B.They will make a snowman.
C.They will go skiing.
B.Because it snows in winter.
C.Because he dreamed of snowing.
试题【听下面一段对话,回答第1-3小题。 1. What"s the weather like now? [ ]A.Sunny. B.Raining. C.S】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
B.At home.
C.At school.
B.She is listening to songs.
C.She is listening to the telephone ringing.
B.He will do her work outside.
C.He will call her.
B.On foot.
C.By bike.
B.Nobody said sorry to her.
C.Nobody said happy birthday to her.
B.The textbook.
C.The notebook.
B.The teacher invited the speaker for lunch.
C.The speaker had a wonderful birthday lunch.
B.She knows that training is important.
C.She is hoping to win her first world swimming record (纪录).
B.She likes getting up late.
C.She is very tired when she goes to bed.
B.40 to 50 kilometers.
C.50 to 60 kilometers.
B.A noisy life.
C.A busy life.
B.Much training, not smoking, not drinking and plenty of sleep.
C.Much training, much food and plenty of sleep.
B. $ 19.
C. $ 38.
B. On the playground.
C. To buy a book.
B. A driver.
C. A policeman.
B. The woman forgot to tell him to buy it.
C. The woman didn"t tell him to buy it.
B. She enjoys reading it.
C. She won"t waste time reading it.
B. A man and his sister.
C. A man and his girlfriend.
B. They seldom go out for a picnic.
C. They seldom spend the weekends together.
B. The two speakers have some different hobbies.
C. They will invite all their friends to have the party at home.
- 1工业革命是一次巨大、深刻的生产技术和社会经济大变革,它首先发生于[ ]A.法国B.日本C.英国D.美国
- 2As the experts tell us, we can pass on the flu _____ we real
- 3目前人类已发现几千万种物质,对物质进行分类,有利于我们的学习。下列关于物质的类别中,不正确的是(括号内为类别)( )A
- 4[三选一----物质结构与性质]下表为元素周期表的一部分,其中编号代表对应的元素。请回答下列问题:(1)写出元素⑥的基态
- 5(2012年山东烟台,23题,5分)(5分)空气中CO2浓度的持续走高引起人们的高度重视。一些科学家认为,人类不仅要努力
- 6在爬行动物中,蜥蜴、扬子鳄等依靠什么器官进行呼吸 ( ) A.内鳃和外鳃B.肺C.气管、鳃和皮肤D.鳃和肺
- 7数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,若Sn、an、3n成等差数列(n∈N+),则数列{an}的通项公式为an=______.
- 8白酒中塑化剂(化学式C16H22O4)超标,会对人体造成损害.下列说法正确的是( )A.塑化剂由三种元素组成B.塑化剂
- 9在碱性溶液中能够大量共存且溶液为无色透明的离子组是( )A.Na+NH4+NO3-Cl-B.Na+K+CO32-NO3
- 10拉丁美洲面积最大、人口最多、经济发展最快的国家是[ ]A.墨西哥 B.智利 C.阿根廷D.巴西
- 12012年3月5日,“两会”在北京召开,说明了北京是全国的( )A.政治中心B.教育、科研中心C.经济中心D.文化中心
- 2下图为我国某河流的年径量变化曲线示意图,读图回答3—4题。3.该河流位于A.亚热带季风区 B.亚热带大陆西岸 C.温
- 3We won three games and lost two. ______, I"d say it was a su
- 4分类是常用的有效知识梳理方法。小芳对所学知识进行的分类中正确的一组是A.常见的空气污染物:二氧化硫、一氧化碳、二氧化碳B
- 5阅读文段,回答问题。论求知 (英培根) 求知可以作为消遣,可以作为装饰,也可以增长才干。当孤独寂寞时,阅读可以消遣。
- 6They look similar _____ appearance, but quite different_____
- 7在2004年雅典奥运会上,我国江西籍选手杨文军在男子500m双人划艇比赛中,以1min 40s的成绩获得奥运会金牌.若水
- 8(6分)为了验证并联电路的电流特点,小华设计了如图所示的电路实验.(1)在连接电路时,开关应处于 状态.(2)小
- 9A.保持及P的位置不变,S由a合到b时,将增大B.保持及P的位置不变,S由b合到a时,R消耗的功率减小C.保持不变,S合
- 10读图,完成下列要求:(15分)(1)图中①地区荒漠化的自然原因是 。(2分)(2)图中②地区荒漠