solar system的作文
We live in a pace called the solar system.The sun is the hottest.The moon is smaller than the earth.the jupiter is the biggest plant in the solar system and it is the heaviest.pluto is the smallest.pluto is usually the furthest,but neptune is sometimes the furthest.venus is nearest to the earth.mercury is nearest to the sun.That's all!
The Solar System (or Solar system,solar system[a]) consists of the Sun and those celestial objects bound to it by gravity.These objects are the eight planets and their 166 known moons;[1] three dwarf planets and their four known moons; and billions of small bodies,including asteroids,Kuiper belt objects,comets,meteoroids,and interplanetary dust.
In broad terms,the charted regions of the Solar System consist of the Sun,four terrestrial inner planets,an asteroid belt composed of small rocky bodies,four gas giant outer planets,and a second belt,the Kuiper belt,composed of icy objects.Beyond the Kuiper belt is the scattered disc,the heliopause,and ultimately the hypothetical Oort cloud.
初3的话,第2 篇比较有深度
We live in a pace called the solar system.The sun is the hottest.The moon is smaller than the earth.the jupiter is the biggest plant in the solar system and it is the heaviest.pluto is the smallest.pluto is usually the furthest,but neptune is sometimes the furthest.venus is nearest to the earth.mercury is nearest to the sun.That's all!
The Solar System (or Solar system,solar system[a]) consists of the Sun and those celestial objects bound to it by gravity.These objects are the eight planets and their 166 known moons;[1] three dwarf planets and their four known moons; and billions of small bodies,including asteroids,Kuiper belt objects,comets,meteoroids,and interplanetary dust.
In broad terms,the charted regions of the Solar System consist of the Sun,four terrestrial inner planets,an asteroid belt composed of small rocky bodies,four gas giant outer planets,and a second belt,the Kuiper belt,composed of icy objects.Beyond the Kuiper belt is the scattered disc,the heliopause,and ultimately the hypothetical Oort cloud.
初3的话,第2 篇比较有深度
- 1翻译 the clock on the wall
- 2一个木加一个秋是什么字
- 3有一块梯形稻田,它的上底长40米,下底是上底的2倍,高比上底长10米,求这块稻田的面
- 4已知禄复数z=x-2i,且z^2为纯虚数,则实数x=
- 5( )风再猛,雨再大( )挡不住我们前进的步伐 填关联词
- 6解方程组百分之x+百分之y=百分之3.24 3000(百分之x+百分之y)- 3000(百分之x+百分之y)*百分之20=43.92
- 7100元钱我要买一百只鸡母鸡三元一只小鸡一元三只公鸡五元一只这样才能把他用一百元买一百只而每个都要买.
- 8联系课文和是生活实际,说说对“你们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的”这句话的理解?我要的是生活的故事?/
- 9梯形ABCD,E是AC与BD的交点,已知三角形AED面积是3,三角形CDE面积是1,求梯形ABCD的面积?
- 10世界上最适合人类居住的星球(除地球)
- 1证明:两条平行线被第三条直线所截,一对同旁内角的平分线互相垂直.(要求写出已知、求证,并画出图形)
- 2什么是斜率?曲线上一点的斜率如何计算?是从原点到该点的连线?还是该点的切线?
- 3x的n次方等于25,y的n次方等于4,xy的负2n次方的值
- 4同样温度下,燃点低的物质先燃烧?
- 5翻译一句英语句子时 一句子有主语谓语宾语状语 因该怎么排列
- 6以下关于摩擦起电的说法中正确的是:轻小的物体
- 7rain的形容词是什么
- 8在4点多钟时,钟表上的时针和分针在同一直线上且方向相反,这时是4点( )分
- 9比马里亚纳海沟更深的地方,是哪儿?
- 10如果X1 ,X2是方程X平方-5X+3=0的两个根,那麼X1+X2=?X1X2?1/X1+1/X2=?X1平方+X2平方=?