当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 物主代词 > 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)小题1: Protecting the            (环境) is prote...
小题1: Protecting the            (环境) is protecting ourselves.
小题2:What the girl said makes her look even _________(丑陋的).
小题3:People often grow rice in the ___________(南方) part of China.
小题4:Whose are the key rings? They are one of my ____________ (亲戚) .
小题5: We’re going abroad for a ____________ (几个) of years.
小题6: ---Could you post the letter for me?  --- With             (pleased).
小题7:I don’t mind ____________ (print) the letters for you.
小题8: We should speak to the old man          (polite).
小题9: His little dog           (die) last week and that made him very sad.
小题10:You usually ask your teacher for some _________ (advise) books.


小题6:句意:—你能为我邮上这封信吗?—非常乐意。其英语表达是with pleasure,故填pleasure。
试题【根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)小题1: Protecting the            (环境) is prote】;主要考察你对物主代词等知识点的理解。[详细]
—_______ do you like _______ the picture on the wall?
—The colour.
A.What, aboutB.How
C.How, ofD.What, of

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:They feel _________/w i:k/ this_________ /w i:k/because they always ________
/w eik/ early in the morning.
小题2:Next W_______________ will be my ninth birthday and I’ll have a party on the coming day.
小题3: Now almost every family has a TV and almost everyone  e__________ watching TV.
小题4:The whole society pays more attention to children’s  s_____________ and all the schools have police rooms

小题5: I’m going to be a basketball _______ like him.
小题6: There will be another ______ relay race this afternoon.
小题7: Kangkang often plays sports _______ a week
小题8:We didn’t tell Jack we would come. We want to give him a________.
小题9:  I _____________________( 不同意 ) my mother and this made me crazy.
小题10: My parents always say that I _______________( 已经长大了 ).
小题11: When we are away, our baby  ________________( 照顾) by my mother.
小题12: _______  _______(等一等), Mr. Li isn’t in at the moment.
小题13: Would you mind      (调低)the music a little? Mom is sleeping now.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Everyone wants to be successful. As a student, you also want to have success at school, no matter w __小题1:__  you’re good at studies or not. But it’s difficult to learn all the lessons well because it requires good ways and habits. If you take right ways of studying, you can m __小题2:___ great progress. Here I will offer you some a ___小题3:__.
Firstly, be sure to make up your mind to work h __小题4:__ and do well in everything you learn. It is wise of you to do your b __小题5:___ in your studies.
Secondly, it’s necessary for you to have a good study habit. While s __小题6:__, make sure to pay attention to it. After you finish your study, don’t forget to find some time for f __小题7:___ in order to help you relax as well.
Thirdly, you should try to learn every subject well. If you are w ___小题8:__ in a subject, you need to encourage yourself to do well in it You should often remind yourself why you need to study.
Finally, you had better t ___小题9:___ notes in class because you cannot remember everything. These notes will be h ___小题10:__ for you to review or remember what you have learnt. If you forget some points, you can go over them.
If you take all the suggestions, you will certainly develop into a better student in studies.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Boys, don’t lose____ in playing Angry Birds. It is bad for your eyes to play computer games for a long time

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据中文或英文单词填写单词 (每空1分,共10分)
小题1:             (兔子) like eating carrots and vegetables.
小题2: The princess has been asleep for many            (世纪).
小题3: The firemen were so ________(勇敢的) that they rushed into the fire.
小题4: Can you find the answer in the story __________(在……的下面)?
小题5: It took a long          (时期) of time to build the Great Wall in China’s history.
小题6: When I was in high school, most of my classmates            (骑车) to school.
小题7: One metre is 100 centimetres, or thirty-nine        (inch).
小题8: Air is so important for us. We can’t live              (with) it.
小题9: There is something            usual) in today’s newspaper. You should read it.
小题10: Millie and her friends enjoyed            (they) very much at the party.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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