1.Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having a chance to broaden my horizons.
2.Further interest is evinced by the Confucian study programmes springing up like mushrooms all over the Chinese education system.
3.Although no definite answer has yet been found,our hopes show no sign offading out on account of our frustrations.
4.At any rate,you should know better than to disturb others for the sake of your own interest.
5.Everyone is eager to cherish the momory of student days.
6.It is not what you say but what you do that counts/matters.
7.You are no better than anyone,you are no worse than anyone,you are just like anyone.
8.No matter the ending is perfect or not,you cannot disappear from my world.
2.Further interest is evinced by the Confucian study programmes springing up like mushrooms all over the Chinese education system.
3.Although no definite answer has yet been found,our hopes show no sign offading out on account of our frustrations.
4.At any rate,you should know better than to disturb others for the sake of your own interest.
5.Everyone is eager to cherish the momory of student days.
6.It is not what you say but what you do that counts/matters.
7.You are no better than anyone,you are no worse than anyone,you are just like anyone.
8.No matter the ending is perfect or not,you cannot disappear from my world.
- 1求证:n是自然数时,n∧5-n一定能被30整除.
- 2在百米赛跑中,小明到达50米的速度是9m/s,12.5s末到达终点速度是7.5m/s,则小明跑完全程的平均速度是多少?
- 3七年级上册语文济南的冬天课后第三大题的答案
- 4旧的化学键断裂新的形成的反应有哪些
- 5等比数列求和公式推导
- 6当温度从20摄氏度升到80摄氏度时,请问氮气与甘油是如何变化的?
- 7重为G的气球在匀速下降的过程中,掉出一个重为G1的小物体后气球又匀速上升,设浮力F和阻力f不变,则下列说法正确的是( ) A.G=F B.F-f=G1 C.G1=2f D.F=2G1
- 8李庄今年收小麦300吨,比去年多收60吨,今年比去年增产百分之几?
- 9在△ABC中,AB=2,AC=1,向量BD=向量DC,则向量AD*向量BD的值为
- 10When Miss Hughes entered the classroom,the children stopped playing and talking.In a body,they stood
- 190 85 76 85 88 85 79 87 85 86 平均数、众数分别是多
- 2已知函数f(x)=3^x,若函数y=g(x)是函数y=f(x)的反函数,则g(九分之一)=
- 3直三棱锥和直三棱柱有什么性质
- 4“公园”英语怎么写?
- 5双曲线x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2=1(a>0,b>0)的离心率为2,求b^2+1/a的最小值;
- 6为什么重力做负功机械能增加而当物体只受重力和摩擦力时,摩擦力做负功机械能减小?
- 7有一块厚铁板M,冲下圆柱体N(N能很紧密地塞回原孔).现把铁板和铁柱同时放到炉内加热较长时间,在取出的瞬间( ) A.N变粗,塞不进原孔 B.原孔变大,N很容易塞进 C.原孔变小,N不能
- 8如图所示,将滑动变阻器滑片P某一位置移动到另一位置,则电压表的示数由8V变为6V,电流表示数相应由0.4A变为0.6A,那么定值电阻R0功率改变量为(不计温度对电阻的影响,电源电压保持不
- 9设a△b=4a-2b+1/2ab,求x△(4△1)=34中的△未知数x的值.
- 10笔芯的大小指的是什么?如0.5、0.38这些在笔芯身上表明的数值.