It is true that chance is very important to us.We cannot succeed without opportunity.I thing if you catch the golden chance,the door of success is near.
We often say chance is equip to everyone,but the fact is that only few of us can get it.Why?I think there are at least two reasons.
Firstly,you are lack of real strength.A lazy person is just like a pig whose fate is being killed.Even if the God is knocking on you door,you will not open it.
Secondly,you may be lack of patience.Just like a little seed,the way towards becoming a huge tree is a long and hard proccess.You should wait until the spring's coming.
At the end ,I think chance to us is like the sunshine to a seed.Only making yourself stronger and having enough patience can make your dream come ture.
It is true that chance is very important to us.We cannot succeed without opportunity.I thing if you catch the golden chance,the door of success is near.
We often say chance is equip to everyone,but the fact is that only few of us can get it.Why?I think there are at least two reasons.
Firstly,you are lack of real strength.A lazy person is just like a pig whose fate is being killed.Even if the God is knocking on you door,you will not open it.
Secondly,you may be lack of patience.Just like a little seed,the way towards becoming a huge tree is a long and hard proccess.You should wait until the spring's coming.
At the end ,I think chance to us is like the sunshine to a seed.Only making yourself stronger and having enough patience can make your dream come ture.
2、the golden chance:a golden chance
3、real strenth:real capacity
4、whose fate is being killed:whose fate has been killed
2、the golden chance:a golden chance
3、real strenth:real capacity
4、whose fate is being killed:whose fate has been killed
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