I had an idea of the four reasons for it and how to label these goods in the warehouse. At the morning meeting, the trainer told us that we would collocate a complete suit of clothes in the fitting room every day for consumers' reference. In my opinion, it is a good way for those without a specific target or aim, since either the shop window or the in-door models will be well referred to. However it is far from enough. We should have several outfits in our mind in advance so that we can recommend to the various consumers with distinct requirements when needed.
It was a little bit cold today, and there were obviously increasing consumers who tried on the overcoats. The trainer suggested that we should take those overcoats dull of sale previously out of stock, to meet customers' needs and thus to boost sales. What's more, some clothes short in size were often seen in the fitting room. I was wondering how it come since they should be put back into stock. However, the store manager told us that they could be sold through the fitting room. These two cases have enlightened me that we should be flexible in the daily work and actively look for ways to enlarge sales volume. Innovation is the fountain of motivation for ever.(或:Innovation is a motivation-driver for ever.)
I had an idea of the four reasons for it and how to label these goods in the warehouse. At the morning meeting, the trainer told us that we would collocate a complete suit of clothes in the fitting room every day for consumers' reference. In my opinion, it is a good way for those without a specific target or aim, since either the shop window or the in-door models will be well referred to. However it is far from enough. We should have several outfits in our mind in advance so that we can recommend to the various consumers with distinct requirements when needed.
It was a little bit cold today, and there were obviously increasing consumers who tried on the overcoats. The trainer suggested that we should take those overcoats dull of sale previously out of stock, to meet customers' needs and thus to boost sales. What's more, some clothes short in size were often seen in the fitting room. I was wondering how it come since they should be put back into stock. However, the store manager told us that they could be sold through the fitting room. These two cases have enlightened me that we should be flexible in the daily work and actively look for ways to enlarge sales volume. Innovation is the fountain of motivation for ever.(或:Innovation is a motivation-driver for ever.)
- 1He has a party (at home).就括号部分提问成( )( )he ( ) a party.
- 2铁粉中有杂质氧化铁,如果用过量的碳粉高温还原能除去杂质吗?
- 3能反射无线电波是大气层中的哪层?
- 4五点五八减八分之三加五点四二减五分之二等于多少
- 5reflection
- 6如图所示,一个猎人在O点处发现一只野兔正在他的正前方60米处的A点以10米/秒的速度沿水平方向向前奔跑,已知猎枪子弹的飞行速度是610米/秒,猎人向野兔正前方11米处瞄准并开枪,_(请
- 7中心在原点,焦点在y轴,焦距为8,且经过点(3,0)的椭圆方程
- 8三个和尚的问题.填空.如题
- 9哪句诗赞颂了您燃烧自己,照亮别人的奉献精神
- 10已知a>0 若平面内三点A(1,-A) B(2,A^2) C(3,C^3)共线 则A=?
- 1用如图所示的滑轮组提升重900N的物体,使物体匀速上升3m,所用拉力为400N,摩擦不计.求: (1)动滑轮有多重. (2)滑轮组机械效率是多大. (3)若用它匀速提升重1800N的物体,绳端的
- 2函数2- 3的 1除以x次方 的值域是
- 3①甲数是a,乙数比甲数多18,这两个数的平均数是( ).
- 4I can speak good English
- 5某商店将甲级糖10千克、乙级糖8千克,丙级糖6千克混合为什锦糖出售.已知甲级糖每千克12•5元乙级糖
- 6车牌号零和字母O的区别?
- 7矩阵 零次方该如何求解?
- 8已知函数f(x)=2sin²x+2根号3sinxcosx+1.求f(x)的最小正周期.
- 9三字熟语
- 10goodwill-store是什么意思