【例】(2012,北京)Every year, wildfires(野火)destroy muchforest land. Homes are broken down, and thousands ofpeople die. Smokejumpers are helping to stop this.
Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefighter.
They jump from planes into areas that are difficultto reach by car or on foot. They race to put out firesas fast as they canAt a fire site, smokejumpers first examine theland and decide how to fight the fire. Their maingoal is to stop a fire from spreading. Using basictools such as shovels and axes, smokejumpers clearland of burnable material like plants and other drymaterial. They carry water with them too, but notmuchAlthough most of smokejumpers are men, morewomen are joining. Most important are your heightand weight* Smokejumpers in the U. S , for example,must be 54 t0 91 kilograms, so they don't get hurtwhen they land, or get blown by strong winds.
Smokejumpers must also be able to live in thewilderness. In Russia, many smokejumpers knowhow to find food in the forest and even make simplefurniture from trees.
The work is dangerous, and the hours arelong. But for these firefighters, smokejumping isn'tjust a job. They love being able to jump out ofplanes, fight fires, and live in the forest. As28-year-old Russian smokejumper Alexi Tishinsays,"This is the best job for the strong andbrave. "
1. What are smokejumpers?
2. Where do they jump from? .
3. What's their main goal?
4. Why should they have proper weight?
5. What's needed to be a smokejumper?
1. Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefighter.
2. They jump from planes.
3. Their main goal is to stop a fire from spreading.
4. Because they won't get hurt when they land, orget blown by strong winds.
5. To be a smokejumper, one needs to have properheight and weight, be able to live in the wildemessand love his/her job.
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