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英文译中文 Liu Hu-Lan
.On January 12, 1947, Liu Hu-lan, a fifteen-year-old girl, was publicly executed by Kuomintang troops in Wenchow, a small village in Shansi province.She had refused to betray the patriots with whom she had worked to free her people from feudal and foreign domination.
On the eve of May 1, 1951,four years after her death,her mother, Hu Wen-hsiu, wrote a public letter urging all mothers and daughters to sign the appeal for a Five-Power Peace Pact and to vote against the rearmament of Japan. Thousands of replies poured in as a result of this appeal. Among them was a letter from a group of Chinese people's volunteers in Korea, which said, "Dear Mother:We were greatly moved when we read your let-ter. We hate the enemy;we pledge to fight with the same iron will as Liu Hu-lan.We will not stop until we have avenged her death and the deaths of millions of other innocent people and driven the enemy from our borders".


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