1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____
( )2. A. I"m practicing the piano.
B. I was practicing the piano.
C. I like playing the piano.
( )3. A. Yes, I did. B. No, I didn"t. C. Last Sunday
( )4. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don"t. C. I agree with you.
( )5. A. My father bought me a MP3.
B. I didn"t pass the math test.
C. I saw a funny film last night.
( )2. A. Lin Tao B. Linda C. Lily
( )3. A. Yes, he does. B. A doctor C. A dentist
( )4. A. We must not go to crowded places.
B. We must eat healthy food and do more exercise.
C. A and B.
( )5. A. Kate"s birthday. B. Ann"s birthday. C. Bruce"s birthday.
we must also have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables but 4. meat. If
we eat too little or too much food, or if we 5. the wrong food, it can make us sick.
B. English.
C. French.
B. Which is your favorite season?
C. At the age of twelve, I couldn"t swim.
D. What"s wrong with you?
E. What do you think of the weather in Beijing?
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
- 1中国网购市场调查结果表明,2009年我国有1.3亿消费者在网上购物,成交额高达2 670亿元,比2008年增长了90.7
- 2如图,AB为⊙O的直径,弦CD⊥AB于点H,连接OC,AD,若BH:CO=1:2,AD=4,则⊙O的周长等于( )
- 3设条件p:a>0;条件q:a2+a≥0,那么p是q的什么条件( )A.充分非必要条件B.必要非充分条件C.充分且必要条
- 4下列说法正确的是 [ ]A.乙酸的分子式:C2H4O B.甲烷的分子式:CH4 C.乙酸的结构简式:CH3CH2
- 5针对2011年夏季高温,我国劳动保障部门发出通知,劳动者在高温季节的三大权益(一是停工不能停薪,减工时不能减工资;二是高
- 6After the Yushu earthquake, to make sure that rescue work co
- 7如图,小刚对子弹击穿木板靶心前后,子弹能量变化的问题进行思考.有如下四点看法:(1)动能减少,是因为有部分机械能转化成内
- 8关于x的方程2x2+3x=0的两个根分别为m和n,则m2n+mn2=______.
- 9(2011年江苏金陵中学期中测试)一间新房即将建成时要封顶,考虑到下雨时落至屋顶的雨滴能尽快地流离房顶,要设计好房顶的坡
- 102009年秋季以来,我国西南地区持续严重干旱,气象部门组织实施了上百架次人工降雨,飞机向云雾中播洒碘化银粒子,则云中能产
- 1如图,将边长为2的正方形ABCD沿对角线BD折叠,使的平面ABD⊥平面CBD,AE⊥平面ABD,且AE=,(1) 求证:
- 2I__________ you somewhere before, but your name has escaped
- 3Every year, Tom remembers to have some flowers ______to her
- 4从硝酸钾和氯化钠的饱和溶液中分离出硝酸钾,主要采用的方法是( )A.溶解过滤B.过滤C.蒸发结晶D.降温结晶
- 5仔细观察下图:图一“阿芙乐尔”号巡洋舰图二 斯大林格勒的拖拉机厂
- 6The book __________ of seven modules ,the seventh of which i
- 7一个倾角为45°的光滑斜面处于水平的匀强电场之中,如图所示(图中未标出电场方向),带负电的质量为m的物体沿此斜面匀速下滑
- 8“神助拳,义和团,只因鬼子闹中原”的口号反映出义和团运动兴起的主要原因是( )A.清政府腐败,激起人民反抗B.清政
- 9 从一九四九年十月中华人民共和国成立到一九五六年,……党确定的指导方针和基本政策是正确的,取得的胜利是辉煌的
- 10如图,***曾将一张飞乐音响公司股票作为礼物赠送美国纽约证券交易所董事长范尔霖。依据图5中的信息判断,当时的中国①已经出