There is much discussion nowadays as to whether or not to fixed punishments for different kinds of commit crime.Diverse contributing factors can be identified.Personally,the circumstance of an individual crime,and the motivation for crime should play an indispensable role in criteria.
Firstly,fixed punishment will have deterrent effects on society,and it is entirely inequitable to punish criminals.The benefit is that fixed legal punishment acted as a deterrent role in the censorship.Contrary,the risk is that punish criminals fully in accordance with the law which disregard the fairness and lose humanization.A typical example can be found in the law case,a law-breaker was just use justifiable defense to treat the thief,now that generally the harsh realistic are directly linked the criminals to the imprisonment.Consequently,we must take the scope of individual factors into consideration.
Secondly,it is unquestionably tired to signify that the criminal personal sit
There is much discussion nowadays as to whether or not to fixed punishments for different kinds of commit crime.Diverse contributing factors can be identified.Personally,the circumstance of an individual crime,and the motivation for crime should play an indispensable role in criteria.
Firstly,fixed punishment will have deterrent effects on society,and it is entirely inequitable to punish criminals.The benefit is that fixed legal punishment acted as a deterrent role in the censorship.Contrary,the risk is that punish criminals fully in accordance with the law which disregard the fairness and lose humanization.A typical example can be found in the law case,a law-breaker was just use justifiable defense to treat the thief,now that generally the harsh realistic are directly linked the criminals to the imprisonment.Consequently,we must take the scope of individual factors into consideration.
Secondly,it is unquestionably tired to signify that the criminal personal sit
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