1.High-technology marvels keep going awry lately—in cyberspace,where hackers have shown they can crash virtually any Web site any time,in real space,where the nation’s $60 billion missile defense system can’t hit a target,and down on plain old earth,where the most wondrous new bridge anywhere has been vibrating like a guitar string.
2.The bridge designer must build on centuries of accumulated experience about what can go wrong with such structures in a thousand big and little ways,and when he decides to innovate,he can only extrapolate from that experience and calculate and hope.
3.“We have searched and consulted worldwide on this,and apart from one possible case in Japan,of a bridge that joined a football stadium to a railway station,this appears to be completely new.”
4.Why don’t people know how to build a bridge by now,even if it is a novel “blade of light” design,with suspension cables strung unconventionally alongside the walkway instead of ov
1.High-technology marvels keep going awry lately—in cyberspace,where hackers have shown they can crash virtually any Web site any time,in real space,where the nation’s $60 billion missile defense system can’t hit a target,and down on plain old earth,where the most wondrous new bridge anywhere has been vibrating like a guitar string.
2.The bridge designer must build on centuries of accumulated experience about what can go wrong with such structures in a thousand big and little ways,and when he decides to innovate,he can only extrapolate from that experience and calculate and hope.
3.“We have searched and consulted worldwide on this,and apart from one possible case in Japan,of a bridge that joined a football stadium to a railway station,this appears to be completely new.”
4.Why don’t people know how to build a bridge by now,even if it is a novel “blade of light” design,with suspension cables strung unconventionally alongside the walkway instead of ov
- 1so will i 和 so i will 有啥区别
- 2已知函数y=lg(4-x)的定义域为A,集合B={x|x<a},若P:“x∈A”是Q:“x∈B”的充分不必要条件,则实数a
- 3函数f(x)=-x2+2ax+1-a在区间[0,1]上有最大值2,求实数a的值.
- 4化学题:60℃甲物质溶解度为60/g 将80g甲物质放入100g水中,所得溶液溶质质量分数是多少
- 5点p在第二现象内,若该点到x轴的距离为根号3,到y轴的距离为1,则点p的坐标是多少
- 6we like those yellow vests.(变成一般疑问句)
- 7A,B,C,D空间四点,在三角形ABC中,AB=2,AC=BC=根号2,等边三角形ADB以AB为轴转动.1.当平面ADB⊥平面ABC时,求CD; 2.当△ADB转动时,是否总有AB⊥CD?证明你的
- 8几道数学题,希望可以连同算式写下来.
- 9冰冻时为什么要在路面撒盐可以防滑?
- 1018th or 19th centuries 为什么用复数?而不是18th or 19th century.
- 1用英语简单介绍春天(小学水平)
- 2(1)小华的身高是1.6米,他的影长是2.4米.如果在同一时间,
- 3平行四边形的对角线是不是等于平行四边形的周长
- 4依靠昆虫进行传粉的花叫( )花,其主要特征是花朵( ),有的具有芳香的( ),有的还能够产生甘甜的( ).
- 5请问图书馆星期一不开门呀?
- 6如果关于X的方程X²-2(1-K)X+K²=0有实数根α,β,那么α+β的取值范围是多少?
- 7X=8+46是方程吗?
- 8文言文《童趣》的意思.写了那些趣事?
- 9用四舍五入法取下列各数的近似值: (1)3.844×105≈_(精确到万位); (2)289876≈_(精确到万位); (3)5.6999≈_(精确到百分位); (4)199.05≈_(精确到十分位)
- 10一个长方体十二条棱长之和是120厘米,长是宽的1.5倍,高比宽多2.5倍求宽