if you treat your wife as queen,she will treat you as king,is that true?
in positive way of thinking,it's right,you always encourage your wife and nurture her,
she will feedback.when you sow seeds in her,you will get good result,if you don't sow seed,how can you reap harvest?but in negative way,you always think it's impossible for her to do good to you.that depends on your mentality,is it right?it's a test to show how you handle a thing.
in positive way of thinking,it's right,you always encourage your wife and nurture her,
she will feedback.when you sow seeds in her,you will get good result,if you don't sow seed,how can you reap harvest?but in negative way,you always think it's impossible for her to do good to you.that depends on your mentality,is it right?it's a test to show how you handle a thing.
Depends!Everyong has his/her own thoughts,you cannot say all the wives will treat their hushands as King if their husbands treat them as Queen.There's no 100% yes or no.It depends on that person's background,education,attitude,what kind of environment she's in,and so on.
So the question is not absolutely true,but not false either.
So the question is not absolutely true,but not false either.
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