1. Why can"t the woman find the way?
A. It"s her first time to come here.
B. She is too old to remember the way.
C. There"re lots of changes in Sydney.
2. Why didn"t the woman"s son meet her?
A. Because he doesn"t know his mother will come.
B. Because he thinks his mother knows the way.
C. Because he is too busy.
3. What does the woman want to do?
A. Visit Sydney.
B. Find a way.
C. See her son.
4. Does she have her son"s address?
A. Yes, she is.
B. No, she doesn"t.
C. No, she isn"t.
5. Where is the woman"s son"s home?
A. We don"t know.
B. Near a school.
C. Near a hospital.
试题【根据你所听对话回答下列问题。1. Why can"t the woman find the way?A. It"s her first time to come】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. What is Sam good at?
A. Singing.
B. Dancing.
C. Drawing.
2. Why does Sam go to the club at the weekend?
A. Because he wants to play football there.
B. Because he wants to practise drawing there.
C. Because he wants to teach English there.
3. What happened to Sam last month?
A. He fell down his bike.B. He broke his leg.C. He hurt his arm.
4. Sam stopped going to the club, didn"t he?
A. Yes, he did.
B. No, he didn"t.
C. Maybe he did.
5. What club is Sam in?
A. Helping Hands Club.
B. Drawing Club.
C. Youth Club.
B. A goldfish.
C. A rabbit.
B. A policeman.
C. A teacher.
B. Saturday.
C. Thursday.
B. Jim.
C. Bill.
B. At 6:30.
C. At 6:10.
B. About the weather.
C. About the school.
B. They are going swimming.
C. They are going fishing.
B. Because they are very strong.
C. Because they are on the swimming team.
B. Danger!
C. The blue colour.
A. reads books
B. reads magazines
C. reads newspapers
2. What does he want to be?
A. a doctor
B. a social worker
C a singer
3. Did she go to school by bus yesterday?
A. Yes, she did
B. No, she didn’t
C. We don’t know
4. How many people are going to the Great Wall?
A. two
B. three
C. four
5. Which animal only lives in Australia?
A. wolves
B .pandas
C. kangaroos
- 1选出对加粗字解释有误的一项[ ]A.卜子妻写弊裤也——写:仿效 B.其姑以为多私而出之——私:自私 C.为妇人而
- 2下列关于位移和路程的说法,正确的是( )A.位移是矢量,路程是标量,但质点做单方向的直线运动过程中位移大小和路程总是相
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- 4汽车甲和汽车乙以相等的速率沿同一水平弯道做半径相等的匀速圆周运动,汽车甲的质量大于汽车乙的质量,两车的向心加速度大小分别
- 5下面关于广州十三行的职责的叙述中,不正确的是[ ]A.承销外商进口货物B.代外商收购中国出口商品C.代表清政府管
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- 7一Is there a computer on Miss Li"s desk?—_____. There are onl
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- 10下列化学反应中,属于氧化还原反应的是[ ]A.Na2CO3+CaCl2===CaCO3↓+2NaClB.Fe+C
- 1有人说,现在已经进入“读图时代”,各种各样的图铺天盖地一般呈现在人们面前,读图已经成为人们生活中的一部分,面是张红同学找
- 2阅读下面这首词,回答问题。(7分) 淮上喜会梁川故友韦应物江汉曾为客, 相逢每醉还。浮云一别后, 流水十年间。欢笑情如旧
- 3听句子,匹配相关信息。( )1. His grandfather ( )2. Ben
- 4阅读下面的课外文言文,回答小题。东坡诗文,落笔辄为人所传诵。每一篇到,欧阳公为终日喜,前后类如此。一日与棐①论文及坡,公
- 5如图所示,固定在竖直平面内倾角为的直轨道AB,与倾角可调的足够长的直轨道BC顺滑连接。现将一质量的小物块,从高为处静止释
- 6You can"t be ______ when you camp _____ an high altitude, wh
- 7设双曲线x2﹣y2=1的两条渐近线与直线x=围成的三角形区域(包含边界)为E,P(x,y)为该区域内的一个动点,则目标函
- 8有一杯水加热使它的温度升高,它的比热容______.(选填:“变大”、“变小”或“不变”)
- 9已知关于x的二次方程k2x2+2(3-k)x+1=0的两个实数根的倒数之和为P,则P的取值范围是______.
- 10【题文】已知函数,若f[f(x)]=2,则x的取值范围是A.B.[-1,1]C.(-∞,-1)∪(1,+∞)D.{2}∪