( )2. A He is Australian.
( )3. A.Yes, there is.
( )4. A.He is a science teacher.
( )5. A.It"s cloudy.
B.He"s reading a book.
B.No, I can"t.
B.No, he doesn"t.
B. It"s great.
C.Toronto is his favorite city.
C.Please go straight and turn left.
C.He lives in Beijing now.
C.It"s angry.
B.No, she doesn"t.
C.We don"t know.
B. She wants to be a teacher.
C. She wants to be a reporter.
B.They are talking on the phone.
C.They are playing a game.
B.Becaue they are cute.
C.Because they are ugly and scary.
B.It"s cool.
C.It"s always snowy.
1._________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________
1. What’s the weather like today?
A. It’s fine.
B. I’m fine.
C. I like it very much.
D. It’s bad weather.
2. What’s your new teacher like?
A. She likes all of us.
B. She is tall.
C. She often plays computer games.
D. She teaches very well.
3. What is his favorite sport?
A. Football.
B. Basketball.
C. Table tennis.
D. Tennis.
4. What’s the price of the newspaper?
A. 15 dollars.
B. 50 yuan.
C. 50 dollars.
D. 75 cents.
5. What day is it tomorrow?
A. It’s Monday.
B. It’s March 1st.
C. It’s Sunday.
D. It’s Wednesday.
( )2. A. Sorry, I don’t know.
( )3. A. In the middle.
( )4. A. You’re welcome.
( )5. A. No, there isn’t.
B. Yes, please.
B. Near here.
B. All right.
B. Yes, it is.
C. I’m all right.
C. Across from it.
C. No.
C. Yes, there is.
B. China
C. England
B. English.
C. Both A and B.
B. Painting.
C. Watching TV.
B. boring
C. exciting
B. A doctor.
C. A movie star.
- 1已知函数f(x)=,若a,b,c互不相等,且f(a)=f(b)=f(c),则a+b+c的取值范围为( )A.()B.
- 2【题文】已知函数的定义域为 ( )A.B
- 3下列说法中正确的是A.1molO2的质量为32g·mol-1B.1molOH-的质量为l7C.C02的相对分子质量为44
- 4下列结构中属于组织的是( )A.一个西瓜B.一粒西瓜籽C.一块洋葱表皮D.一根西瓜苗
- 5According to the US Geological Survey, about seven million e
- 6若与的和是单项式,则 .
- 7请你参与某学习小组进行研究性学习的过程,并协助完成相关任务。 小华同学向一定量的纯碱溶液中投入一定量的生石灰,充分 反应
- 8细胞通讯是细胞间或细胞内通过高度精确和高效地发送与接收信息的通讯机制,对环境作出综合反应的细胞行为。下图A、B所示细胞通
- 9一矩形线圈在匀强磁场中匀速旋转,所产生的交流电电动势瞬时值的表达式e=220sin10πt V,则下列说法正确的是(
- 10“但是许多事一开头就注定要失败,中国社会好像是准备好了要诞生一个新的朝代,不过19世纪的外部环境,却造成了一次流产。”材
- 1小球m用长为L的悬线固定在O点,在O点正下方L/2处有一个光滑钉子C,如图所示,今把小球拉到悬线成水平后无初速度地释放,
- 2在做“探究凸透镜成像”的实验中(1)将凸透镜正对太阳光,在透镜的另一侧移动光屏,在距透镜10cm处,屏上出现最小最亮的光
- 3山脉往往成为我国省级行政单位的天然界线,下列对应不正确的是A.①-巫山B.②-雪峰山C.③-昆仑山D.④-祁连山
- 4(7分)某化学兴趣小组拟用下图装置对某粗锌样品进行纯度检测。请填写以下实验报告。(1)实验目的:
- 5我国充满生机和活力的基本经济制度是[ ]A、以按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存B、人民代表大会制度C、公有制为主
- 6能正确表示下列反应的离子方程式是 (
- 7试确定方程最小根所在的区间,并使区间两个端点是两个连续的整数.
- 8随着国有经济布局的继续调整,国有经济在经济总量中的比重逐步降低,将从目前的占1/3多一点降到“十五”计划末的占30%。这
- 9现有几种烷烃:①甲烷,②乙烷,③丙烷,④丁烷4种烷烃,请回答下列问题(用序号填写):(1)相同状况下,等体积的上述气态烃
- 10奇函数的定义域为,若在[0,2]上单调递减,且,则实数m的范围是_______.