,纸筒Ⅰ的侧面积为24π,纸筒Ⅱ的底面半径为3,则纸筒的Ⅱ的容积为__
- 2饭后一段时间,人体内胰岛素的分泌量会增加.______.(判断对错)
- 3请将下列成语的英文字母填入对应人物前的横线上①.赵括_________A 卧薪尝胆②.勾践_________B 纸上谈兵
- 4在水平光滑的滑冰场上,有甲、乙两小孩分别坐两块滑冰板上。甲连同其滑冰板的质量大于乙连同其滑冰板的质量,原来都处于静止状态
- 5 Lucy usually watches TV_______ Saturday evening.A.onB.inC.a
- 62007年法国科学家阿尔贝·费尔和德国科学家彼得·格林贝格尔由于发现巨磁电阻(GMR)效应而荣获了诺贝尔物理学奖。如图是
- 7Do you know ____ John is getting on well with his studies?A.
- 8政府为公民求助或投诉提供多种途径。下列属于法律途径的是A.开设热线电话B.设立信访部门C.推行电子政务D.建立行政裁决、
- 9若cos(2π-α)=53,且α∈(-π2,0),则sin(π-α)=______.
- 10如图,OC是∠AOB的平分线,PD⊥DA于点D,PD=2,则P点到OB的距离是( )A.1B.2C.3D.4
- 1不等式组的解集在数轴上表示为[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 2先化简,再求值:(a2-4a2-4a+4+12-a)÷2a2-2a,其中a满足a2+a=5.
- 3—What are these?—____ are desks.[ ]A. ThisB. ThoseC. The
- 4下列有关说法正确的是 A.催化剂通过降低化学反应的焓变加快化学反应速率B.铅蓄电池充电时.标有“一”的电极应与电源的负
- 5 语文的学习在于积水成“海”:“海阔天空”,“山盟海誓”,“海枯石烂”,“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”,“长风破浪
- 6用均匀导线做成的正方形线圈边长为l,正方形的一半放在垂直于纸面向里的匀强磁场中,如图所示,当磁场以的变化率增强时,则(
- 7下列实验现象描述正确的是 [ ]A.一氧化碳还原氧化铜有铜生成 B.水电解时两极有气泡产生 C.白磷在空气中
- 8若方程x2+(m-3)x+m=0的两个根都是正数,则m的取值范围是______.
- 9阅读文段,完成问题。 有得钟①者,欲负而走,则钟大而不可负,以锤毁之,钟况②然有音,恐人闻之而夺之也,遽掩其耳。【注释
- 10下图是鸡卵的结构,据图回答下列问题:(1)将图中相应名称填写在下列横线上。①_______,②_______,③____