【摘 要】:饮食对于中国人来说,不仅是解决温饱问题,更是融入我们的血液里.中国餐饮文化博大精深,在这样一个国土辽阔的国家里,由于人文习俗,气候,地方特产,烹饪方法的不同,演变出了鲁,川,苏,粤,浙,闽,湘,徽八大菜系.现代便利的交通与先进的科技,让我们突破了时间、空间的限制,随时随地可以品尝到各地美食.同时外国的餐饮文化也进入了我们的生活.我们的身边,出现了以麦当劳,肯德基为代表的外国连锁餐饮业.令人意外的是,在这片中华餐饮文化孕育的厚土里,西式连锁餐饮文化凭借先进的技术与管理,成功的进入中国市场,获得可观的市场份额.
【摘 要】:饮食对于中国人来说,不仅是解决温饱问题,更是融入我们的血液里.中国餐饮文化博大精深,在这样一个国土辽阔的国家里,由于人文习俗,气候,地方特产,烹饪方法的不同,演变出了鲁,川,苏,粤,浙,闽,湘,徽八大菜系.现代便利的交通与先进的科技,让我们突破了时间、空间的限制,随时随地可以品尝到各地美食.同时外国的餐饮文化也进入了我们的生活.我们的身边,出现了以麦当劳,肯德基为代表的外国连锁餐饮业.令人意外的是,在这片中华餐饮文化孕育的厚土里,西式连锁餐饮文化凭借先进的技术与管理,成功的进入中国市场,获得可观的市场份额.
Abstract: For chinese,the diet does not just mean resolving the food and shelter problem. It
is a part of our blood.Chinese culinary culture is broad and profound. In such a country
with vast land, there are eight major cuisines respectively named Lu,Chuan,Su,Yue,Zhe,Min,Xiang and Hui because of the
difference of culture, custom,climate, local specialty and cooking method. In modern times,
with the convenient transportation and advanced technology we break the time and space
limitation and can enjoy foods from all the regions in China at any time any where . At the
same time, foreign culinary culture get into our life. Foreign chain catering industry
represented by Mcdonald's and KFC appear at our side. Surprisingly, they successfully get
into chinese market and gain a substantial market share depending on advanced technology and management.
is a part of our blood.Chinese culinary culture is broad and profound. In such a country
with vast land, there are eight major cuisines respectively named Lu,Chuan,Su,Yue,Zhe,Min,Xiang and Hui because of the
difference of culture, custom,climate, local specialty and cooking method. In modern times,
with the convenient transportation and advanced technology we break the time and space
limitation and can enjoy foods from all the regions in China at any time any where . At the
same time, foreign culinary culture get into our life. Foreign chain catering industry
represented by Mcdonald's and KFC appear at our side. Surprisingly, they successfully get
into chinese market and gain a substantial market share depending on advanced technology and management.
- 1忽有庞然大物,拔山倒树而来,盖一癞蛤蟆.这句话描写蛤蟆扑来的情状,是从上文找出和句子中加点字相呼应
- 2函数f(x)=x^3-3/2x^2-6x,求f(x)极值点及极值,
- 3某房间有4个人,那么至少有2个人生日是同一个月的概率是多少?(列式表示)
- 4学校买奖品,若一支钢笔和两本笔记本为一份净瓶,则可买60份奖品;若以一支钢笔和三本笔记本为一份奖品,
- 5【化学】离子浓度比较的问题
- 6方程sinπx2=以a为底x的对数(a>0且a≠1 )恰有三个不相等的实根,则 答案是a ∈(1|7,1|3)∪(5,9)
- 7蔚蓝的王国中,描写了哪些画面?
- 8终究还是一个人 翻译成英语
- 9鸡回笼早,天气晴好;鸡回笼迟,大雨将至.
- 10陋室铭中龙和仙比喻什么
- 1氨基酸与氨基酸脱水缩合所形成的为什么叫“几肽”
- 2铜元素的摩尔质量为63.5g/mol,密度为8.9*10^3kg/m^3,若每个铜原子有一个自由电子,
- 3翳--这个字怎么念?怎么组词?
- 4月亮为什么有时看起来是黄的?有时看起来是白的?
- 5影响生物资源分布的因素
- 6一、词类活用
- 7设f(x)是定义在R上的函数,对任意x,y∈R,恒有f(x+y)=f(x)·f(y),当x>0时,有0
- 8动不违时 财不过用 翻译
- 9甲工人接到120个零件的加工任务,工作一小时后,因为要提前完成任务,请来乙工人合作,共同做了3小时完成,已知甲每小时比乙少做5个零件.则甲乙工人每小时各做几个零件?
- 10对机床工作台平面度误差测量有什么要求?