African catfish (30.71 ± 0.89g) were stocked at four different densities of 35,65,95 and 125 kg m-3 in 120L aerated tanks for 60 days,with one and a half tanks of water being renewed daily.The effects of stocking density were examined in growth performance,hematological and biochemical indices.Growth decreased with the increasing stocking density,and there is no significant difference between 35 kg fish m-3 and 65 kg fish m-3 treatments.Hematological and biochemical indices,including erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR),mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) values,serum ion levels and pH,were not affected by the stocking density.Consistent with the result of growth,no significant difference in red blood cell (RBC) count,the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC),hemoglobin (Hb) and Hematocrit (Hct) values were observed between 35 kg fish m-3 and 65 kg fish m-3 treatments.In conclusion,the optimal densities (35 - 65 kg fish m-3) were reco
African catfish (30.71 ± 0.89g) were stocked at four different densities of 35,65,95 and 125 kg m-3 in 120L aerated tanks for 60 days,with one and a half tanks of water being renewed daily.The effects of stocking density were examined in growth performance,hematological and biochemical indices.Growth decreased with the increasing stocking density,and there is no significant difference between 35 kg fish m-3 and 65 kg fish m-3 treatments.Hematological and biochemical indices,including erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR),mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) values,serum ion levels and pH,were not affected by the stocking density.Consistent with the result of growth,no significant difference in red blood cell (RBC) count,the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC),hemoglobin (Hb) and Hematocrit (Hct) values were observed between 35 kg fish m-3 and 65 kg fish m-3 treatments.In conclusion,the optimal densities (35 - 65 kg fish m-3) were reco
- 1The nuts are 18 yuan a packet.(18 yuan a packet划线提问) How much ____ ___ ___?
- 2在水溶液中,一般不与其它物质发生复分解反应,这种物质是下列中的( ) A.KCl B.NaNO3 C.HNO3 D.Mg(OH)2
- 3"口"字中有一个字,且把这个字推出来,变成另外一个字的字有哪些 如:困,把木退出来,变成杏
- 4谁来帮我改一下英语作文
- 51亩等于多少平方米?1公亩等于多少平方米?1公亩等于多少亩?
- 6高一地理必修一大气环流后一张那几个带的分布 例如赤道低气压带 的分布 在夏至日 冬至日有何不同
- 7已知函数f(x)=x的平方+2ax+2,求f(x)在[-4,4]上的最小值
- 8等腰三角形的底边长为20,面积为10033,求这个三角形各角的大小.
- 9一个体积为10cm3的正方体铁块,所受到的重力为几N(P铁=7.9kg3,g取10N/kg),现在就要啊
- 10求作文《都是___惹的祸》