—What did he say? I couldn"t hear him.
A. He says the earth goes round the sun.
B. He said the earth goes round the sun.
C. He said the earth went round the sun.
D. He says the earth went round the sun.
试题【—The earth goes round the sun. —What did he say? I couldn"t hear him. —_________】;主要考察你对改写句子型等知识点的理解。[详细]
He asked me ______________ he ____________ borrow my bike.
2. Scott is good at reading. (改为同义句)
Scott ______________ _______________ in reading.
3. He is very healthy. (同义句)
He is _______ _______ _______.
4. He said I was hard-working. (划线提问)
What _____ _____ ______?
5. My sister said to me, "I"m going to help you."(同义句)
My sister _____ me that _______ _____ going to help ________.
I can ______ ______ ______ speaking Japanese.
2. He is very well.
He is ______ ______ _______.
3. Don"t be angry with your son. I think he can do better next time.
Don"t ______ ______ ______ your son. I think he can do better next time.
4. Lana said to us, "I"m happy to see you again."
Lana ______ us _______ _______ happy to see _______ again.
5. "You are like elder brothers or sisters to us." they said to us.
They said to us ______ ______ like elder brothers or sisters to _______.
6. "Can I copy your homework?" he asked me.
He asked me ______ ______ ______ copy ______ homework.
7. Mary asked Ann, "Why are you so excited?"
Mary asked Ann ______ ______ ______ so excited.
8. My sister said to me "I"m going to help you."(同义句)
My sister _____ me that _______ _____ going to help ________.
9. He said I was hard-working. (划线提问)
What _____ _____ ______?
2. He asked us, "Where are you going next week?"
3. The teacher said, "We worked here 20 years ago."
4. My uncle said, "I sowed my carrot seed yesterday."
5. He said that he would go there that night.
6. His mother said to him, "Don"t be late for school."
Lily asked me, "___ ___ at home ___?"
2. He said that he had been back for a month
He said, "___ ___ ___ for a month."
3. Mother said that John had told her all about it two days before.
Mother said, "John ___ ___ all about it two days ___."
4. She said she was going to be a doctor.
She said, "_____ _____ going to be a doctor."
5. He said he was going to have a party on Friday night.
He said, "_____ _____ going to have a party on Friday night."
2. John said to me, "I"m doing my homework now."
3. He said to me, "I can sing in English."
4. He aksed, "Why are you late for school, Jimmy?"
5. Lucy said, "I"m going to the beach tomorrow."
- 1划分温度带主要指标是______.
- 2下列说法正确的是( )A.一个人在工作着,他一定做了功B.只要物体受力的作用,力一定对物体做了功C.物体通过的路程越长
- 3—Are they your pens?—Yes, ______. [ ]A. they"re B. they
- 4关于香港和澳门地理位置的叙述,正确的是( )A.分别位于珠江口东、西两侧,与广东省相邻B.都位于珠江口东侧,与广东
- 5阅读理解。 There was a pilot and four people traveling in a s
- 6【题文】下列语句中,加点的词语使用正确的一项是A.与中国传统农业的刀耕火种方式相比,先进国家机器化的播种与收割无疑是更现
- 7某一相对性状,甲桃树的基因组成为AA,乙桃树的基因组成为aa,如果甲桃树的花粉落到乙桃树的柱头上,结出桃子,那么该桃子胚
- 8(2011年高考天津卷)如图3-3-17所示,A、B两物块叠放在一起,在粗糙的水平面上保持相对静止地向右做匀减速直线运动
- 9当前,按照现代企业制度的要求完善企业法人治理结构就要( )A.保证企业党组织对企业重大问题的决策权B.规范公司***会
- 10近年来,我国彻底取消了农业税,建立了覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系,在全国范围建立农村最低生活保障制度。党对农民权益的重视体
- 122.选修4-1:几何证明选讲如图:四边形是边长为的正方形,以为圆心,为半径的圆弧与以为直径的圆交于点,连接并延长交于点
- 2下图所示是木炭在氧气中燃烧的实验操作,试回答下列问题:(1)写出C中的化学方程式:______(2)写出D中的化学方程式
- 3已知|a|=1,|b|=2,且a⊥( a+b),则向量a与向量b夹角的大小是______;向量b在向量a上的投影是___
- 4发展社会主义民主政治离不开健康务实的国民心态,这需要公民①行使国家权力,自觉履行义务 ②提高政治素养,勇于投身实践
- 5化简(1) (2)
- 6由不等式组其中(5≤t<7)围成的三角形区域内有一个内切圆,向该三角形区域内随机投一个点,该点落在圆内的概率是_____
- 7下列有关电池的说法不正确的是( )A.手机上用的锂离子电池属于一次电池B.铜锌原电池工作时,电子沿外电路从锌电极流向铜
- 8请从下面题目中任选一个作文。(1)阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。 汶川大地震发生十天后的5月22日,温家宝总理再赴灾区指
- 9“民族之间的较量,就是母亲与母亲之间的较量”,“好母亲低得上一百个教师”,“成功的人生其实是从母亲那里开始的”。这一切都
- 10下列变化属于化学变化的是( )A.浓盐酸冒白雾B.浓硫酸使含碳化合物炭化C.活性炭吸附水中的臭味D.蒸发海水得到食盐晶