—For more than four years.
A. How often
B. How long
C. How old
D. How far
—About two hours.
A. How soon
B. How often
C. How long
D. How far
—For 30 minutes.
A. How often
B. How far
C. How long
D. How many
—Since 5 years ago.
B. How long
C. How much
D. How often
______ ______ ______ he ______ computer games?
2. Why do you like Chinese? An English woman once asked me. (合并成一句话)
An English woman once asked me ______ ______ ______ Chinese.
3. The East Lake has many different kinds of fish. (改为同义句)
______ ______ many different kinds of fish in the East Lake.
4. "Don"t stand in the way,"the policeman said to the boy. (根据句意进行改写)
The police told the boy ______ ______ stand in the way.
5. There will be less pollution in 100 years. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)
______ there ______ less pollution in 100 years?
______, ______.
B. What kind of noodles
C. What color
D. What size
- 1已知f(x)的定义域为R,f(x)的导函数f′(x)的图象如图所示,则( )A.f(x)在x=1处取得极小值B.f(x
- 2下列家用电器当中不是利用电流的热效应工作的是( )A.电茶壶 B.电熨斗 C.电视机 D.白炽灯
- 3—I’m going to take part in the piano contest next week. —___
- 4下列句中划线的成语,运用正确的一项是()A.在长江漂流探险中,他以气势磅礴的气概,战胜了一个又一个险滩。B.翘首西望,海
- 5如图,已知在侧棱垂直于底面的三棱柱中,,且,点是中点.(1)求证:平面⊥平面;(2)若直线与平面所成角的正弦值为,求三棱
- 6以下主张,体现文艺复兴时期人文主义思想的是[ ]A.“君权神授”B.以人为中心C.以神为中心D.“自由——平等”
- 7补全对话。A: Hello, Peter! 1. ______ are you?B: I"m twelve years
- 8若奇函数f(x)在(0,+∞)上是增函数,又f(-3)=0,则{x|x·f(x)<0}等于[ ]A.{x|x>3
- 9That art center is ____ used to be a factory,_____ millions
- 10互联网的作用包括( )① 高度互动、双向传受 ② 信息即时反馈 ③ 可随时发表自己的意见 ④ 最大限度地获取信息A.
- 1Our house on the hillside ______ a beautiful view of the por
- 2下列各句中,加粗的成语使用恰当的一句是[ ]A.许多农民巧妙地将服装厂剪裁后废弃的“下脚料”做成帘子,当做蔬菜大
- 3How did it that the child dropped out of school?A.come
- 4从海水中提取溴有如下反应:5NaBr+NaBrO3+3H2SO4=3Br2+Na2SO4+3H2O,与该反应在氧化还原反
- 5(6分)某化学兴趣小组在做完制取二氧化碳的实验后(用石灰石和稀盐酸制取),对反应后反应器内的剩余溶液的溶质成分产生了兴趣
- 6函数y=x+1x(x<0)有( )A.最大值是2B.最小值是2C.最大值是-2D.最小值是2
- 7读“水循环示意图”,完成1~2题。小题1:下列实现图中①功能的是A.长江B.副热带高气压带C.我国的夏季风D.我国的冬季
- 8如图所示,一小球被限制在x=0与x=x1之间运动,设开始时小球从x=0处以速度v0向右运动,假定小球在区间内运动时能保持
- 9下列对传染病和免疫的叙述正确的是( )A.患病毒性肝炎的人属于易感人群B.儿童接种牛痘预防天花是控制传染源C.甲状腺是
- 10阅读下面的文字,完成后面题目。道教不仅是江南山水之美的发现者,而且是江南山水之美的培育者,或者说,江南山水能够在六朝时成