Thus all kinds of travelers learned and dreamed through the centuries. But their number was always limited, for they were only a privileged minority- the rich, the free, the talented, and the adventurous--- who could enjoy a pleasure unknown by the great masses.
This is not true any more. Railroads, ships, buses, and airplanes have made travel easier, faster, and cheaper; and the number of people who can spare the time and the money to take trips has grown enormously. It is not reserved to a lucky few, nowadays, to admire Inca temples, giant Buddhas, Trench castles, and Australian kangaroos. Millions of people do each year. But instead of being called travelers, they are known as tourists and they are seen all over the world- floating down the Amazon, cruising to Alaska, flying from Timbuktu to Easter Island, and taking pictures of Norwegian churches and Pakistani costumes
Thus all kinds of travelers learned and dreamed through the centuries. But their number was always limited, for they were only a privileged minority- the rich, the free, the talented, and the adventurous--- who could enjoy a pleasure unknown by the great masses.
This is not true any more. Railroads, ships, buses, and airplanes have made travel easier, faster, and cheaper; and the number of people who can spare the time and the money to take trips has grown enormously. It is not reserved to a lucky few, nowadays, to admire Inca temples, giant Buddhas, Trench castles, and Australian kangaroos. Millions of people do each year. But instead of being called travelers, they are known as tourists and they are seen all over the world- floating down the Amazon, cruising to Alaska, flying from Timbuktu to Easter Island, and taking pictures of Norwegian churches and Pakistani costumes
Thus all kinds of travelers learned and dreamed through the centuries.But their number was always limited,for they were only a privileged minority- the rich,the free,the talented,and the adventurous--...
- 1某工地运来3车水泥,每车有120袋,每袋重50千克,这些水泥共种多少千克
- 2When you are afraid of losing time ,that is ,you lost the beginning
- 3元素R在化合物中只有一种化合价,其硫酸盐的化学式为RSO4,则其硫化物的化学式为______.
- 4物体内能与哪些因素有关
- 5“闭关锁国”政策含义是什么?怎么评价这一政策?
- 6再见了老师作文600字
- 7甲乙两堆煤重量的比是5:3,如果从甲堆运1/4的煤到乙堆去,甲堆还有煤60吨,乙堆原有煤多少吨?
- 8《桃花源记》中的“豁然开朗”总写渔人的感受,陆游写过两句诗,也表达了这种感受,是哪两句?
- 9三角形ABC的周长为40cm,
- 10throw,play ,stay 什么叫发音不符合条件啊
- 11.电势降低的方向就是场强的方向2.场强的方向一定是电势降低的方向 哪句对?为什木?
- 2在光合作用中叶绿素起什么作用,为什么绝大多数植物中的叶片都是绿色的?
- 31 在无情的自然灾害面前,我们人类真的是非常渺小的.
- 4一项工程,甲、乙两队合作60天可完成,如果甲、乙两队合作24天后,余下的工程由乙队再用48天才能完成.问甲、乙两队单独完成这项工程各需多少天?
- 5《钱塘湖春行》中的“水面初平云脚低”中的“云脚”指的是?
- 6有一面积为1平方米的正方形,第一次剪掉一半,第二次剪掉剩下的一半,6次后剩下的纸的面积是
- 7设f(x)=x5-5x4+10x3-10x2+5x+1,则f(x)的反函数f-1(x)=_.
- 8向稀醋酸中加入醋酸钠固体,溶液ph升高的主要原因是醋酸钠水解呈碱性,为什么不对
- 9K2MnO4+H20=KMnO4+MnO2+KOH 配平.
- 10下列过程属于物理变化的是( ) A.煤的燃烧 B.冰的融化成水 C.蜡烛燃烧 D.食物变质