The R-S Flip-Flop.We can realize the latch function with standard logic gates.Fig.4.17 shows a latch constructed from tow NOR gates.The output of each NOR provides one of the inputs for the other NOR.The other inputs are labeled S(for SET) and R(for RESET).The outputs are labeled Q and Q’ because the latch provides complementary outputs.This circuit,called an R-S flip-flop,is similar in its operation to the bistable in Fig.4.16(b).
Let us consider that R and S are both 0 but that Q’ is 1.In this case of the inputs to NOR1 is 1 and hence its output(Q) is 0.This is consistent with the assumption that Q’ is 1,which implies that both inputs to NOR2 are 0.By symmetry,the latch will also be stable with Q=1 and Q’=0.
The R-S Flip-Flop.We can realize the latch function with standard logic gates.Fig.4.17 shows a latch constructed from tow NOR gates.The output of each NOR provides one of the inputs for the other NOR.The other inputs are labeled S(for SET) and R(for RESET).The outputs are labeled Q and Q’ because the latch provides complementary outputs.This circuit,called an R-S flip-flop,is similar in its operation to the bistable in Fig.4.16(b).
Let us consider that R and S are both 0 but that Q’ is 1.In this case of the inputs to NOR1 is 1 and hence its output(Q) is 0.This is consistent with the assumption that Q’ is 1,which implies that both inputs to NOR2 are 0.By symmetry,the latch will also be stable with Q=1 and Q’=0.
R-S 啪嗒啪嗒的响声.我们能体会门闩作用以标准逻辑门.Fig.4.17 显示一个门闩被修建从拖曳Nor.gates .每个的产品亦不为其他提供输入的当中一个亦不.其它输入被标记S(for 被设置) 和R(for 被重新设置) .产品被标记Q 和...
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- 2已知全集为U,集合A.B.C是U的子集,且满足A∪B=U,A∪C=U,A的补集包含于C,则:
- 3用描写人物的方法写一个特点鲜明的人,如
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- 6We can( play on the slide) there.(划线提问) We like dancing (in the music room.) (划线提问)
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