高中英语演讲稿 Should we celebrate foreign festival? 要求2min-2.5min 要快,急用
Should we celebrate foreign festival?
Nowadays,Western festivals such as Christmas and Valentine's Day are gaining increasing popularity in China,especially among college students.But whether we should celebrate these festivals has become a subject of heated discussion.
Some believe celebrating Western festivals is a sign of globalization.They argue that China needs to take in various foreign cultures so as to blend into the modern world.And celebrating Western festivals is a good opportunity for the Chinese to know more about other cultures.However,others believe that the Western festivals threaten a kind of cultural aggression.Therefore,we should drive them out lest they should undermine our traditional culture.
In my opinion,as college students,we should preserve the traditional Chinese culture as well as stay open to Western ones.Therefore,while laying emphasis on Chinese festivals,we could also absorb foreign elements.
Nowadays,Western festivals such as Christmas and Valentine's Day are gaining increasing popularity in China,especially among college students.But whether we should celebrate these festivals has become a subject of heated discussion.
Some believe celebrating Western festivals is a sign of globalization.They argue that China needs to take in various foreign cultures so as to blend into the modern world.And celebrating Western festivals is a good opportunity for the Chinese to know more about other cultures.However,others believe that the Western festivals threaten a kind of cultural aggression.Therefore,we should drive them out lest they should undermine our traditional culture.
In my opinion,as college students,we should preserve the traditional Chinese culture as well as stay open to Western ones.Therefore,while laying emphasis on Chinese festivals,we could also absorb foreign elements.
- 1将碳酸钠晶体和碳酸氢钠的混合物ng溶于水制成200mL溶液,钠离子的物质的量浓度为0.5mol•L-1,若将ng该混合物用酒精灯加热至质量不再改变时,得到的固体物质的质量可能是( ) A.3.1g
- 2将一个高为24cm的圆柱体铁块熔成一个等底的圆锥体,圆锥体的高为( )cm
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- 7△ABC中,AB>AC,AD,AE分别是BC边上的中线和∠A的平分线,则AD和AE的大小关系是 AD_AE
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- 9英语翻译
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- 1将一个棱长是20厘米的正方体铁块放入盛满水的长方体水槽中.已知这个长方体的长、宽、高分别是50厘米、25厘米、40厘米,当把正方体铁块取出时,水槽中的水面高多少厘米?
- 2求高中化学反应方程式规律,
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- 4疾字用部首查字法先查什么部,再查几画,用音序查字法先查音序( )再查音节( ).
- 51981*1982*.1998的积,除以17,余数是
- 6若(a的2次幂-3a-1)+A=a的2次幂-a+4,则A=______
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