Little Princess
This is the beloved story of Sara Crewe,who falls into hard times,is ill-treated at her own boarding school,and is finally rescued and transformed from rags to riches by a rich Indian gentleman
It was late July and we bought the book from a bookstore,because I have seen the animation,received information and liked it.A Little Princess tells the heartwarming story of a young girl of fortune,who is left destitute after the death of her father.Her vivid imagination and cheerful nature keep up her spirits despite the hard times and neglect,and the good she does to others reaps its own rewards.
My book's front picture is an illustration by Ethel Franklyn Betts from the 1905 edition of A Little Princess.It is published by penguin classics,1996.Francess also published Little Lord Fauntleroy(1885),and Secret Garden(1911).She died 1924,a few weeks before her seventy-fifth birthday.
I have seen some movies,but they are edited.Some endings are not from the story,like that Captain Crewe did not die,and it was Tom who died.But,whenever I read the book,I feel better than watching the movie.And,Jessie is the only one who is with that Lavinia.If you'll ask me,Ermengarde is fat.Some movies made her slim.Lottie,she is curly,not long-haired.
After all,the movies are wrong.And I know that if I am only a director,I would make the right movie.That is all I can say.
Posted By Jody at Tue 24 May 2005,5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 0 Replies
This is the beloved story of Sara Crewe,who falls into hard times,is ill-treated at her own boarding school,and is finally rescued and transformed from rags to riches by a rich Indian gentleman
It was late July and we bought the book from a bookstore,because I have seen the animation,received information and liked it.A Little Princess tells the heartwarming story of a young girl of fortune,who is left destitute after the death of her father.Her vivid imagination and cheerful nature keep up her spirits despite the hard times and neglect,and the good she does to others reaps its own rewards.
My book's front picture is an illustration by Ethel Franklyn Betts from the 1905 edition of A Little Princess.It is published by penguin classics,1996.Francess also published Little Lord Fauntleroy(1885),and Secret Garden(1911).She died 1924,a few weeks before her seventy-fifth birthday.
I have seen some movies,but they are edited.Some endings are not from the story,like that Captain Crewe did not die,and it was Tom who died.But,whenever I read the book,I feel better than watching the movie.And,Jessie is the only one who is with that Lavinia.If you'll ask me,Ermengarde is fat.Some movies made her slim.Lottie,she is curly,not long-haired.
After all,the movies are wrong.And I know that if I am only a director,I would make the right movie.That is all I can say.
Posted By Jody at Tue 24 May 2005,5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 0 Replies
- 1如图所示,已知直线l的解析式是y=43x−4,并且与x轴、y轴分别交于A、B两点.一个半径为1.5的⊙C,圆心C从点(0,1.5)开始以每秒0.5个单位的速度沿着y轴向下运动,当⊙C与直线l相切时,则
- 2语文练习与测试 学与问 (ˇ?ˇ)
- 3引起非典的是一种冠状病毒,它属于
- 4帮忙算一下啊啊啊啊...
- 5自然数平方和公式?
- 6一项工程甲队单独做10完成,乙队单独做30天完成.现在两队合作,在这期间,甲队休息了2天,乙队休息了8天(不存在两队同一天休息),求开始到完工共用了多少天的时间.
- 7下列有关催化剂的说法正确的是()A二氧化锰可以使过氧化氢在较低温度下迅速分解产生氧气吗B催化剂只是加快反应速率,而不能减慢反应速率C二氧化锰在催化过程中,就失去了催化作用D加入二氧化锰可使过氧化氢产生
- 8an-an-1=d 常数.那这个常数可以是负数,0,分数,小数,(等差数列)
- 9上海世博园开园了!来世博园参观的人(),个个().世博园中来自240个国家的展馆(),展品(),文化活
- 10英语数学单词