当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > Bobby walked on the sidewalk. He walked past the park. He saw the kids playing. ...
Bobby walked on the sidewalk. He walked past the park. He saw the kids playing. "Why don"t they want to play with me ?” he thought.
It was a mystery(谜)to him. Oh , sure. He was new in town . They moved to the town just two months ago. He knew it was hard to make new friends . 小题1:
At the same time , Cassie watched Bobby from the park. Every day she saw this boy walk by slowly .
小题2:     " Why doesn"t he want to play with us?" she thought. Oh, sure. He was new in town. But she"d tried to say "Hi" to him. It was a mystery to her.
The days went on. Bobby walked to and from school alone. He always felt bad about not having friends. Cassie kept saying" Hi" but they never talked more.小题3:
Bobby kept thinking about it.小题4:      Finally , three weeks before the end of school , Cassie had an idea. "I"m not sure why he doesn"t seem to want friends.小题5:.         I"m going to invite him to my birthday party. " Cassie wrote an invitation to invite Bobby to her birthday party.
"Will Bobby come to my birthday party?" she was not sure, It was still a mystery to her.
A. He never stopped.
B. He is so crazy.
C. But I am going to try harder.
D. But he still didn"t understand.
E. Cassie kept thinking about it.
F. I"m not interested in playing it.
G. What was the problem?



小题1:细节理解题。他知道交朋友很难,但他仍然不理解.  故知选D
小题2:细节理解题。卡西一直考虑:为什么他不想和我们一起玩? 故知选 E
小题3:细节理解题。卡西一直打招呼,但是他们从不交谈很多,他从来不停.  故知选A.
小题4:细节理解题。芭比一直在考虑,是什么问题呢? 故知选G
试题【Bobby walked on the sidewalk. He walked past the park. He saw the kids playing. 】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
In 2013, the most p 小题1:TV program must be Dad, where are we going .Most of people fell in love with five lovely children ,and were moved by their childishness.(童真).Five star-daddies took care of them w小题2: mothers’ help. They took us to visit many wonderful places in our country by w小题3: the program.
Do you like Kimi? He is just four years old .He is a boy, b小题4:  he is quite shy .His daddy is a superman in his heart.Angela is a smart girl.She likes eating so much.That is w 小题5:  she looks a bit heavy. She is very polite to ask others for h 小题6:  when she has problems.Cindy is a beautiful girl .We all know she is a crybaby at 小题7: ,but we can find great changes on Cindy .In fact (事实上),She is very helpful and active among (在…...之中) these c 小题8:. Stone is the eldest kid .At the beginning of the programe ,he n 小题9:  cries. He always helps others as much as possible. Tiantian is an outgoing boy ,he and his father get along like b 小题10: . Many people like him because he is handsome and clever .The kids and their dads get to know more about each other through this program.
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Which university would you like to go to in the future? It’s not too early to think about it right now.
Students at Hilltop School had a University Week at the end of last month.  小题1:   For instance, they designed a flag for a virtual(虚拟的)“University of Hilltop”.
小题2: He said he started the program to help students form their aims. “University may not be for everyone, but we want the program to help students form their aims.” he said.
小题3:    Eric, a student in Grade 8, said, “University Week made me realize that university is only four years away. I should do some research about where I want to go.” Paul, another student in Grade 8, said he realized that there so many universities for him to choose.   小题4:
The school also invited people to give career(职业)talks. The first talk was given by Captain Brown, a policeman. He talked about how to choose a career way.小题5:
“The program opened up the students’ eyes,” said Mr. Miller.
A. According to the students, the program worked well.
B. He also talked about the importance of math, reading, and writing in his career as a    policeman.
C. During the week, they took part in all kinds of activities.
D. Mr. Miller is the teacher who started the program.
E. Eric thinks it’s too early to think about which university to go to in the future now.
F. After some research, he said he wanted to choose the University of California.

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Hi, Jake,
How"s it going? Sorry I haven"t been in touch for a while, but I couldn"t use my computer for a few days. You"ll never guess what happened to me!
A couple of weeks ago, I decided to take up yoga. Yoga is  combination of physical and breathing exercises. 小题1: I"ve been feeling a bit stressed about my school work recently and I thought yoga might help.
My dad couldn"t give me a lift to the first lesson, so I decided to go to the gym by bike.  The lesson was great and I felt really relaxed afterwards. 小题2:The next day , I woke up with a bad cold. I couldn"t stop coughing and sneezing.  I couldn"t go to school because I also had a high temperature. We were having a maths test that day so it was great that I could stay at home. I didn"t really enjoy my day off though. I felt awful and stayed in bed. Mum brought me cups of hot tea for my sore throat(and you know how much I hate tea 小题3:    I have to keep taking these for a while so I can get stronger.
That afternoon Robbie came to visit me .He said he’d got something to cheer me up and pretended it was the math test that I missed."Mr Banks says do it at home instead ,”he said , but I knew he was joking. 小题4:   The next day, I was a bit pale and didn"t have much energy, but I was feeling better. The day after that, I was able to go back to school.
Can you believe my luck? 小题5:
Anyway, you"re OK. Write and let me know what you"ve been up to ! Bye for now !
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When he was 16, his father seriously said to him, "I"ll give you whatever you want before you are 18. 小题1: , and you should give me whatever I want." When his 18th birthday was coming, the young man began thinking about looking for a job. So he sent his resume(简历)to many companies on the internet. But most got no reply.
By chance, one of his friends was looking for someone, who could carry eggs in the supermarket, for one Yuan a box. Facing lots of difficulties in getting a job, he said, “小题2:. At least I can make some money for the cost of my car.” Then every day, he drove his car to work in the supermarket. He did that for three months.
Later, he heard that a newspaper was looking for a network technician.小题3:. But they were also worried about his school education. He practiced his skill right in front of the computer. 小题4: . He started to work the next day, and became the leader of network office in a year.
And now, the 23-year-old man is a boss. In January 2005, he started a magazine for children. And the only writer was his father.
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Most children likes watching TV very much. And they like watching  小题1:__________
cartoons every day. But watching TV too many is bad for them. Why do   小题2:__________
children likes watching TV? Because they think it is interested and小题3: __________
easy to watching TV. They can hear the voices and watch the moving 小题4:__________
pictures at a same time. They can see and learn a lot  小题5:__________
from their countries. They also learn newer and better ways of 小题6:__________
do something. They may find the world is smaller and smaller.  小题7:__________
Many children watch TV only on Saturday and Sunday evening.Because小题8:_________
they are busy with lessons on weekdays. And some children watch TV 小题9:__________
every night. So they go to bed too later. It’s bad for their health and eyes. 小题10:_________
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