such as ‘hamburger flipping’ for not participating in social welfare generation.这句话翻译成中文是什么意思?
In the SI4S project we have chosen to approach innovation from a fairly wide ranging perspective,to avoid undue limitations that could disallow a more considerate analytic specification to be implemented later on.This wide ranging style incurs somewhat of an anthropological approach,based on the firm’s own concept of their business against a background of the analytical concepts of innovation,products and processes.In the survey,see primarily the Work Package 3-4 synthesis,Sundbo and Gallouj 1998a,we attempted to implement this wider perspective on innovation by avoiding the use of ‘innovation’,and basing the survey on respondents’ own concepts of products and processes of producing these products.
such as ‘hamburger flipping’ for not participating in social welfare generation.这句话翻译成中文是什么意思?
In the SI4S project we have chosen to approach innovation from a fairly wide ranging perspective,to avoid undue limitations that could disallow a more considerate analytic specification to be implemented later on.This wide ranging style incurs somewhat of an anthropological approach,based on the firm’s own concept of their business against a background of the analytical concepts of innovation,products and processes.In the survey,see primarily the Work Package 3-4 synthesis,Sundbo and Gallouj 1998a,we attempted to implement this wider perspective on innovation by avoiding the use of ‘innovation’,and basing the survey on respondents’ own concepts of products and processes of producing these products.
1 hamburger flipping 我查了一下,是指那些人,不愿或者不能找一份真正的正经工作,而是从事一些低端,短期纯粹出卖体力劳动的人,比如在麦当劳里翻汉堡包
2 social welfare直译是社会福利,但是我认为结合participating in,应该不是加入社会保险,而是参与社会福利劳动,这个意思比较通,他们那边这个也比较多 social welfare work
1 hamburger flipping 我查了一下,是指那些人,不愿或者不能找一份真正的正经工作,而是从事一些低端,短期纯粹出卖体力劳动的人,比如在麦当劳里翻汉堡包
2 social welfare直译是社会福利,但是我认为结合participating in,应该不是加入社会保险,而是参与社会福利劳动,这个意思比较通,他们那边这个也比较多 social welfare work
- 1血液是由血浆和血细胞组成的.血浆主要是运载_,运输_和废物.
- 2shanghai is big and beautiful
- 3想象作文 未来美好的生活
- 4除法里,如果被除数除以除数,所得的商都是自然数而没有余数,就说被除数是除数的倍数,除数和商是被除数
- 5已知圆O的半径为2,以圆O的弦AB为直径作圆M,点C是圆O优弧AB上的一个动点
- 6break down 与 be broken 的区别
- 7slant 和 tilt的区别是什么?
- 8一根木料锯成4段要6分钟,如果要锯成9段,需要_分钟.
- 9已知:x/y=4/5,求y²/(x²-xy+y²)的值
- 10latter 和later 用法上什么区别啊?我怎么觉得差不多啊?former的反义词是哪个?
- 1一首就行
- 2计算:2分之1-3分之1的绝对值+3分之1-4分之1的绝对值+4分之1-5分之1的绝对值+.+9分之1-10分之1的
- 3the same is true with same insects里面的 is true 有什么用,感觉可以去掉,
- 4已知a、b、c满足a+b=5,c平方 =ab+b-9,则c=?
- 5He will never forget the day that he saw his favourite star.(这里是用that还是when?)
- 6杜甫《丽人行》“紫驼之峰出翠釜”下句是
- 7简述自然地理环境的整体性
- 890度冲压弯头规格尺寸
- 9Can you come at once to a place out of the town?It is quite far but you have a car and I can show
- 10在什么东西上(放在显微镜下)可以看到会动的细菌?