A.this | B.that | C.it | D.you are |
A. the; the B. a; the C. the; a
When I was young, I studied hard all the time. But (1)u_________,my grades were low and I nearly lost (2) (信心) _________in myself .
My father was worried about it .He took me to the garden .Pointing to two rows of trees ,he asked me ,"Do you know what trees they are ?" I watched (3)c_________ and answered, "They are poplars and gingkoes. " My father asked me to (4)c_________ poplars with gingkoes and find out the (5)(不同) _________ between them .It’s very clear that poplars are much (6)t_________ than the gingkoes.
My father told me the two rows of trees (7)(种)_________ at the same time . While being planted , they were as tall as each other .With the same sunlight ,the same water and the same care, but why are the poplars so tall and the gingkoes are so (8)s_________?
I stood there without (9)s_________ a word . Then my father said ,"Boy ,you know ,the valuable things often grow up slowly."
I knew what my father meant by saying so .From then on, I studied harder and harder .And my grades (10)i_________ greatly .Three years later ,I succeeded in entering Beijing University .
A.they, you | B.us, his | C.me, them | D.we, you |
A.That | B.This | C.It | D.She |
---- Let me have a look.
A.something wrong | B.anything wrong |
C.wrong something | D.wrong anything |
- 1某学院有四个不同环境的生化实验室、分别养有18、24、54、48只小白鼠供实验用,某项实验需抽取24只小白鼠,你认为最合
- 2马克思说:“各种经济时代的区别,不在于生产什么,而在于怎样生产,用什么劳动资料生产。”阅读材料,结合所学知识回答下列问题
- 3选出下列句子语意明确,没有语病的一句是 ( )A.以曹操父子为代表的建安诗人及东晋大诗人陶渊明的作品都是我国先
- 4进入2011年以来,世界发生了一系列重大事件,引发世人的关注。读材料回答问题。 材料一:近期由突尼斯引导的一场政权革命,
- 5读地球公转轨道图回答下列问题(1)标出图中A、B、C、D四处代表的节气名称.A______B______C______D
- 6People have planted a lot of trees and grass in order to ___
- 7设,则“”是“直线与直线平行”的( )A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件
- 8下列关于物体的平衡状态的说法中,正确的是[ ]A.物体在静止不动时处于平衡状态B.物体在运动时一定不处于平衡状态
- 9物体做直线运动,它的位移随时间的变化关系为x=kt,k为常数,则它的速度—时间的图像是( )
- 10【选修4——中外历史人物评说】阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料一 贞观二年,唐太宗说:“国以人为本,人以衣食为本,凡营衣食,
- 1已知函数的部分图象如下图所示,(Ⅰ)求函数f(x)的解析式;(Ⅱ)在△ABC中,角A,B,C对的边分别为a,b,c,若f
- 2--Did you remember to give your boss my message?--Yes, I gav
- 3(3+2)(2-3)=______.
- 4物质发生化学变化时常伴随一些现象发生.下列有关实验现象的描述与事实不相符合的是( )A.红磷在空气中燃烧产生大量白烟B
- 5下列有关环境问题都是由化学物质引起的,在下列组合中对应的化合物不正确的是( )A.温室效应:二氧化碳B.光化学烟雾:
- 6读图6—22,完成下列各题。图6—22(1)图中五个城市中可能形成较早的是 、 城市,原
- 7听觉形成的过程中,感受刺激、产生兴奋的结构是( )A.听觉中枢B.半规管C.鼓膜D.耳蜗
- 8化简ab-ba-a2+b2ab的结果是( )A.0B.-2abC.-2baD.2ba
- 9从一批机器零件中取出10件,称得它们的质量如下(单位:千克):210,203,195,208,207,192,202,2
- 10有四个电源,电源电动势均为8V,内阻分别为1Ω、2Ω、4Ω、8Ω,今要对R=2Ω的电阻供电,要使R上获得的功率最大,则选