1.A bound for the singular values can be immediately obtained by applying Theorem 2.1 to the relative difference between the eigenvalues of B and the eigenvalues of B+F using the remark in footnote 2.The result so obtained is equivalent ,up to second-order terms in F ,to the one proved by Demmel and Veselic[2] and is valid for any size of F because B is positive definite.Instead,in this section,we focus on applying Theorem 2.1 to the eigenvalue variation of matrix(26) under perturbations to prove the following theorem:
2.Previous additive Weyl-type relative perturbation bounds for singular values have been obtaind either without any reference to relative perturbation bounds for eigenvalues [2.9]or using relative bounds for eigenvalues of the positive definite matrices B.Theorem 2.1 allows us to deal with the indefinite eigenvalue problem of the Hermitian matrix (26) to obtain a new boumd (28) for the singular value problem.
We continue by comparing the boumd (28) with
1.A bound for the singular values can be immediately obtained by applying Theorem 2.1 to the relative difference between the eigenvalues of B and the eigenvalues of B+F using the remark in footnote 2.The result so obtained is equivalent ,up to second-order terms in F ,to the one proved by Demmel and Veselic[2] and is valid for any size of F because B is positive definite.Instead,in this section,we focus on applying Theorem 2.1 to the eigenvalue variation of matrix(26) under perturbations to prove the following theorem:
2.Previous additive Weyl-type relative perturbation bounds for singular values have been obtaind either without any reference to relative perturbation bounds for eigenvalues [2.9]or using relative bounds for eigenvalues of the positive definite matrices B.Theorem 2.1 allows us to deal with the indefinite eigenvalue problem of the Hermitian matrix (26) to obtain a new boumd (28) for the singular value problem.
We continue by comparing the boumd (28) with
一种奇异价值观念的约束,可立即得到应用定理2.1的B之间的特征值和使用脚注2时作上述表示的B + F的特征值的相对差异.这样得到的结果是等价的,到第二阶项在F,由Demmel和韦塞利奇[2]证明了一,对任何规模的F有效,因为B是正定的.相反,在这一节中,我们着重在运用定理2.1的矩阵(26个特征值扰动的变化),证明以下定理:
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- 1急求50字左右的超短篇英语小作文,带翻译
- 2桌子上摆着课本 扩句
- 3英语翻译
- 4《论语》中孔子的语录有哪些?
- 5已知关于x的一元二次方程x²+(m+3)X+m+1=0.⑴求证:无论m去何值,原方程总有两个
- 6一天,冬冬背着书包去上学,刚走5分钟,妈妈发现冬冬数学书忘带了.妈妈立刻去追赶他,已知冬冬每分走60米,妈妈每分比东东多走30米,妈妈几分钟才能追上东东?
- 7选择三个恰当的词语,以我在考场的特定情景进行心理描写(不少于50字,并在文中所选用的词语下画线)
- 82012北师大版七年级数学下册的每一章详细知识点总结.(要有像大括号的)
- 9love you guys 翻译下~
- 10用优美的句子描绘 纷纷暮雪下辕门 风掣红旗冻不翻