Example:In the late 1970s students revived the tradition of carnival.变成
The tradition of carnival was revived by students in the late 1970s.
1.Tourists from all over the world visit Venice.
2.Trained artists make many of the carvinal masks.
3.Rich people gave parties every day for a month.
4.The Portuguese and the Spanish took carnival to South America.
5.In London the West Indian community created the Notting Hill Carnival.
6.Today millions of people enjoy carnival.
The tradition of carnival was revived by students in the late 1970s.
1.Tourists from all over the world visit Venice.
2.Trained artists make many of the carvinal masks.
3.Rich people gave parties every day for a month.
4.The Portuguese and the Spanish took carnival to South America.
5.In London the West Indian community created the Notting Hill Carnival.
6.Today millions of people enjoy carnival.
1、Venice is visited by tourists from all over the world .
2、Many of the carvinal masks are made by trained artists.
3、Parties are given by rich people every day for a month.
4、Carnival was taken to South America by The Portuguese and the Spanish .
5、The Notting Hill Carnival was created In London by the West Indian community .
6、Today carnival is enjoyed by millions of people .
2、Many of the carvinal masks are made by trained artists.
3、Parties are given by rich people every day for a month.
4、Carnival was taken to South America by The Portuguese and the Spanish .
5、The Notting Hill Carnival was created In London by the West Indian community .
6、Today carnival is enjoyed by millions of people .
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